Being over Doing


When we decided to embark on this journey of Separation our imagination created the fear-based ego as the counterpart to the Unitary Consciousness mind, the former of which attempts to solve problems by thinking (= Doing) and resorts to apparent logic and ratio without recognizing that itself creates this never-ending agony in the first place. As such, it is lacking the connection to the Heart. The latter operates from mental Silence (= Being), coming from Love, Acceptance and Patience. By practising mental Silence the ego becomes confused:” Why am I not longer being fed with thoughts?”, thus allowing for inner Peace and new solutions.

In this way, we can gradually declutter our minds from all dark energies which we deliberately picked up on our path as our means of firmly inculcating what the purpose of Love is originally not. All serving to remember what Love is in its deepest sense.

When we largely rely upon our ego-mind, Heart and brain are disconnected, because all Love originates from the Heart.


Mental Silence allows for the gradual reconnection between Heart and brain, and the more we set ourselves free from ego-thoughts by practising mental Silence the stronger the connection between Heart and brain becomes until we finally draw all thoughts from our Heart. There might still be the possibility to think negatively but the stronger the Heart-brain connection is the easier it will be to discern which thought is coming from the ego and which is coming from the Heart and respond accordingly. As such, the phrase “follow your Heart” simply refers to the choice of Love over fear in every moment of our existence.


When facing a difficult situation in life where we have to make a decision, it is all about choosing between Love or fear. Most of the time we think we have to take action directly and somewhat “meddle in” to attain the desired result as doing nothing is seen as weak, surrendering, unproductive.

In actuality, however, the Universal flow has its very own plans and ways of dissolving anything that is not in alignment with Love. But as thinking is commensurate with Doing and disrupts the Universal flow of Being, taking action directly out of fear, unacceptance or impatience always leads to the exact contrary result of that which had been desired! Love, Acceptance and Patience will always conceive the most wonderful dissolution of situations we want to dissolve and the most wonderful way of manifesting our dreams!

Much Love and Light,



Nice post @alexaventuria, there are lots of prescriptive ways and means of steering our spiritual paths between the apparent two separate banks of the life flowing stream. When all of that collapses however, it can be seen that 'wholeness' or 'completeness' always included everything within itself all along, and consequently; the self contained and narrow 'stream' of who I thought I was, flooded and washed away such limiting notions.

The immersive and fully inclusive life which is left now, is seen to have never been anywhere to 'get to' or achieve.

Simply and plainly; everything has both value and meaning when searching and seeking but, when all of that striving collapses into itself, there is a freedom left which neither required any practice nor choice to start with.

I wish the same liberation for all who recognize the illusion of choosing and steering the imaginary self down any negotiable and separate appearance.


Wonderful comment!

Yes, 'everything has meaning and value when we are searching and seeking', and as long as we seek we radiate and imply that we don't have 'it' yet. In other words, we are already complete and whole, we don't need to do anything to get there, outside the illusion of time we are already there. As long as we search for perfection and Oneness we will find only Imperfection and Separation, it is once we stop searching and seeking that we realize that all is perfect and One already and has always been. Of course, even knowing so and having experienced so, we will face tough situations where our Trust annd Faith will be challenged more than ever, all serving to increasingly reinforce our core Trust in that, hence allowing for more and more stable and natural inner peace. :)

Exactly, and beautifully said/typed.

Thanks for your effort and for those fotos.
I like fotos like that. Powerful colors and a nice mood.


thanks a lot :)

I see this a lot these days. Especialy in the markets. I think its kind of "funy" to see how tv-channels (owned by xyz) like cnbc are creating fear to pump a market (FOMO) and fear to dump a market (FUD). It is soo easy for them to controll people. They feel the need to act and acting in fear is not good. The fallacy is, that they think there are "rational" decisions like in machines. In humans there are no decision without emotions, some emotions are just overwhelming and creating affective reaktions, like fear and hate, anger (which is fear i guess) and some are done in silence without any voices in your head but still in a emotional mode.

Very introspective comment, thank you!

These are indeed fear-based decisions, and the only reason they have been bearing fruits for so long is that people have been allowing to let themselves treat like that since introspection and emotional self-nourishment is largely neglected on a collective level. There are surely galaxies and planets out there where technology and nature or AI versus emotions don't exclude each other but go hand in hand. What I am saying is that here on Earth it looks like AI and emotions cannot go hand in hand but are having an either-or relationship. Natural robots born as robots (does that sound logical? :)) capable of having most natural empathy and feelings surely are endemic to some places in the Universe but in the reality as we experience it right now on Earth the mechanics are tailored in a way that they exclude each other.

Good enough, people here are waking up more, and more even though this is a rather clandestine process those fear imposing decisions slowely but surely loose their grip on the collective! :)

Whenever we find ourselves in a situation where we might be feeling sad, depressed, angry, judgemental etc., We need to realize that we are in fact feeling fear , a fear of something and we also have keep in mind that fear was created by us, fear is not real , we made it up, while on the other hand, LOVE is real, Love is our natural state of being, that's who we are, that's what created us, and that's what's real. So why choose fear when you can choose Love?

Perfectly stated. Could have been my words! More so, once we had the true experience of Being Love and that nothing can possibly ever happen to us, in any situation where we feel any kind of fear we then are able to see the artificiality of our choice for fear. If we stop for a moment and realize this, we see that there is no fear at all to be feared, hence within the twinkling of an eye we can shift our emotional state to Love and Inner Peace. Sometimes it can be the case that some very deeply buried emotions rise to the surface and need to be felt in order to let them go, and this can be tough DESPITE huge emotional and spiritual maturity in the wake of having experienced and having let go tons of fear energies with Love. In such scenarios we might experience some emotional volatility, but we have enough power to restore inner balance. The saying "You never get more than you can handle" will then be taken to a whole other level, a level most don't even dare to delve into yet for us it is the next step to grow even further beyond any limits This is the typical consciousness bifurcation where those who want to grow on a Soul level will feel immature when they neglect the lesson in Love, while those who deny Soul growth think (!) this is a sign of strength.


Yes this is true

Sharp pictures!

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