What Separates a Master from a Victim is Grattitude

in #spirituality5 years ago

You Know What Separates a Master from a Victim is Grattitude? Gratitude. Master is the One, that went through most terrible Situations in Life, has maybe been Abandoned by many, Suffered Childhood Trauma, experienced Greatest Injustice in Their Life, Great Lost, Disrespect from others, been Cheated and Lied to and went through so much Suffering and Pain, been betrayed and cheated in Relationships and it did not appear He ever did something Wrong, yet Master is the One, that is Grateful for all the terrible Situations and Pain in Life and Everyone that made it happen. What made a Master a Master is Gratitude and Mastering Life by Learning out of Lessons in Life. Without Forgiving, We cannot learn out of ayn Situation that hurts. But as We Forgive We do learn out of it and as We do We are Grateful for the Lesson. Master is Grateful for Everything and to Everyone that cause Them Harm and Victim only Blames Everything and Everyone. Master is the One, that decided not to carry the Weight of Victimhood in Their Heart, to Weight Him down and Victim Blames and sometimes even Hates The Perpetrators of Injustice and Hardships in Their Life and Resents Them. By Blaming, Hating and carrying whatever is the Hell that happened within their Being, Victim is burdened Heavily by that Weight and indeed Their own Hate and Blame, there own Resentfulness makes One a Victim of someone or some Situation. As long as We cannot forgive, We are to remain Victims of Anyone or Anything, that We cannot Forgive. When We cannot forgive what Happened to us and when We cannot forgive those Who caused it upon us, then We remain a Victim. if We can't Forgive, We are the Victim, but We are the Victim of Ourselves only, for We are carrying the Blame, Resentfulness and even Hate within our own Heart, so We cannot Fly Free.. When We Forgive the Situations and People that hurted us in our Life, We actually Free ourselves only. We Free ourselves from that Burdon in our Heart, Burdon of being a Victim. If We cannot Forgive and learn what Life wanted to teach us out of the Situation, so We would Master it and become a Master and We still Blame and Resent, We are always to remain a Victim of these People Who hurted us, Cheated us, Betrayed us and those Situations, but actually We are only Victims of Ourselves, for We allow this darkness to be Part of Ourselves. If We cannot Forgive We remain a Civtim and Victim just can not become a Master. We must Forgive, for We are to only Free Ourselves if We do. If We Forgive We may become Masters only. We only do Good for Ourselves if We Forgive. We cannot Help the other Person that hurted us, if We Forgive, Others, who caused us harm, They are to have to Live through their Karma to learn about the Deeds They caused upon others and as You Forgive Them, You literally only Free Yourself. You are allowing Them to keep their own Karma and You Free Yourself from that Bad Karma, which is not YOurs anyway, but Theirs. Eye give You My Word.

Master is the One, that actualy has nothing to Forgive anymore, regardless what Happened and Happens and Who did it. Master has Forgiven Everything and Everyone very long ago already. Master has took the Game One Stop further even. Master is Grateful for Everything terrible that happened in His Life and Grateful to Everyone that has done Him harm, Cheated Him, Lied to Him, Abused Him in any Way, for just such People and such Situations made a Master into a Master. They turned Him into a Diamond. Eye give You My Word. Master may have been Abandoned, but it gave Him the Strength to find Himself only and His own Power and He Mastered the Situation and Now as a Master can Help those Who have been Abandoned also as the One that Conquered it. Master might have been Abused, but Master has Forgiven to those that Abused Him and Healed His Trauma and is Now Grateful for the Abuse for He Healed the Trauma, became a Master of what He was a Victim before and Now can Help others, Who are dealing with Trauma of Abuse and helps Them to Heal Their Trauma also a Master that was a Victim of Abuse before, but has Forgiven and Healed same Abuse within Himself and is Now Assisting other Victims to Heal Themselves and become a Master as He is, so They may help others also to become Masters. Master has been Cheated, Rejected, Lied to and Deceived so many Times, that it only made Him Stronger and so much Wiser, every Time He bounced back Stronger and Wiser and Now as Result of all the Experiences, Result of the Training no One can ever Lie to Him, deceive Him, cheat Him or Play with Him in any Way and He sees through all the Bulshit in Krystal Clarity. Master is Grateful, for what Victim cannot Forgive, for Master Knows that just such Situations and such People made Him into Wisest Master as He is. The King. King must See what Men do not See in Things Men do not even notice and King must Know things that Men do not Know. Eye give You My Word.

Victim may be Cheated and Played in the Relationship, Deceived, Lied to and cannot Forgive their Partner and holds them accountable for Their Life ruined even. We can become Victims of our Partner if We choose so and Blame Them and hate Them for Destroying our Life. Victim blames their Partner and carries Hate and Blame, Resentfulness in Their Heart, therefore if We do, We are the Victims of Ourselves. We must Forgive and learn out of the Situation, out of the Heartbreak and all the Injustice and deceitful Games, Master understands that only Eye Myself can give the Keys to My Happiness in the Hands of another Person, therefore I AM a Victim of Myself only, for Eye depened on another Heart, to be Love and Happiness Myself. Master is the One that learned that Attachment, Expectation, and Condition is Root Cause of all Pain, Experienced intensity in Romantic Relationships where Partners depend on One another and Suffer. He hs Experienced it on His own Heart deeply and and all the Relationship Pain and Drama only taught Him or Her, that in depending on another Heart out of Attachment to be Happy Ourselves is the Sure Way to Misery and Greatest Suffering, for in this World of Free Will Everyone can Change Tomorrow and We can never be sure for the One even that holds our Heart most tightly today. Relationship Suffering and Pain taught the Master, that He must let go of His Attachments, Expectations, Conditional Love and stop searching Love outside of Himself to be Fulfilled and Happy in Love Himself and ratter release all His Illusions and Remember that He is Love Himself that I AM and in Depending on their own Heart, where that I AM Love and not on another Heart, He finds that Eternal Love, that He Himself is. We all are Love actually. We all are Masters underneath all that We are not. And Free of all Attachments, Dependancy, Conditions and Lack of Love, being Pure Love, Joy and Happiness, Fulfilled in Love within His own Heart, His Perfect Reflection Love, that is just like Him may meet Him and They may Enjoy Fulfilled Love Life in Fullness and Completion of Love, Joy and Happiness as One Forever, for Love is Who They both are. Master is Love and Happiness Himself and only Love and Happiness Herself can be Happy. Master is Grateful for Everything and to Everyone Who taught Him this as He was searching for Love outside of His own Being. Victim Blames and Hates Their Partners and cannot forgive Them, but Master is Grateful for all the Darkness, Injustice and Deceitful Game, for it made Him only to Stop depending on other Hearts to be Happy and Loved, but to depend on His own Heart and never another and become Love Himself that I AM. So Indeed, the Difference between a Master and a Victim is in Gratitude where Victim resents and hates. To become a Master One has to get the Lesson of Life, teaching us what We are not, so We can become Love that We are and Pass the Grades in Life to become Masters. Victims Blames Everything and Everyone, but Master is Grateful for everything and to Everyone, that ever did Him Harm, for all this Darkness and Injustice, for all the Pain and Suffering, for all the Drama and Trauma, all the Pain and Injustice, for al deceitful Games, for it made Him to Conquer all the Darkness and Become a Master of Live Himself, that Heals Life. Brightest and Shiniest Diamond. I AM Grateful

Master is a Diamond. The Diamond is the Master and Coal is the Victim. We all are made of Same Holly Wood, We all have Talents within us to become Diamonds. We all have equal Chances to become Masters. But We can become Coal also, if We choose so. Diamond is nothing but that piece of Wood, that was Buried for Ages deep under the Earth, under the tremendous Pressure of Density, that's Trauma, that's Suffering and Pain, that's all the Injustice. Everything what tried to Harm Him Deep in the Darkness and Separation if Time, under the tremendous Pressure of this World. Yet Diamond did not kneel in front of it. Darkness and Tremendous Pressure of Density made the Diamond to Shine in Greatest Light ever. Diamond refused to kneel in front of the Darkness and tremendous Pressure of Density, Diamond refused to become a Coal to serve as Fuel for the Furnace of the Matrix. If We remain Victim, Blame and Hate, if We resent and can't Forgive, We may become Coal too, for the Furnace of the Matric and We do not want that, for Ourselves, for We are masters. Diamond is not the One Who is the Victim of Darkness and Pressure of density, but that Holly Wood, that Conquered the Darkness and tremendous Pressure of Density and as the Diamond was taken out of the Depths of Darkness as Brightest Shining Light, that turns the Coal into Diamonds. Diamond Shines the Greatest most Powerful Light, nothing Holds more Light then the Diamond and nothing in this World cannot break the Diamond, Diamond is all Strong, all Invincible and all Shining in Greatest Light as that I AM. Yet it was the Darkness and tremendous Pressure of Density, that formed the Diamond to become the Greatest and Strongest Light and became a Master and that's Why Diamond is Grateful, for Everything and Everyone that ever did Him Harm, for Diamond Knows that Darkness and Tremendous Pressure made Him a Master as He Conquered in Forgivnance and Gratitude.Diamond is a Master and Master is Grateful. .

Darkness and tremendous Pressure of Density is actually what is most needed, for You to become Invincible and Timeless, Strongest and Shine Your Greatest Light ever in this World, it is what was Needed for You to become a Master, You Crazy Diamond. Darkness is what is needed for You to Blossom, You Beautiful, Dazzling Flower of New Life. Suffering and Pain, al the Injustice only Teaches us about Who We are not, so We can become Masters, that We are again. So be Grateful. Forgive and be Grateful and Remeber that You are a Diamond, Beloved Master. Be Grateful to what made You a Diamond, may Your Blame and Hate never turn You into Coal. Be Grateful, for You are that Holly Wood that turned into a Diamond just because of the Darkness and Pressure of Density, although maybe You need some Brushing still to Shine the Brightest Light. You are a Diamond and not Coal. You are a Master and not a Victim. Hate, Resentfulness and Blame burns the Coal down to ashes, but Forgivnance and Gratitude, Unconditional Love turns Holly Wood into Diamonds. Eye give You My Word My Masters.

  • Purna Ananda 9.02.2019 ©


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