Steem Cartoon : Setting Up Location Map for Animation

in #steem-cartoon6 years ago (edited)

step 1.jpg

Location map is important as a guide to start any animation production. It must be prepared in advance after the script is completed for continuity of the entire story. This process is important to serve as a guide for all production crew so that we get a complete picture on the geographical location of the animation. Here I will share how this map is created.

I first start with a sketch map that is created for this episode. You can see the breakdown of each episode according to the location map.

step 2.jpg

There is the next process of colouring, it is important for everyone in the production team to get the actual colour tempo for each location. The process that I want to show is simple and you can do it. YOu need to use simple painted stye so that every information can be seen clearly.

For the first layer of line artwork I use multiply so that the originality of the sektch pencil on the drawing can be maintained. Thereafter we can do a flat colour spread on the entire drawing. It is best that the process of colour selection for each part must be in accordance with the mode colour that is suitable for each location.

step 3.jpg

This is an example that is clearer on the process that I use. For the selection of colour palette, it is important so that the colours can be seen parallel to the mood of the location.

step 4.jpg

The brush that I use is the rough flat brush and it helps in creating a simple and spontaneous spread.

step 5.jpg

Now for the colour of the water. I use the same technique but for the water ripple effect I will use layer multiple with dark blue colour.

step 6.jpg

Once I am done with the process of medium detailing, I will start rendering again for each part so that it will appear clean and tidy.

step 7.jpg

This is the process that I am completing. This part I will give more emphasis on the detailing so that it will appear even more interesting.

step 8.jpg

Now the process of the location map is complete.

credit to @zomagic


This is awesome my friend.
What a grestvtskent you have.

Thank you 🙏

Interesting post, thanks! Haven't made any for my latest project but this time we do it!

Thanks haedre :)

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