
As the person that made the changes I can say the link stays put but will just point to a new place. I don't think the folks at steemit would have appreciated it if I started rearranging their menu

There is just a gap above and below Blocktrades and Gopax which makes the chat link hidden on the menu. No rearranging needed if there is a way to tighten up the gaps above and below the exchanges.

They are their own unordered list. Each individual list has a gap after it so there is one above and below. I couldn't say why it is that way but that is the way it is designed.

These gaps.

I see them. Look at the source of the web page. That is css making those gaps. Everywhere you see a gap a new list begins. I don't know why they are all their own lists but they are.

Okay, so I am not crazy : )

I don't think so.I believe it will remain in same spot

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