Episode 3: Queens For a Day

in #show7 years ago

This episode begins with Betty unsuccessfully trying to get into a swanky club where the latest Mode party is being held. Betty goes home, dejected, and gets a talk from her sister Hilda about how she needs to “look the part”. After all, she does work at a fashion magazine.

Betty manages to snare a difficult photographer, Vincent Bianchi, who never would have agreed to work for Mode again if it wasn’t for Betty’s Queens connections. Betty gets invited along to the lunch to meet him, and for the event, she gets a makeover. However, the laughs of her coworkers causes her to feel too embarrassed to meet Vincent. She sends her catty coworker Amanda in her place.

However, Amanda is a blithering fool and things don’t quite turn out the way they are supposed to. Will Betty get over her shyness and get down to the restaurant in time to meet with Vincent - before they lose him forever?


Although this wasn’t my favorite episode so far, I did enjoy it because for one, Betty finally got a makeover - something I’ve been waiting for for quite a while. (She is obviously so pretty if it wasn’t for the glasses and braces!) Also, the cruel but beautiful Wilhelmina and Amanda both come out behind.

This episode was another classic case of “Good versus evil”, and there is a lot of mystery and tension surrounding the whole death of the former editor. Lots of double-dealing and backstabbing round things out nicely.

Screencaps: (source)

What did you guys think about this episode? Tell me in the comments!

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