It is Sometimes OK Not to be OK


We all have problems.

We need to be strong.

We have our duties and we have our dreams.

These are often at odds with each other.


Sometimes we don't feel that all is well with us.

It could be a physical affliction - but rather I am more inclined to refer to the emotional and psychological ills that we might experience.

Things like feelings of rejection. Feelings of inadequacy.

Doubt in one's abilities or one's worth.

It can be quite unnerving to look upon the path you have taken and have yourself ask whether it was truly worth the while.

It can be frustrating to look across chasms toward goals and achievements that one wishes to attain - only to repeatedly fall to the hurdles and the distance that divides.


It is like wearing a ludicruous amount of weight upon one's body while one goes about one's business.

It gets one down.

We end up sabotaging ourselves also.

We believe the worst of ourselves - even if the fallacy involved is complete.

Such is the flipside of being gifted with intelligence and imagination.


Reach out if and when you need to...

Forgive yourself of your failings, real or imagined...

You owe it to yourself to be your best ally.

Sometimes you are all you've got.


Do you feel that things are getting you down? Do you sometimes catch yourself acting against your own interests or wishes?

Do you have any comments that you would like to share? I look forward to getting into a discussion with you in the comments below below!

Also, if you found this post interesting and would like to share this with your followers and friends then a resteem is always appreciated.


Previous Post: Consistency Above Ethics. Ethics Above Law.


Its good you are trying to reach out. I honestly think not everything can be fixed on your own, you need honest feedback, debate, stuff you want and need to hear, and also stuff you dont want to hear at all from others.

Its difficult reaching out sometimes. Also the responses from your audience can me hurtfull I noticed, and while being sensitive and vulnarable this is exactly what you dont need.

Be strong my friend, there is a time and place for everything

I apologize for taking this long to get back to you.

Thank you, @karinxxl, both for your upvote as well as your timely comment.

I did not fully realize how down I was before I posted this - and so clearly I have something that needs to be sorted through. The first step shall be sleep - always a friend in these situtions. :c)

Thank you again. ^_^

Sleep is the best thing to start with! Without a well rested body and mind can never be well rested. After a good night of sleep you often you will see life in a whole different perspective.

No problem dude, I honestly think there is a listening ear in any channel in life..either real life, online, a family member, an neighbor, the dude next to you in the bar. There is always somebody who relates!!

Take care!

Reach out if and when you need to...

I have been practicing doing that because I still find reaching out and speaking out the real problem is difficult. I might be writing it down and share it with public but there are details that I omit for my own privacy.

Sometimes, it's very difficult to tell people and be vulnerable because my pride won't let me. Overtime, I am learning to reaching out people to let it all out and forget.

It's becoming tell and forget. I am happy about that!

Be well @pathforger and have a great day :))

Thank you kindly, @macchiata, both for your upvote and for your welcome comment. :c)

Yes, this post does kind of send mixed messages but the main takeaway is that there is little point in suffering in silence. We all need a hand sometimes and it is often a good idea to reach out.

And very true, people tend to prefer avoid showing their vulnerabilities. Its a remnant of our survival instinct that manifests also in a fair number of animals. Cats, for instance, go to some measures to ensure that others do not notice that they are not well (and a cat that shows it tends to be very unwell).

Tell and forget is a nice way to go about things.

Be well also @macchiata and take care. :c)

Now @pathforger my friend - what is wrong??
You are obviously an intelligent person and being stuck in the drudgery of day-to-day can be hard. Still, whether on this blog site or in other ways, you are reaching out to people and making a difference. You can get as intellectual as you like about life's hardships. The answer is to keep the answers to any problems simple and keep it happy 😄...

Thank you, @mysecondself01, both for your upvote and your kind comment. :c)

I've been in a bit of a rut as of late and I'm not sure if its just being temporarily struck down with illness. I have discarded a good three potential posts today because I didn't feel them to be good enough. This one kind of got through because I wanted to make something of a lesson of it...

Thank you for your advice. :c)

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