75 USD is all it takes to start a passive income with smartcash

in #smartcash6 years ago


What does 75 USD mean to you is it a days wage, a weeks or a months. Depending upon what part of the world you come from and your financial earning capacity 75 USD means different things to different people. Having said that I would like to focus this post on earning a passive income. The way I am going to do it is by way of holding a particular crypto in my wallet.

The crypto I am going to discuss today in this post is called smartcash. Smartcash is a very dynamic cryptocurrency. In short and I quote..

“SmartCash is a community governance, cooperation & growth focused blockchain based currency & a decentralized economy. ”

Smartcash has many interesting features and uses that makes it really very useful in day to day life.
However the feature I am mainly going to focus on today is called smartrewards.

Smartrewards is a feature of smartcash where you earn more smartcash by merely holding a minimum number of smartcash in your wallet.
One needs to hold 1000 smartcash in the wallet. If anyone is planning to earn smartrewards then these are the things to note.

You need to hold all the smartcash at one address only.
The holding of your smartcash should be at least 30 days old.
There should not be any out going smartcash transaction from that address.
One you meet all these conditions then on the 25th of the next month there would be a snapshot taken of the smartcash blockchain to determine the eligible smartcash holders.

Subsequently the eligible holders would be paid smartrewards in proportion of their smartcash holdings.
At the time of writing this post 1 smartcash = 0.075131
That is to get 1000 smart you need 0.075131 X 1000 = $ 75.131



thats the good news about it all,still very cheap to acquire and i believe soon this we cost more ,passive income made easy with just 1000 smart

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