7-Day Black and White Photo Challenge - Day 4

It is true, I have been nominated by @jedau for the Black and White challenge.

Day 4


Here are the rules:

~7 black & white images that represent an aspect of your life

~Present one image every day for seven days

~No people

~No explanation

Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in, be sure to use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five.

Today I nominate @splendorhub!!

If you want to join in on the fun, let me know in the comments section!

If you'd like to see more like this, please follow me @allstarrunner!

Please check out some of my other art:

@allstarrunner @allstarrunner @allstarrunner @allstarrunner
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Your photography is really amazing.

@allstarrunner hi there, thank you for the nomination :) this should be fun! Best wishes.

The movement of the horses on the paper really comes through in this shot. I bet it's a great piece to look at in person.

yeah I really like it; got it in Malaysia

You've traveled to many places. What other interesting pieces do you have from your adventures?

Just posted a new picture from a new place :)
Ironically, I don't actually travel very much....other than 6 months I spent in SE Asia (my parents currently live in Malaysia)

I can tell you that's a lot farther than I've ever been. That's cool, thanks for sharing. Going to look at your new pic...

It is amazing over there, I highly recommend you make it to SE Asia sometime if you get the chance. Have you ever traveled abroad?

Not yet! I've got a long list of places yet to go ☺

You missed Day 4 to make it consecutive, didn't you? Haha There's no harm in that, especially with a photo like this. Wow! This looks great? Did you paint this? Looks like those magnificent ukiyo-e that really tugs on my art strings haha I can hear the hooves galloping on the ground. This really looks magnificent, brother!

I pretty much knew from the beginning they weren't going to be consecutive days lol I saw it more as an opportunity to post something on days I wouldn't normally have something to post :)

I wish I had painted this, I got it from a street vendor when I was over in Malaysia. Definitely one of my favorite things!

Either way, it is gorgeous to look at. Was I right? Is it a Japanese painting?

Breaking them apart into days where you have nothing to post is good too. I had wanted to do that last week, but it kept nagging at me that I was going to miss a day haha

I actually think it is Chinese, but....I could be wrong on that....
I felt that feeling at first, but once I missed the first day, it was gone lol

No, no, no. I think you're right. The characters aren't Japanese. For some reason, I'm just leaning towards the style, but I do remember a lot of Chinese art looking like that.

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