Monkee Business : PurpleMaze's Log Day 3

in #spunkeemonkee5 years ago

OFFICIAL POST for journaling SPUNKEE MONKEE tasks!

What did I do today?

🛁This is how I cared for my Health & Hygiene! 🤩

I showered and washed my hair. Then I brushed and blow dried my hair without any help.

🌳This is how I made my Environment shine!🏠

I stripped my bed this morning so I'd have lovely fresh sheets.

🤝Here is how I was of service today!👍

I helped my mum a bit with the washing and I helped clear the dishes after dinner again.

🎨 Here is how I had fun with my hobbies!🏈

I made short animation but unfortunately in the end I was not satisfied with it.

👩🏻‍🎓 I discovered this about what I might want to be 👨🏻‍🎓

🤔 My special thoughts about today 🤔

Today was fun because we went out shopping for my dad's birthday present.

Points Earned for Today

Tasks Complete (out of 5 total) : 4

Total Points For Today: 80

@spunkeemonkee will verify TOTAL points for today in a comment. Remaining BALANCE will be recorded in the comment. If you have enough points to start digging - go dig on the DAY'S Hunt Post! GREAT JOB TODAY, MONKEE!!

PurpleMaze's Monkee Closet

All the beautiful graphic from Spunkee Monkee have been designed by the AMAZING @jimramones and belong to Spunkee Monkee. Please only use these graphics when referencing OFFICIAL Spunkee Monkee business! 😊


Hello Maisy if I had some I would give you some of those wavy things but i cant but i will when i can but anyways nice work but i gave 100%

Thanks. I'll go over to your post and upvote it once I'm done writing mine.

✅ Enjoy the vote! For more amazing content, please follow @themadcurator for a chance to receive more free votes!

You make animations... wow
I have tried with some of those free apps and they take forever
I am sure you are pretty good at it and would love to see them here on the spunkeemonkee daily reports :)
Perhaps some day

What did you get your Dad for his birthday?
A Happy Birthday to your Dad ;D

I got him an Xbox voucher (my mum added some of the money).

I use flipaclip on my iPad mini and yes it takes me forever to make them too. :D

Hi @purplemaze

You should drop over to @raynen's blog and say hello. He likes K-Pop and BTS. He also says he's going to be in a boy band soon. That should be exciting.

Great job and showering and looking after your hair on your own! Does it feel good to do things on your own?

So, what was your animation about? What didn't you like about it? Shadows says that sometimes doing things you don't really like the result of is just like figuring out one way you don't want something to come out. Maybe try another way?

So today you did 4/5 activities which gives you 80 points.
You have a balance of 530 points

Keep up the good work

Hobo and the Gang

Yes it feels good to do things independently. My animation was just my character moving its head side to side, I didn't like it in the end because the proportions were weird. Also, I will go over to @raynen's profile after making my new post.

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