Amma's Quote Of The Day - Having a Loving Heart

" Children, even if we are unable to help others materially, we can at least give them a loving smile or a friendly word. It won't cost us anything. What is needed is a compassionate heart. This is the first step in spiritual life. Those who are friendly and loving to others do not have to wander to look for God because God precedes the hearts of which compassion flows. Such a heart is God's preferred residence (lieblingswohnort)."-Amma (Sri Mata Amrit Ananda Mayi Devi)

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Sorry, smiling is too expensive.

I frequently smile at other people, but I seldom encounter people smiling back.

This is not about how other people react to your smile and it is all about how you feel when you smile at other people. If you feel good about doing it, then it is not an expense or loss. Do it without any expectations, not even expecting that others should smile back. Thanks for the comment. Have a nice day.

You do send out a little energy, though. You're right, when you do smile the way you describe, it probably costs no energy. Yet when you do invest energy in it, then you lose it, unless you use protection or something. I am not very skilled in energy exchange, that's why I would like to practice it thru eye gazing (darshan), which is more powerful than smiling, yet requires two willing participants.

When you do not put energy in smile, the other party does not receive much, which is probably your goal. From your input it seems that there are at least two kinds of smiling, or you energy cost depends on what you choose to put into it.

Yet when I said that it was too expensive, I didn't mean that it cost me so much. I did mean that other people probably think it would cost them loads of money, or some other valuable resource, to smile back me.

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