Projection becomes the medium or the LENS through which we view ourselves and the world from.

in #spirituality6 years ago

Good morning world. There is a point on ones journey when they begin to recognize what it is THEY are and have been doing on their own journeys. One begins to realize how it is that all they perceive before them is being projected before them from their own minds. Every thought and emotion they have been trained to think and believe in as defining them as being the Truth becomes what they see and perceive outside of them in the world.

As I had shared in my post "You must change your mind to heal yourself." the examples of the choices I made as an infant showed how I had judged my experiences to be what they were. Those judgmental beliefs stayed with me all through my growing years into my adulthood. It was not until I was in my 30's That I began to really look at my choices to believe. My catalyst was being told I was dying from multiple diseases such as two forms of cancer and that NOTHING could be done for me after I wrecked my motorcycle breaking the left side of my body.

My beliefs were killing me literally. I found myself laying in a bed unable to move with my body shutting down on me in stages. I did not believe in God back then. I actively hated God and blamed God for every single rape, molestation, beating, mental and emotional abuse I had ever experienced. It was during this time that I heard the voice of Holy Spirit.

Spirit asked me questions that I had to really look at and think about. Questions such as, "If everything you think you know and believe in as being True was taught to you by someone else just as it had been taught to them, how do you know it is the Truth? Who do you think and believe yourself to be? What is it that YOU believe DEFINES you here?"

When I chose to look at those questions and truly contemplate them... I came to realize I did not know if anything I had been taught was the truth. I had never stopped to question what was being taught to me. I had BLINDLY FOLLOWED AND ACCEPTED whatever was being dictated to me as being the Truth because the adults around me said it was. When I looked at my beliefs as to who I am and what I believed defined me... I realized each thing I believed myself to be was a label that had been handed to me by someone else. Everything I was taught to believe myself to be had been taught to me by someone else. In all of this I never once stopped to question what it was I was being taught.

As I looked at each and every item Spirit placed before me I was faced with my own choices to believe without questioning. How I was choosing to perceive myself and believe myself to be was being projected before me for my brothers to witness and see. How I was judging myself to be is how my brothers where SEEING me. Every judgment I held of myself I projected before me.

Because I believed myself to be all the things that had been taught to me, my brothers could not see me as anything more than what I believed myself to be. As I was judging myself they too were being asked to judge me in the exact same ways. All they could see was what it was I believed of me.

It is a mind screw when one first looks at these perspectives of perceptions and how we are the ones doing the projecting of all we define ourselves to be. These same judgments we are using to define ourselves are what we also use to JUDGE and define everyone else out there in the world. We tell the world what it is we think and believe OURSELVES to be. That is what we do when we cast judgments on another. We tell the world WHO WE ARE! Which is why I shared that we have to change our minds about ourselves, the world and everyone in it.


Broken and battered, falling apart.
Not even sure of where to start.
Should I start with my broken bones?
Or should I start with my broken home?
A small little child precious and caring.
Pushed aside for even daring.
To obtain some affection.
A measure of love.
Feeling unwanted, lost, and alone.
Looking for love in walls of stone.
Giving freely of the body.
Not understanding they are Somebody.
Thinking by giving they shall receive.
When all they get are more injuries.
Some to their bodies.
Some to their minds.
Some to the souls.
They leave behind.
They don't seem to realize it is a trend.
They keep repeating over again.
Looking for love in all the wrong places.
Seeing a sea of swimming faces.
Locked deep inside is the love that they need.
For when I love myself, then someone else can love me.

Sabrina Reyenga

Until I changed my mind about myself I could not love nor accept anyone else. Projection becomes the medium or the LENS through which we view ourselves and the world from. We are only able to see that which we believe ourselves to be. Until we are willing to look at our own choices to believe and change our minds about it... We project out before us what we have chosen and blanket the world and our brothers with those beliefs that they are what we judge ourselves to be.

Projection is a perspective and way of perceiving yourself and the world around you as being what it is FOR YOU. What many fail to understand here is that what they have chosen to believe does NOT have to be accepted as being True for anyone BUT THEM. It is the choice they are making and NO ONE is ever required to accept it for themselves. The other item here is that We were never required to accept those judgmental opinions that were being handed to us by the adults around us as children either. We only think and believe we are required to because we are taught we are not allowed to question those who tell us they are the authority over us. We choose to believe in all these lies unknowingly. When we finally see the Truth of this, we are able to let go those beliefs and change our minds about all we once believed ourselves to be. When we do we STOP projecting or JUDGING any longer.

Blessings on your journeys to healing my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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