Using Sleep Cycle to document a week's worth of sleep

in #sleep5 years ago

Seven nights ago I downloaded Sleep Cycle for iPhone, here's how it went during a rather hectic week of my life...

Not my AirBnB source

Last week I read an interesting post by @soyrosa relating to sleep chronotypes (yeah i'd never heard of them either) and on taking the quiz (kinda spammy looking page so feel free to just google and read up), I was diagnosed a 'dolphin'. Steem dolphin and sleep dolphin, alright. Here are the four chronotypes, you can probably guess yours just by reading the description.


So basically, dolphins are:

  • shit at sleeping
  • intelligent and neurotic insomniacs
  • sleeping with only half a brain (err..)
  • perfectionists
  • better with a high protein breakfast

I sort of knew this, but knowing it's a thing does provide an element of peace, and some areas to focus on. I found the idea routines for each type:


You’ve no doubt heard that we all have an internal body clock that instinctively prompts us to, say, go to bed or eat our next meal. But did you know there’s actually an ideal time to do just about everything in life, from working out to winning an argument source

I've met and had relationships with lions who sleep like the dead and find any time is a good time for an argument.

Anyway, in the comments of @soyrosa's post, I found a mention for the Sleep Cycle application (cheers @revisesociology, I think!), and armed with my new found knowledge that I am an unhinged, shit at sleeping dolphin, I decided to give the app. a go for a week.

Here are my results along with some background info / mitigating factors.


  • Wake-up alarm set between 8:30-9
  • First night using the application
  • Woke up for a pee after 2 hours, slept pretty well until just before 8 (before alarm).
  • Pissed about on the phone (Steem) for an hour, had something to eat, went back to bed with changed wake-up time


  • Wake-up alarm set between 7:30-8
  • Woke up for a pee after two hours
  • Woke up for a pee after two more hours
  • Deepest sleep 6:30 am, woke up during alarm zone and switched it off at 8


  • Went to bed before midnight(!) and set wake-up alarm for 6-6:30
  • Woke up for a pee after two hours or so
  • Slept until alarm / moved and alarm woke me up

This was the day over my move to Valencia and I needed to be up early. It was also the only day I went to bed before midnight, and probably my best nights sleep...


  • First night in Valencia
  • Wake up alarm set for 7:30 - 8
  • Noisy outside, noisy building, used earplugs
  • Slept for a 5 hours straight and then woke up for a pee
  • Slept until alarm / moved and alarm woke me up


  • Watched the Manchester United game, and had beer
  • Wake up alarm set for 8:30 - 9
  • Passed out for 4 hours, went for a pee (probably didn't shut the door)
  • Woke up at 5:30 (doh!), pissed about on the phone without turning Sleep Cycle off
  • Nodded off and Sleep Cycle woke up me up
  • Turned Sleep Cycle off and woke up around midday


  • Wake up alarm set for 7:30 - 8
  • Woke up for pee after 4 hours
  • Slept until alarm / moved and alarm woke me up


  • Had a mid-afternoon snooze
  • Wake up alarm set for 7:30 - 8
  • Just about fell asleep and got woken up by something, pissed about on phone for 45 mins (Steem)
  • Slept (badly I thought) until 6:45
  • Switched Sleep Cycle off just before 8

I like this app, even though i think 'sleep quality' as a percentage is totally off. Its also got me wondering if the 0 snore-time for a whole week is true, even though I've not had any complaints before.

About my sleeping habits

  • Inconsistent times to bed - not good for dolphins
  • Afternoon snoozes - not good for dolphins
  • Beer - not good for dolphins
  • Any drinks an hour or so before bed - not good for dolphins
  • Bed around, or before midnight - good for dolphins!

Easily my best nights sleep was before the 'biggest' day of the week in which I purposely went to bed much earlier than the average. Awake for a pee after the first circadian cycle, but still before 2 am, I will happily take if I can then go back to sleep for a 6:30 wake-up. I think my worse night sleep was last night - late to bed, things on my mind, and awake far too early and feeling super tired today.

I had planned to be getting up at around 6 am each day in light of the new job, and this was one of the reasons for installing the application.

Sadly, the job is officially 'on hold' due to budget and potential departmental changes - what a total bummer.

I'm now thinking, should I go straight to the UK, or back to Mallorca? There is a possibility of this role becoming live again, but also probably more chance of finding something in the UK if I am actually based there.....

I'll need to decide pretty sharpish, maybe a dpoll will help :)

Is anyone else using this application?

Stick some screenshots in the comments if you are!




You still seem to have some solid sleep despite your exciting times these days! It's slightly scary to have an always-on mic-recording and motion detection app on your smartphone tracking your sleep. And the option to instantly share the results it with the rest of the world doesn't make it more appealing for me. Thanks, but I'll pass ;)

Oh, and a dpoll on Steem on your professional future - what could possibly go wrong... :DD

Yeah I wondered about that - The app still works in airplane mode and 'promises' not to send any data anywhere. hmmmm

I'll probably use it a bit longer and focus on going to bed earlier, if i can find the right sleep-time for me then i can ditch the app and just use the normal alarm :)

Interesting post @abh12345.
I think you would find the circadian rhythm fascinating.
I have been implementing the circadian rhythm in my eating and sleep routine and it has been a game changer.

Hey, thanks :)

I read up a little on circadian rhythm in the past, but I guess I need to take the topic more seriously.

The idea that there is a right time (also depending on chronotype) to do almost everything is a pretty cool thought to ponder. I would suggest that eat, sleep, sports/mental activities are key features, and then you have the uppers/downers to consider too.

Something to add to the list, besides looking for another job :)

Nice documentation. Maybe I will try this app.

I too read the post by @soyrosa. I am a wolf. Knew it before the article just didn't have a name for it.

I love being a wolf! Sadly, the world does not. Maybe I will try some of the wolf tips in the article.

My wife is a lion. Makes coordinating things interesting. we don't really gee-haw on sleep times. Helped when the kids were young though. She did the early shift and I did late.

Consistent bedtime, no naps, no beer/drinks.....That does suck :-0

Seems like wolves and dolphins are the categories most at odds with the world at large. Good luck to you.

I love being a wolf! Sadly, the world does not.

Yup. I think the world is changing and does not suit most of us.

Well done for finding away around the different sleep schedules, interesting that you note kids helping there :D

I would prefer to be anything other than a dolphin to be honest - It's almost my bed time, midnight on a Saturday seems like such a lame effort too!

I’m a wolf living with a lion too!!! We learned to not try to coordinate our bed times :D

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah. The first month or so of marriage, I went to bed with the sun (often before). I would lay there for hours wide awake. The I began trying to sneak out of the bed without waking her.

She would find herself resisting waking me in the mornings.

Over the last couple of decades we have worked out somewhat of a stalemate agreement that works fairly well. Neither of us can really comprehend the other, but we compromise and accommodate each other as much as we can stand ;-)

Hehe - same here :D The best relationships are those who respect each others quirks and needs, so yay for Wolves and Lions being able to live together :')

I'm a wolf!!! Awooooooooooo!!!

Ya bastad. I would like to be... anything but a dolphin!

Yeah, it does sound a wee bit shit!

¡Holy crap! no doubt I must be kind of a...

Bear-Wolf Hybrid

Cranky Gandalf

That sounds good to me!

Do you know if this app works if there are two people in the room?

Posted using Partiko Android

haha, good question!

I'm going to say not without knowing for sure, but surely that must confuse it!

@abh12345, In current times whenever i hear the word Dolphin then it reminds me of Steem Dolphin. Ha ha 😂😂

Stay Blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

This is true, I think real dolphins are smarter in general though :D

Yes and most importantly sometimes it's great to see how real dolphins understand the emotions of Human Beings. Have a peaceful time ahead brother.

Steem dolphin and sleep dolphin, alright.

Funny enough, I'm aWake Wolf & sleep wolf.


I want to be a wolf and often try to be one, but with crappy sleep at times (probably due to trying to be a wolf!) this is not a good plan.

Early to bed last night, slept well, feeling good!

I'm a lion! Except that I am a night owl too... I play hard and sleep hard. I used to use a Fitbit Versa so that I could track it, but, honestly I feel rested and I force myself to go to bed some nights, except for the night I have to post my challenge.

Then, all bets are off.

You really need to stop drinking at night! That was where I fell down and now, I get really good nights of sleep with no wake ups. Bed at the same time is so much better for the body. It allows consistent sleep when it knows what to expect. Well, you know all this, ya dolphin.

OMG. Anything but a dang dolphin.


A lucky Lion eh :P

I have a Fitbit too, but have not used it for a while.

Yes I know, well I know for sure now, that a regular sleep-time is probably going to make a huge difference for me. I sleep light and so the morning noises and light will mean that this time is probably best around 11-11:30 - I just seems so early!

I will try to stick to it though and see what happens, and of course report back. Thanks!

And stop drinking at night! What are ya, a freaking diabetic??? (not that there is anything wrong with that, but, if you are getting up at night to relieve yourself... you might want to have that checked out) Or stop drinking at night! :)

I like a cup of redbush 'naturally caffeine free' tea in the evening!

But yes, I shall look to early the time I have it :) My sugar intake is pretty low I think. I don't do soft drinks or sweets, and rarely any chocolate - the beer is staying though!

Blimey. You don't sleep much. I'm impressed by the 0 snoring though. 😱

I don't think any of those sleep chronotypes describe me very well but then I was never one to be put in a box! 😂

Back to the UK is my vote. Always better to move on than go back I feel. Although I suppose you could argue the UK is going back but things are different there now. Mallorca is too current. 😍

I don't sleep enough, but it could be just a simple as going to bed earlier - who would have thought!

UK is looking likely in a week or two, but it's back to Mallorca first. What a bummer - STEEM is rising and I can't buy any!

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