
Theresa is deeply loved. Her stary is: she was an orphan in the Ukraine. The government of that time was not able to provide the orphanages enough money for them to feed the children an example, an arphanage with about 400 children, received a grant of $220. The children were mostly fed one rusk and a glass of milk, diluted by seventy percent water. These my friend are real facts I am speaking of.

The orphanages turned to child pornography and that is why in the 1990s there were so many Ukrainian Angels (as they called them). Theresa was known as the princess because of her fine features and a following built up. Secretly from most peadophiles, she was forced to take part in more and more explicit sex. She got pregnant and they did not arrange for her to abort, as they found there was an anormous reaction from the market.

They claimed they used the money generated to feed the rest of the children, but the truth is, the children all remained skeletons, while the officials and cops grew fatter.

Cherine happens to go to the orphanage and senses her. She pleads with Robert and he shows her the trust to deal with saving the girl while he stays in Cyprus, pretending to be concentrating on his game of backgammon.

It takes them many months to break through and only once Theresa has grown to dare to hope and love, does she ask Robert to stop her daughter from being raped. He tells her to picture in her mind where this would happen and arrives as they about to harm the baby. He loses it, goes totally berserk and kills the men.

Theresa explains she does not love her daughter, for she only serves to remind her of her rapes. Wisely they give her time and finally she grows to adore her little girl.

This was what the story was originally written for. To bring to life the suffering of the children. The message was 'it is okay to love children, but it is not okay to harm them by seducing or raping them'. For a long time I would get messages from readers, telling me of how they were presented with the opportunity to have child sex (in Central American countries, for instance) but because of Cherine they found they could not and only spent their money on trying to help the children.

Since I moved the story to a more general audinece, I have toned down the book, for there are many good people who would suffer if the suffering remains too vivid.

In the end, I did not help, for the globalists now want to legalise child sex. It grieves me to know that I will be leaving this world, with the world being such an uglier place than it ever has been before.

That is why I do not care what Trump does, the fact that he is fighting to stop it makes him special.

Sometimes I think people are what they are. Child rape is not something new it always happened just like raping and molesting women. It will never stop.
Even in those countries where it is forbidden like the Netherland, it now is allowed if you say it is in your country or your religion says, it is your habit or you are confused.
Men will always find an excuse.

We all know now it happens on a large scale, so who knows all those people not able to have sex as an adult with an adult now know where and how to get what they want.

P.s. Seems it is not a crime if you marry the child you raped ...

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That is what I worry about - the immense growth of children being raped. Sitting in my room in South Africa leaves me with only my posts for fighting it.

he result is I sometimes feel useless and that I am letting down the kids.

You not letting them down society does and governments do. Just read an article about Ed Nijpels (ex Dutch minister) who planned to agree/accept pedophilia...

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Sorry, when I replied, I did not answer in full.

Yes, their enemy showed herself to Robert and when he refused to be impressed by her, she had two jeep loads of soldiers come to his house and shoot him.

Robert's reaction (?) after he was healed? He wants he to be helped so that she can become a Cherinian.

Was that out of regret or he needed prove first?

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Robert is very conscience of the likelyhood that many times throughout history, there have been mutants and because they were too few and too ignorant, they were killed.

He is always trying to find ways to strengthen the Cherinians...and what better way than to convert such a powerful enemy into a friend? Her husband Eddie has already asked to join, but Hettie has been keeping to herself, so it seems she is not ready yet.

You'll see during the story that there are other times Robert is tortured, but he does not grow to hate, for his driving force always remains his need to see the Cherinians grow into a large enough group so that they are safe.

The odd thing is that the aliens they have met (the Anadir and the Sparklers...and soon others) are very quickly converting into Cherinians, so that they already have billions of Cherinians.

The story is now going to take a strange twist and you may need an explanation.

Some time ago, Robert woke up in a different reality, where something different happend, splitting off the realities (it happens all the time). Robert soon learnt how to jump to that reality when he wants and he helped bring together another Robert and cherine, though both of them are a few years younger.

When Robert and the girls need to get away for a time, but they do not want to be away from their usual life for long, they go to the other reality, spend days, weeks or months there...and then return within a few hours of the time they had originally left.

Something happens in this reality, which makes it necessary for Robert to return to his own reality and then return to the other reality, but a little bit further back in time.....

Thanks for the explanation.
If there are already billions Cherinians what is Robert worried about.

So if it comes to it time does not exist. Which can be a good thing.

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Robert was the first to understand that the real threat to them is not of guns and bombs. For any sensitive human being, there is a need to be a part of their culture.

At present, the billions are from species who do not have physical bodies...they are the Sparklers, who never had physical bodies and the Anadir, who are hoping Robert can find a way for them to live in material Anadir bodies again. Having lived as only souls for hundreds of thousands of years, they are desperate to return to bodies, even if it is more uncomfortable at times.

Thanks for explaining again. 💖

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I love explaining...just ask, so that I can make their world more real for you

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