The Secret Food that they did not want You To Know About

in #spirituality6 years ago

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What Do You Eat?
What is FOOD for you?
Does what you eat work for you?
Does it make you feel good?

I wish to share with you today what I learned from my really unusual relationship with food.

It never happened between the "normal" food and me.
I could not stand the sight or smell of "old world" food, and refused to eat for a long time.
During my teenage years I was labeled as anorexic. I was this skinny, pale looking kid who was never hungry, and on rare occasions grabbed a fruit or asked for water.

I guess, my intelligent cells just could not accept all those dead processed substances as food. It felt weird to me to eat dead flesh and chemical stuff that has been presented as food in our realm.
What was more scary though, just between you and me - I was watching people who were eating that kind of food.. and I just did not want to turn out like them. I was convinced - if I eat that scary stuff, I would become scary too!

When I was forced to eat (I grew up in a communist country, so yes, forcing was a norm), I would feel sick and break out in rashes and fever. One day my concerned family took me to a doctor. My life was changed after that, thanks to that magical person I was finally left to my own spiritual devises.
Do you want to know what the doctor said?
"Leave the child alone! Let her find her own way."
.. and so I did.

My world changed when I discovered that there was another kind of food in this world.
You don't feel bloated or foggy-minded after eating it.
You feel full yet light, you feel deeply satisfied with taking very little of this food.
Your skin glows, your tummy is flat, your eyes twinkle.
It feels good to eat this kind of food.
To add more to the joy - It comes in all kind of vibrant colors, it is fun-fun-fun.
It feel like edible LOVE, like happiness, like life.


This food has no smell, it feels alive. It has this vibration to it, as if it gives a promise that you can trust.
What a joy it was to discover another kind of food, food that I could trust.

"Why no one told me about this before?" I wondered.
Only later on in life, after decades of learning, researching and self-experimenting I found the answer to that question.

Super foods are powerful healing substances.
Super foods come from plants, and - as all plants - they carry energy of Nature, connection to Earth, so when consumed, they deliver this vibration to human cells. They remind us of how good we could feel.
They bring us messages of harmony, infinite intelligence, and love.
They empower our inner intelligence, helping us connect to our deeper truth!
Super foods speak to our DNA, activating our own self-healing mechanism.
Super foods make us HEALTHY and STRONG..... and that puts them on the opposite side of Big pHarma.

Imagine a world with adds and posters of vibrant super foods everywnere - POWER FOOD, DNA FOOD, EAT LOVE - TO BECOME LOVE...... instead of the old world death slops that are sadly still hanging everywhere (not for long, I feel!).
We will have epidemic of HEALTH! Big pHarma will go out of business. The system will stop imposing its unnatural ways on us.... and we will finally live on New Earth.
Would not that be nice? Well, I am a dreamer who lives and writes my dream.

I live on super foods for over 20 years.
Some days, a large size super food shake is my only meal.
I truly feel that inviting super foods in my life helped me self-heal auto-immune disorder without taking meds and restore my wracked by vaccines immunity. Super foods are my meds! I have the whole bunch of them in my kitchen cabinet, I travel with them too.


There are hundreds of super foods out there, and they are all magical powerful healers, a life time is not enough to reserach them all, so I wish to share with you the top three that made a huge impact on my HEALTH and all those who's healing I had an honor to assist.

First super food that I ever tried is TURMERIC powder, I take it religiously ever since.
It is my kinda of antibiotic medicine, it keeps my joints and cells inflammation-free. I no longer have pain in my joints, even my yoga practice became joy instead of struggle. It is good for our entire being.


My second favorite is SPIRULINA.
Algae is the first life form on planet Earth. It's bio intelligence is beyond understanding.
What I find really fascinating is that SPIRULINA has the same spiral shape as human DNA.
I feel that this super food is responsible for my youthful looks and a healthy state of being.


My third absolute every day must is unrefined CACAO.
I love this super food so much that I wrote a book about it.
I believe it helps us activate our pineal gland and to connect to the Soul. There is a spiritual reason why we love chocolate... we just need to know which one to trust.


So, if you are inspired by my heart sharing, you could give super foods a try.
Start with these three super foods and take it from there.

I do need to warn you - people transform very fast once they start taking super foods.
Expect to feel better and lighter.
Expect good skin, slimmer body and clearer mind.
Expect good things!

with love and respect,
Anna Suvorova
Health/Yoga Educator. Author.
Modern Medicine Woman.
Dreamer of a better world for all.


Nature is providing cure for all disease. Indian Vedas is described about different herbs and it's medicinal value. Indian cuisine is having maximum herbs in our food....

Thanks for spicing up my day

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La naturaleza es sabia y todo lo que provee también lo es... los frutos, vegetales, hortalizas, todas están cargadas con lo necesario para que nuestro cuerpo se alimente y se alimente bien, saludable y en conexión con la Madre Tierra
Nature is wise and everything it provides is also ... fruits, vegetables, all are loaded with what is necessary for our body to feed and eat well, healthy and in connection with Mother Earth

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