
Haha, du bist ja Nichtraucher! :D
Wo bist du denn überall, hoffentlich bleibt dir noch Zeit zum schlafen...
Ich wollte da reinschauen über deinen link, aber es kommt was wie ...sind sie schon 21 oder rauchen Marihuana...?😬 😅

Ja, da geht es primär um Cannabis, man muss es aber nicht rauchen um da zu posten! :-)

What other decentralised social networks (Steemit clones) exist at the moment?

There is but since their WeKu token is still not listed anywhere I don't see much potential in it.

I followed you over there.... upvoted and left s few comments... I love your Art

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you! You're my first follower on smoke! :-)

Another one? really? Waht's the point?

I don't know! We'll see! :-)

Lol, ok. Let me know if there is something interesting.

Here is my Smoke blog....

Posted using Partiko iOS

I am .... Offgrid over there

Posted using Partiko iOS

Found you!

Ist smoke sowas ähnliches wie Steemit ... ich meld mich mal an - :-)

Ja, sieht aus wie ein Steemit Clone.

Wie hat das mit dem Bild upload bei Dir geklappt ???
ist das ein bestimmtes Format oder Größe.. egal was ich mache - es haut nicht hin
Grüße :-)

I'm now hopping on that train too :D

Ok, so see you in the smoke! :-)

I was considering it. I don't smoke, well I have a fag now and again and I love the scent of pipe smoke and cigars, so I wasn't sure if that counted. But, I'm happy to follow an artist there. Do you post art there?

I will try. Not smoking either though...

Well, I just joined, but I have to wait to be approved or some such? As soon as I'm on I'm following you. Everytime I see one of my fav artists try out a new online thing, I'm there! I love our 'global artist salon' :)

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