Little Cherine Book 01 - BPost048

If only I could have pulled off something really impressive…that takes money though.” I sat with my head in my hands.

Previous Post 047


“What do you mean something impressive?”

“You heard of that show I put on in Cyprus at a deserted beach where there were only a few people? Something like that, but in front of hundreds or thousands. Boy, would that cause a stir!”

“You need equipment?”

“Equipment!! What are you talking about?” I tapped my head. “I need this! A few bits and pieces to help with the illusion, but nothing anyone would see as props. What for though? I would not gain one cent.”

“Show me, let me see something…maybe if you convince me, I could find a way to put some money in your pocket.”

I stared at him without speaking, silently communicating. Then I pointed up into the air above us. A golden glow appeared and out of it began to appear the form of a golden girl, her hair swirling as she floated. I had changed Wendy so that she would not be recognisable. The glow brightened and she faded into it and the glow gradually got smaller until it disappeared also.

Breathless he stood staring and I could swear he was trembling with excitement.

“Before I leave the room, search me, be sure I have no equipment on me. No one will enter this room until you have finished searching it. You will not find any equipment. I can do this at an instants notice anywhere. Call me when you are ready.” I raised my arms for him to search me.

He was thorough and when I went to the bedroom he spent over forty minutes searching. Of course he found nothing.

“Mr Spetses we are getting hungry, are you …”

“My name is Petsas” he shouted angrily, “Spetses is an island!”

“Okay, okay. Are you going to be much longer?”

He said we could come out. He wanted to carry on talking. I refused.

“You want to talk? I gave you a demo, you want to talk, I think I earned a good supper for my wife and me. Then we can talk.”

“You want dinner?” He walked back to the coffee table and picked up my artwork. “I will buy these. Here.” He stuck out some money. At a glance I could see it was less than one of them was worth - not that it mattered, I would not sell him even one at any price, not even if I really was hard up, but he had offered me the opportunity I was waiting for.

“You dare to insult me. Get out.”

I opened the front door, refusing to talk any further. He left.

“Robert, change back. I don’t like seeing you like that.”

I grinned, narrowing my eyes, “What Cherine? You don’t like my ratty little eyes?” When I realised how it upset her I changed back, not forgetting to also change Dommi. Now the rest of the girls came for a hug.

“Wendy that was great! Thanks.” I gave her a special hug and kiss. She giggled.

“Did you see his face?”

I nodded, “I think he is hooked. We will have to wait and see.”

Cherine told me, “I put a link to him Robert. A very weak one, just so that I will know if he leaves Greece.”


“I would not have asked that of you my love. Thanks anyway.”

That night we slept huddled to each other, even the babies insisting on being with us. During the night I awoke to Cherine crying in her sleep. Gently I woke her.

“A nightmare my love?” She kept her head to my chest, her face buried in my armpit. “Tell me love. What is it?” They were all awake now, silent, but I felt they were sending her their understanding and love. I didn’t want to look in her mind. “Am I the only one who does not understand? Please tell me.”

She was still crying, but she raised her head and showed her courage by looking me in the eyes as she replied. “I feel it Robert. You feel dirty inside.”

Numbly I stared back at her. With my eyes I acknowledged her comment. “Go back to sleep. What must be done will be done.”

We had thought he might speak to Themi and that was what he did. Themi of course knew the full plan so he played along. This is the gist of the conversation they had as he told it to us later, though he claims he did not allow Petsas to sense his amusement.

“I met your ‘angel’ Professor. I do not understand why you did not search him out yourself since you must have known where to find him.”

“I have met him Mr Petsas. I did not believe he was a genuine talent. All you have to do is look at those small rat eyes of his to know that.”

“Did you know he is an artist? I saw his work, it is very good. Talent does not only come to good looking people Professor.”

“Are you trying to tell me he is genuine?”

“May I tell you about a demonstration he made for me?” He told him about the three dimensional golden girl floating above him, his awe still evident and Themi could not find it in his heart to disagree with the reverence Petsas showed for Wendy when he spoke of her beauty and aetheric presence, almost within touching distance, and how he had searched the room, which was almost empty anyway. He had even examined the walls and ceiling, looking for tiny holes from where I might have projected the image.

“He says he could do it again at any place of our choosing, without having been there before.”

“Then why hasn’t he?”

“It seems the publicity from last time cost him his customers. He is now desperate. He even insisted I pay for supper if I wanted to talk to him.”

“I hope you did not.”

“Of course not. It must not be said I have any reasons other than my interest in science. I may be an amateur, but I would not prejudice any tests in such a crass way.”

“That is good. How would you get him to demonstrate at a place of our choice?”

“You can leave that to me.”

“How about somewhere in the open? Hmm, would the beach at Phaliron be acceptable. I will pinpoint it exactly twenty four hours in advance. We will have to be careful that he has no way to plant any props or equipment beforehand.”


Petsas was visibly excited as he saw his dream coming true. “Understood. Professor, this is a delicate matter. You know my keen interest in matters of this sort and that I respect your standing in the community of parapsychological researchers, but I have sacrificed my time and had considerable expenses, so I must insist I am given the proper acknowledgement. It is not that I wish to exclude you, you understand, but you did have him in your backyard and did nothing about it. I think I deserve...”

“Mr Petsas. Please do not carry on. I am a scientist and I am too old to be worried about glory. You prove his powers and the glory and fame as his discoverer is all yours.”

He must have thought an extra day of hunger and worry would make me more amenable, so he only called at the house two days later.

“I am surprised to see you back Mr…”

“Petsas. I am willing to talk a deal with you. May I come in?”

I could feel, thanks to Cherine, that he had come prepared to impose impossible conditions. We had to do something to excite him, to make him forget his cunning plans and concentrate on the glory to come.

As we sat I leaned back, a lazy smile on my lips. “The floor is all yours.”

As I spoke a small ball of golden light lit the ceiling. As it grew the whole room seemed to reflect it. It faded to the sight of the golden-haired girl dressed in silk which floated around her. She was curled into a ball and as her limbs straightened out and her hair fanned he saw her exquisite face and the outline of her delicate body. She looked to be about eighteen and of course bore no resemblance to Wendy, as she is or as she will ever be (Wendy loved the way she looked and, afterwards, asked to change herself to look that way for real). As she floated she softly hummed, careful not to sing her kind of songs. Gradually translucent wings unfurled so that their span was almost from wall to wall. Her eyes focussed on him and then closed as she surrounded herself in the glow and disappeared. He cried out as if to call her back and hastily crossed himself.

“You had something to suggest Mr Spetsas?”

He took his time recollecting himself. With a determined shake of his head he looked at me. “That was a deliberate exhibition to wet my appetite even further. How did you get her to focus her eyes on me?”

“Perhaps there is more to illusion than you thought?” I taunted him.

“Perhaps. I can tell you do not like me. It does not matter, very few people do. You have a talent and I am the vehicle you need to make you famous.”

I interrupted him. “No, I do not want fame. Just one exhibition, under any conditions you stipulate, wherever you want. You do not even need to tell me where until the last minute. Then I am gone. I disappear. You do not try to find me again.”

It was obvious he had no intention of allowing that to happen, but he obviously decided that if I could be bought once, he could buy me again. I think he was more worried that I might get too greedy, and he does not like paying more than the absolute minimum for what he gets.

He made soothing motions with his hands. “Please, calm down. You will be quite pleased with my offer. I am a generous man as you will see, you do not need to think of me as your enemy, I am here to help you benefit from your amazing talents.”

Cherine made a raspberry sound in my mind and I smiled as the others echoed her. “Show me how generous Mr Spetsas.”

I knew I was provoking him by not pronouncing his name correctly, but he knew it too and refused to allow it to goad him anymore, especially as he thought he was going to get what he wants, thinking he has found my buttons. He smiled expansively. “To the tune of five thousand dollars Roberto.”

“First of all, I am Mr Teller to you. Secondly, it is not generous, it is insulting. I think you better leave right now.”

“Not generous, for one demonstration? One night, one hour of work for five thousand is not generous!!”


“It is not the time that counts - what counts is what it is worth to you. I also checked up on you. An amateur who wants to make a name as a paranormal researcher. Not just the typical man of wealth, but also an aspiring man of intellect. I hear you also have a good collection of art work. I am worth a great deal more to you.”

“How much?”

“I need the figure you quoted to live one month. I want six months.”

“That is thirty thousand!! Are you crazy?”

“No. But maybe you are crazy enough to pay it.” I slyly replied. His eyes were hard a moment and then he laughed.

“Thirty thousand then. No extras though. It covers everything and I pay you after the show.”

“Mr Spetsas, we come from the same kind of world. Do I really look that stupid. Twenty thousand now plus a cheque for the balance payable afterwards. You stop the cheque I will find you and cut your balls off.” My bloodthirsty girls cheered, except for Cherine who was instantly on red alert.

“No. No cheques. Half now, half afterwards. That is the usual.”

“No. Costs plus half. So that comes to twenty now.”

We closed the deal at seventeen thousand five hundred now and the balance later. He wanted at least a week of publicity so we agreed the date of the exhibition as being the 25th of July.

“One thing I make clear right now. Word gets out that I paid you even one cent and I will have your balls cut off.”

“Condition expected and understood. And you too, remember, nobody is to know who I am or where I live.” He gave me five hundred dollars and agreed to meet me the next day to give me the balance in cash.

As he left, the girls come back in and Alki and family came over. The girls were jubilant.

“Robbie, thirty thousand, that is a lot of money isn’t it?”

“Oh yes Diana love, it is a lot. Not that I will see it.”

“What do you mean?” I saw Alki staring at me through his thick eyebrows, but he did not speak.

“What we get tomorrow is it! Afterwards the shit will hit the fan and he will leave. It is a pity, I wish I could have got a lot more. Girls the money is not ours. We find which of his victims he made the money from are in the direst need and share it out amongst them.”

Dommi was the first to kiss me.

“That dirty feeling you had? It is not so bad now. It will not make me cry again.” Cherine hugged me and my heart swelled at the love I was receiving from them all. When Alki and Marian hugged me too I knew this was the final blessing I’d needed.

I put my arms around her. “Dommi. You have not said a word, yet you are the one who will bear the brunt of this fiasco. All your friends, your family, how will you bear facing them when I am accused of being a fraud?”

“With pride, I will know the truth.”

“It is not enough. Not where your family is concerned. I think we should talk to your parents, tell them the truth, that though there will be shame it will be for a good cause, to trap an evil man.”


“Dominique, Roberto, leave this to me. I am an old friend. I will talk to them.”

“May I suggest you have Nicko there also? It was his idea after all.”

“A good idea. Rest your mind my sweet girl, I will talk to them. They will understand and be proud of you, even of your Roberto.”

Spending nearly two weeks like this was not at all pleasant but at least the girls were able to be with me since they could vanish instantly. Alki had his people finish and test the equipment I had asked for, which I hope I will not need if all goes according to plan, or rather, if Petsas behaves according to his character, while I concentrated on my work and finished my design for the latest site. At my suggestion, my work will no longer carry my signature, just the name of the company. My fans will recognise my work anyway and the change is bound to intrigue them, causing some talk.

When I had insisted Petsas does not reveal my name or address, I had done so, depending on his ambitions forcing him to break my conditions. He did not disappoint me, Petsas made announcements to the press, not exactly disclosing my identity, but promising them interviews with me after the display of my powers. As momentum gathered, assisted by Themi, who ensured all the well known names in the field would be there, Petsas got bolder and even invited the public to watch. Television stations needed to set up cables and stands so they were obliged to announce the site, the exact part of the beach from where the world would be astounded by the first true display of paranormal power, as discovered by Petsas. His name became the best known name in Greece, even achieving a certain celebrity status in countries on the other side of the world.

This was wine to him of the most intoxicating kind and enabled me to get another seven and a half thousand out of him, making it a total of twenty five thousand dollars I now held for his previous victims.

I was looking forward to an evening relaxing with all my girls at my side when Dommi asked to spend the night at her parents, with the babies. I readily agreed. They had taken this whole thing very well and I felt they deserved the company of my three precious girls.

Then the other three came and asked if they could spend the night with Alki and Marian as they want to take them out. Of course I agreed, but asked Cherine to stay behind a moment. Soon as they were gone I turned on her.

“Okay. No evasions. Just tell me the truth. I know you too well, there is no way you would leave me alone. What are you planning.”

“Please Robert? ‘Private sign’?”

“All I need to know is this, will you be around?”

This shook her. “Robert my love. Are you okay?”

“Because I want you around? I don’t know, just that I have not been totally alone since…well, I don’t like it.”

“Wouldn’t you then prefer to have Wendy or Diana?”

“Are you pulling my leg? No baby, it is you I need to have close to me right now.”

Her eyes filled with tears and she disappeared. While I waited, I went for a shower and shave.

There was a knock on the door and I was startled to see Meli. “Why didn’t you ‘jump’ here as the others do?”

“Because tonight I wanted you to open the door to welcome me here.”

“Since you live in my heart how could you ever not be welcome.”


I pulled her to me, kissed her and shut the door behind her. She kept hold of my hand and pulled at me, leading me to the back garden. I raised an eyebrow in question.

“Tonight is a special night. A performance just for you and me. Come.”

We sat on the swing sofa and she cuddled up to me as tiny lights began to dart about. Wherever they touched the ground or lawn, plants grew swiftly and blossomed with the most colourful and exotic flowers. The scents came to us on the slight breeze and it was as if I have a slice of heaven in my backyard.

The pricks of light grew slightly and I saw that they were tiny fairies. A music grew, happy and with a tempo ideal for the fairies as they began to dance for us.

This was the stuff of dreams, the dreams only an innocent child could want to bring to life, but only the greatest of talents could create. They were of dreams that called to the child I once was. The music, simple though it was, danced through my mind and filled me with unearthly wistful yearnings. The music grew in depth and emotions, playing through me, my mind suddenly seeing a story in the dancing. Entranced I allowed myself to sink into this moment of magic, my sweet dream girl tightly held to me.

Now and then a fairy would, as part of its dance, come close enough for me to see its face and I saw the faces of all my girls, my babies included. The one I did not know I realised was Samantha. I was too far lost in my wonder, in my enchantment, to even question her presence. A lifetime later when the music, the dancers and the magical garden began to fade, I felt it had but lasted an instant and my heart cried out for them to return. Soft warm lips touched mine and stilled the cry.

As I held her in my arms and we kissed, my lips searching their way over her eyes, to every soft contour, I heard the music return and it was a song of love that is so pure only a baby could have loved that way. It was a love so deep and strong only a woman could have loved like this. It was a song of a love that is eternal, from before birth, through life and to after death. It was a love of every day, of every night and of those moments of dreams. It was a song of the love of my sweet dream girl, of my Meli so warm in my arms and heart.

Even after the song had faded, it lived within me and no words could be spoken. It followed on in the softness of kisses, in the magical soft warm skin and the breath and heartbeat of my Meli. I had been bound in a spell and the spell was the love in the heart of Meli. I knew that for however long I live with Meli, this moment of my Meli, this will last forever. This is the moment of perfection and such moments are made to shine on eternally. The dream quality that is of my Meli will have its own special place in my heart for all of time.

How that moment was transformed, how we found ourselves on the bed as I undressed her and my lips gave their tribute of adoration I do not remember. It just seemed to flow, our love a torrent that carried us within its own current.

This was not a night of technique, of calculating how to maximise the sensations for her. This was a dream where my lips found each perfect shape, where my hands were eyes that saw the beauty and sent it directly to my heart. The feel of her against my body, her shape following its own blind course over me, bringing to life every inch, softly igniting the flames till they were consuming me without the need for me to find release, just to carry on forever. I felt her own trance-like emotions that were building so that we became as one in our bodies and our hearts. Some distant part of me knew that Cherine was feeding us with each others emotions, but it was difficult to tell where hers ended and mine began. We melded, our feelings and senses as one, without having been one physically, for that time belongs to the future, then reaching that moment when love reaches its pinnacle of passion. A deep happiness reached out from deep within me. As she shared her lips and breath with me, her eyes grew heavy and she curled up in my arms and fell asleep, leaving me to ache with the beauty of her.

The magic of that night did not end there, not that I think it will ever end. Whenever I’d doze off I would stir out of my sleep to feeling, as in a dream, her body like a flame that never burnt and yet consumed me in a continuing passion. I honestly do not know how many times we actually loved and how many times it was a dream, if any distinction can be made. Sometimes I think she just came into my mind and made love to me there. I know that I did and it was a sweetness my body had never known before.


In the early hours of the morning, when my girls returned to my side, they were but extensions of our dream, warming us as they held tightly to us and let their hearts and bodies flow onto ours.

I had great difficulty in adjusting to the practical side of that day. The need to change my appearance was anathema. Even after we had risen and made breakfast, my eyes were glued to hers, as, softly my heart had spoken to all the girls, thanking them for the conspiracy and for the most magical night of my life.

They pulled me back to our bed and though the pleasures of their tender bodies were of a more earthly kind, that day became a gentle extension of the previous night. My babies were with, though Sam did not appear and I felt the emptiness of where she should be.

I was a bit uncomfortable when I first met Alki to give him the last work I had done. He took it with a grave expression and did not say a damn thing, just waiting for me to say something. I know the psychology behind that, but it still worked. I got very uncomfortable, but was determined to force him to speak first. Everyone was silent, sensing our contest of wills. He finally sighed.

“You are a stubborn…” he looked around at the room full of girls, “well, I want to know, when are you going to make an honest woman of my baby.” He did not get the reaction he expected. His choice of words had the whole room in fits of laughter, including Marian and Meli (who thankfully had changed herself before coming over, to an eighteen year old).

The laughter helped me regain my sense of humour. “You know how it is Alki. You only have one wife to consult, I have four. That could take forever. Then I still have to ask your daughter whether she wants to marry us. Maybe she was only looking for a fling. One night and ‘bye bye Robert’.” I stopped, a thought having occurred. “Can anyone advise me? Am I also expected to marry my own daughters while they are babies? Can they wait a bit longer?”

Alki did not respond. No one did. They all just stared at me. Whether it was shock, which may have been a small part of it, or just that they did not know, was not helpful. As I should have expected Tina and Rosie changed themselves into ten year olds and, oblivious of the fact that they were totally starkers, they walked up to me. Rosie had her hands on her hips, a mock aggressiveness in her stance, but Tina just put her hands in mine and asked, “Will you ask us please?”

“Ask you what love. If I should or ask you to marry us?”

“The second one would be nicer.”

I found that something inside me had changed. There was an inevitability to the whole scenario and I did not even protest. “Would you marry us?”

“No. Not now, thank you.”

Suddenly I was embarrassed, the little minx had made me walk straight into that one. Rosie was the first to relent.

“Daddy, you still have to ask Meli. We also want to wait for Sam. She would be hurt if she is left out.”

I turned to look at Alki and saw he had closed his eyes and was just shaking his head.

Marian intervened, “Alki love, stop doing that. You are only going to make them feel bad. We all knew this was going to happen, though I did not expect it to happen so fast. Robert had warned us from before. He never lied to us or pretended it would be otherwise.”

I could sense it was more than he could cope with. “But they are all babies. Marian they are even talking about a baby that is not born yet.”

“I know love.” Her hand covered his, rubbing it. “Sometime we will also have to change, or else Robert is going to end up marrying all our babies.”


I decided to throw some fuel into the fire. “If they are anything like Meli, it would be an honour and a pleasure.”

“Nai, a pleasure I am damn sure!!” He glowered at me. “No more. Basta! You hear me? You stay away from our babies.”

“Jesus! Don’t get angry Alki. I did not know how I was to handle the four I had and now it is eight. You think I want more? Please, you keep yours and you make them happy.” This touched a raw nerve, the subject still taboo. He has a fight to win against his own prejudices, but I could see Marian was going to make damn sure he won it.

“So, when can I expect your next work to be ready. We have clients who are beginning to moan.”

“With the shit hitting the fan in a few days, I will have to stay in hiding for a couple of months.” I tried to grin. “I guess you’ll get a lot of work out of me. I must also build up a nest egg, as who knows what else the future will bring.”

“You expect to be paid for this now - you are just trying to save that stupid pride of yours and not take money from your family. You do not have the gift of accepting graciously do you? Is it just vanity or you do not like to make others happy?”

Internally I cringed, but I fought back, “Harsh word Alki. I had not expected you to pay until the client has paid you. Dommi has already arranged a transfer of funds to my account, not that I have any objections to her paying the accounts from her own bank.”

“Roberto! I would never do that. A woman does not tell the world when she helps her husband. You must pay the accounts.”

“I think you must be of the last generation of women who thinks that way. Nowadays they see nothing wrong in it. Some would even get pleasure from showing the world that they are equals in that too, if not the superior ones!”

“Then they are stupid. If my man does not have pride, what kind of man is he? I would not want him.”

Marian spoke gently. “But what of your pride Dominique? Would you not feel good to be able to show the world, I too help my husband?”

“My pride is in seeing him stand tall, not in belittling him in the eyes of the world. When he is respected, am I not also? Then the opposite must also be true.”

“Would you come and kiss this husband who is standing very tall in his pride at having a woman like you?” The girls got out of the way and as she came to me, leaning over to kiss me, her face glowing, I pulled at her so that she sat on my lap. Then I kissed and held her to me.

Late that afternoon Cherine and I changed our appearance and ‘jumped’ as close to Aghia Napa as we could. We found them at a coffee shop, sitting with friends. Britta looked up and seeing us frowned a moment, then deciding, pulled at Andrea as we walked away. I was well pleased. For her to recognise us she must have some gift of her own, or be growing sensitive to us. We walked to the beach where they caught up with us.

“We heard of the problems you have. The newspapers have been full of this Mr Petsas. Hope it was not in any way because of us.”

I dismissed the subject. “Not you. Do you still want to become part of what we are?”

“Yes.” One simple word, without even knowing what we are. I smiled.

“Tonight go to your room together. Britta, let Cherine see your room from your mind, visualise it for her.” I gave her a moment to do so. “Close your eyes without sleeping. At about ten you will sense us calling to you. Do not fight it and do not try too hard. Just let yourselves relax and be willing to come. We are taking you dancing. Not what you think of as dancing. This will explain a lot to you and you will gain from it, whether you still wish to become part of us or not. I promise, you will never be pressured by us, the decision all the way will always be yours.”


They agreed solemnly, so I gave them a warning. “Afterwards, when you return to your bodies, you will feel the pull to return there. Do not try to return. Never alone. Once you are back in your bodies, the only way you can stabilise yourselves is by both being in the nude so that the touch of each other anchors you back in this world. You will be torn by the strongest sexual lust you have ever felt. Just enjoy it.”

Before they could get too embarrassed or reply, we vanished.

“How can you be so hard at times and strong, and yet be such a softie?”

“A lot of what I am I learnt from you, I used to only be a softie, which is not good. Cherine, you may not appreciate the truth, but you have often been my role model.”

“I am not really sure what that means, but I think it is supposed to be a compliment. Robert, are you sure tonight is a good night to go dancing, with tomorrow being the day you put on your show?”

“Could you think of a better time?”

She gave a little smile. “Okay. Just wanted to be sure.”

“Since you see into me my love, you are sure. I think it is you who is not convinced. What if we could not get together for a while, should we miss out and have to wait. Now that we can, we do.”

“But with so many of us for you to anchor afterwards, will you then have the strength to deal with Petsas as he deserves to be dealt with?”

“Just remember to get Meli over by us. During the dancing she must stay as a baby, for all we know, projecting an older body may actually weaken them, perhaps it needs more energy through the cord…I don’t know, but I don’t want to take any risks. She can change afterwards if she wants to. Same for our daughters.”

We had phoned everyone and they were all anxious to meet our new recruits. My pretence that there is an element of free will is just that, a pretence, and only our new recruits don’t know it. We all knew there was no chance anyone would refuse after having experienced the wonder of our dance and having seen the Kaleidoscope World - maybe even more than one tonight. For some, just the confirmation of having a soul is enough. As we grow in numbers, I’m certain other motivations will become apparent. For instance, with me, just knowing I can see my loves in the void as glorious souls is almost enough.

The elder son of Tasso, Nicholas, with the help of Cherine and his baby sister have become the ‘Cherine’ of their circle, as far as becoming the focus of gifts within their circle. He just might be able to form his own World, though I was hoping his father would manage to keep the leadership role. A mature mind, aware of the dangers of this world should be in control. I made sure Cherine understood my reasoning and his baby sister promised to see it works out that way. She also reassured me that her brother also wishes to have their father as their leader. Agapi is already blossoming, showing a lot of promise, but she has remained a lot more naïve than my girls.

“Cherine, I am worried. Why is it that no other circle, none of you have developed a protector. Surely if you can each have your own healers, you should be able to have your own protectors?”

“I have tried as hard as I can. I just can’t Robert, my healer does not know how to become a protector. It says it is not meant to be one. I’m sorry.”

“Not sorry love. If you cannot then there must be a reason, no need for you to feel bad or apologise.”


We were all gathered and it was time. We called them, with Cherine going to their minds to help. Britta came almost immediately, then Andrea. Soon as I saw her I knew I had been right. No way was that bright corona surrounding her nimbus normal. We helped stabilise them and explained. They watched the dancing and exchange kisses and then slowly they began to dance with each other. When she experienced her first exchange kiss and felt his love she rippled in her delight and we all shared in it.

I felt they were my responsibility and watched over and explained to them till I could not resist dancing with Meli. I would swear that though it should not be possible, there was a dreamy, mystical quality to our dance, to the exchange of our essence of love as souls. I gave again of my creativity and she shared in return of her magic of living in worlds of her imagination, her own creative motes. My daughters came at me from opposite directions and I folded them also within me, holding the three of them quartered around me. I waited for the final quarter. Sam was dancing with the circle of her mother, but she too felt the pull and was soon enfolded within me, filling the strange need for which I have no explanation. I was now in a state of grace, balanced in a flow of love.

Each of my baby girls remained a distinct identity, I had to be careful not to take as much as I gave and even in the giving I had to be parsimonious (φειδωλός). Too much and they could, I feared, become fixated on me as had Wendy.

As if my thought of her drew her, she waltzed in, in a descending orbit, and her tendrils were wispy aches of love that swirled around until they covered the babies and I. I saw she was spreading herself too thinly and pulled to one side, warning her. She came to with a pang of regret.

We were in danger now, too many of us, we could begin to implode into the metamorphosis without my full circle. Quickly Dommi, Cherine and Diana left their dances and closed in. As they immersed themselves, with a last quick warning to Britta and Andrea, we knew ourselves as one again.

I looked upon the work since my last joining and was pleased. At last it is time, with my help, and I called to Tasso and his family. I guided Nicholas and Agapi and Klo and Stella, and dazed at what was happening, they melded into Tasso and with the sight I have that goes so far deeper than of each individual entity, saw how they imploded into a worm hole and exploded again into a smaller but beautiful World of their own. Their I was jubilant and I sent greeting and welcomed them.

I looked upon the two new dancers and I was pleased. I sent them greetings and welcomed them, gently, so as not to frighten them. Robert has not done well to bring them so unprepared. Still, the qualities they bring augur well for the future. Britta is to have children of whose depth and beauty will be added to all the Circles, for they are different and will not lock their children within their circle. The talents which are to come from all the children will soon be a guarantee of continuance into the distant future - unless anything happens in the next eighty years or so to disturb the path we are on. I can sense the dangers, but cannot see them.

The Robert part of I wanted to know why there are no further protectors, but the future is shrouded on that. I do not know and was disturbed at this for a short while. The Cherine part reflected her pleasure at the fact that the Robert part is unique and I had to conclude we do not need another at present, for her instincts otherwise would have cried out for another protector.

I, my duty and pleasure of greeting over, turned inwards. I examined each of my parts and saw nothing that did not add to the joy of my existence. They still see Robert as the center of their orbits and it is good for now. Every wheel must have a hub. Time here brings them all closer to each other, each one to all, binding them without the dangers of any, baby or other, losing their essence of being. I called to the other I, advising it to return the parts and saw to their smooth transition. With regret I then called upon those of my parts to resume their own lives.

As usual, after being part of our World, the need to continue our dancing was no longer so strong, especially for me. We sent Britta with Andrea back with a promise that we will meet them soon as the dust has settled. Before they left, I explained the reason for my assuming the role of a fraud. As they were about to return, my healer and protector decided on their own to rejoin me, flaring me into a radiance that dazzled the others, though I myself could not tell. Awed now, the two of them faded to their own bodies.

I’m certain Themi was trying to tease me (hmm, with him a step-dad, should I make allowances?). “I see you have also taken Meli as part of your circle. What is the reason? I am presuming it was not out of your unquenchable thirst for tender young bodies?”

Next Post 049

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
6th April, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 6th April, 2019

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