Watch Sunsets! A Tribute to the Simple and Free Things in Life

in #simplicity6 years ago

How often do we get so wrapped up in the busy-ness of life that we forget to pause and look... and enjoy... the beauty around us?

Do we pause and pull off the road for the five minutes it takes to watch the fiery sunset? Or do we just rush home, oblivious to this free lightshow of nature?

Fiery sunset

Do we notice the bird at the top of the tree, singing his song? Do we stop long enough to marvel at his voice, or are we just wrapped up in box scores, soap operas and portfolio values?

Evening serenade

What about the black silhouettes of leaves against the evening sky? Are they "just trees," or nature's works of art?

Backlit leaves

How many colors cross the sky, between sunset and dark? Do you know? Have you ever counted? Have you ever watched? Do you know that all these shades have names?

At times, I feel the world moving so much faster than I do. And I find that I just want to sit and rest; to be peaceful, to BE. I am, after all, a Human BE-ing...

Lavender evening light

Have you ever been mesmerized by the glittering of sun on water? The ripples dancing; golden light everywhere; let your head empty and your brain go slack... just watch, without thoughts, without judgment. Turn off the background chatter...

Ripples in sunlight

"What will people think of this?"

"I am too busy; must get to the gym, the office, the opera, the meeting... "

"Can I post this? Will it earn upvotes?"

"But watching this stuff is not USEFUL..."

It's OK to turn it all off. Really. It is.

We spend so much time "in the pursuit of" things that we often overlook all the (free!) marvels that are right under our nose. Perhaps because they are "just there" and not part of some greater structured plan we are following.

STOP! Just stop... it's gonna be OK, even if you just stop, for a bit.

How about YOU?Have you stopped recently, and just appreciated what's around you? If not, why not? What does "too busy" mean... and what does it say of you if you're right now insisting you don't even have five minutes? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

Animated banner created by @zord189

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 180604 20:34 PDT


I actually do stop frequently, when I am out of the house @denmarkguy.

Once outside I'm rarely rushing and I take the time to notice things unless I'm late for a train for something.

But inside is a different story. Especially when I'm on the computer. And, even more so when I'm on Steemit.

I can honestly say that it feels like Steemit controls me much of the time rather than the other way around. I have certain things I want to do here every day and I find it hard to go to bed without doing them.

Consequently, I am getting less sleep than I used to.

The only way I seem to be able to break the spell is when I go away. Before I go I plan how I will manage Steemit while I'm away but once I'm gone I just relax and do what I can when I feel like it.

It would be good if I was like that every day and not just when I'm away from home. 😊

Your photography shares tell me that you do, @gillianpearce!

I do spend a lot of time "appreciating." Even this morning as I was walking to work, I stopped and pulled out the camera for some birds at the side of the road... even though it made me five minutes late. Life is too short...

The last time I can remember truly disconnecting was when we went to Denmark a couple of years ago and spent three weeks at my aunt's summerhouse, which pretty much invites you to forget about technology. Actually sat in a lawn chair and read books... you know, the kind printed on paper.

Oh. I now books @denmarkguy. I still read them most days although Steemit has interefered with that a bit too! 😢

Going to bed later often means I'm too tired to read before I go to sleep which has been a lifetime habit until recently.

Getting to bed at my pre Steemit time and reading before sleeping is something I'd really like to get back to.

Every day I plan to do it and then someone comes on line just as I'm starting to think about shutting down and I end up in a conversation.

Oooo. there's a little blue tit on the wall outside. It's a sign. A sign!!! Of what. I know not! 😂

I've found the photography has made me even more observant which I'm really enjoying. Even things like spotting yellow in a car park and then looking for me. It brings me right back to the here and now and is really fun.

My partner has even started to join in so it's double fun!

A couple of years since you last truly unwound seems a very long time to me although it's much longer than that for me if I'm looking for three weeks and then we were travelling.

I hope you can fit in another such trip soon. 😊

I actually took really easy on myself today and gave myself a break since I felt the need for it.
The world is way, way too fast and nothing makes me feel so peaceful, relaxed and appreciative than spending time in nature and just stopping and smelling the flower or looking at the beautiful moon or stars.
I feel like nature is my peace, and a great place to do some deep thinking or just relaxing and enjoy the beauty.

Mine too!

And making and taking the time has become more and more important, as I have aged. As I mentioned in a different comment, "nature is my church."

I had this dream of finding me a perfect place
Place with honor, maybe a little charm and a little grace

Looking through the sands and cities of maze
In the end I found home in nature as it did amaze

Well said..

I have often told people that "nature is my church." I find a lot of stillness of mind when I am in natural surroundings.

The world is moving faster than ever. Which is exactly why we need to slow down at times and enjoy the moment and beauty around us.

Agreed! And I have found that as the world moves faster, I spend more time stopping to be grateful for the little things.

A sunset creates a hope to live another day with new dream. A beautiful thing makes the mind cool and fresh.

Interesting and quite poetic way of putting it — thank you!

lovely photography...have a nice day

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