2 Years on Steem. Time to HOLD or FOLD? My Brutally Honest Thoughts. *TRIGGER WARNING!*steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

2 years.gif

Record Scratch Freeze Frame You might be wondering how I ended up here.

After purchasing a home and having very little capital, I gathered up what I could from my piggy bank, my laundry lint filter and those narrow spaces in between the couch cushions and put it into Steem to see what would happen.

Little did I know about the true nature of the journey for which I was embarking.

          I went through a few stages on Steem. First, was the “fly on the wall” stage, a time that I was not very involved but was rather learning to test the water.

          My original intention for joining this platform was religious in nature as I belong to a very niche group who believe a very particular set of things about a particular person in history.

          If you haven’t been living under a rock or on the Sentinel Islands (RIP missionary dude), you’ve probably heard of the person. Regardless of the nomenclature you use to identify this person, the important thing is the propositions that describe this person which drastically differ from community to community.

And the religious tangent starts in 3, 2, 1...

          When you have a friend that you know very well, it goes without saying that you should be apt to describe that person and, yes, that means WITH WORDS! Like I know my buddy Carlos. I know he has has black hair and is kind of short. If someone else says they know Carlos too but describe him as a bald headed guy that is average height. I'd reckon we are not talking about the same Carlos.

No, that's the wrong Carlos

          I know some may be well aware of the pastorism of “Preach the gospel and, if necessary, use words.” which I have mentioned previously. That sentiment may look good on paper but it nevertheless presents a falsehood suggesting the gospel is not something apprehended with mere intellectual assent. Often, this sort of flawed theology is coupled with a flawed philosophical anthropology. Here's an article written by my brother and friend, David Bishop that dismantles the faulty reasoning of the mere intellectual assent fallacy. He's much more experienced at explaining these sort of things but, be warned, it can be kind of heady material.

Philosophical anthropology, sometimes called anthropological philosophy,[1][2] is a discipline dealing with questions of metaphysics and phenomenology of the human person, and interpersonal relationships.
Source Wikipedia

          They often purport we possess a dichotomous nature existing of head and heart. The rise of this concept was been suggested to be correlated with the rise of gnosticism. Here is a short tidbit on that as well.

These systems believed that the material world is created by an emanation of the highest God, trapping the divine spark within the human body. This divine spark could be liberated by gnosis. Some of the core teachings include the following:
All matter is evil, and the non-material, spirit-realm is good.
There is an unknowable God, who gave rise to many lesser spirit beings called Aeons.
The creator of the (material) universe is not the supreme god, but an inferior spirit
Gnosticism does not deal with "sin", only ignorance.
To achieve salvation, one needs to get in touch with secret knowledge.

Source Wikipedia

          As can be ascertained from the above about gnostics, knowledge is the key to their salvation. This fits the template of any works righteousness system. You do x,y, z things and earn yourself a GOLDEN TICKET into those pearly gates.

Sound too good to be true? It's because it is.

So, if you go out of your way to acquire the correct set of knowledge, you're good, right?

         No. There is a decided difference between knowing of a gospel and believing upon it. It's like knowing that there are claims that a certain chair can hold your weight and actually putting the chair to the test.

Now that's a sturdy chair!

          You can't hedge your bets with the blood of the Son. You're either all in or you're out. You trust in the provision or you do not. There is no in-between and I would like to make that abundantly clear especially to the religious crowd still running on the never-ending treadmill of works. If your perceived assurance is based on your deeds in any sense, I contend that you have no assurance in His death and it alone.

          So, don't think that walking 100 ladies across the street is going to get you above the threshold. Sorry, doesn't matter if it's 100 or 1000. . No amount of ladies you can help or kittens you can save from burning buildings or anything that is going to make you righteous in God's eyes.

          That's because everything we do is already tainted with self-righteousness. What happened in the garden of Eden was no accident. Don't you know everything has been set to glorify the Son in the redemption of a fallen world.

          If you are one of His, He will impart the necessary knowledge and also import the disposition to believe upon it... and that is with your mind, your intellect.

         Contrary to popular belief, our hearts do not possess a distinct type of knowledge. Yes, I know that stands at odd with the lines you hear in entertainment about believing things in your heart. Your heart is an organ. It pumps blood. It doesn't think. Heart in the biblical context means more of less the center of your being and, guess what, that includes the ol' noggin.

Ok, so now you may have an idea of why I came to Steem and the message I hoped to proclaim every now and again.

TL;DR: Salvation is in Christ ALONE achieved by His perfect death

Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming about my thoughts on Steem

          I've spent 2 years here and I have learned much about this network and the incentives. I know... I'm about to do it.

The Misalignment of Incentives Discourage Good Work Ethic

Yes, we're talking about incentives for the eleventieth time but why not? It's not fixed.

Why would users not be demoralized in this scenario?

          Let's say a user works diligently to build the platform via quality content creation or other activities such as development of tools to enrich the ecosystem. They later find out that there is a mechanism through which less meaningful activity is rewarded similarly. Imagine how that shit feels? It's not a good feel.

          Despite sparring with these feelings, I still manage to put in the effort despite it. Many of us put so much time and effort and it's disheartening to see the kind of bullshit that gets a pass 'round these parts.

Yes, I'm talking about the trash voting bid bots

but let's not forget about the bullshit circlejerkers that gave rise to them..

          If you create a pathway for low quality contributions (I use that term loosely) to get voted, what are you going to get? (Don't think too hard)

... More low effort contributions!

          If something can be gamed, it will be gamed. Is Steem a mere free-for-all money grab or ought we to be working to build something better? If the latter, how long are we going to endure the dead weight free-for-all people riding on the coat-tails of the builders?

          Both the circle jerkers and vote sellers are a problem. To not use so many words, their effect is essentially to lower the bar of the type of effort that is rewarded and give new users false expectations. If you're not in the in crowd or buying votes, good luck because you'll need it. (Or learn to kiss ass I guess.)

And we wonder why high user attrition is a thing?

          I can rant all day about the distribution and sketchy voting practices but let me sum it up in a list of the more serious problems of this platform and / or the culture of the user base.

  • Users that opt out of bid bot use and focus on growing organic support are at a significant disadvantage.

          Anybody that has any shred of integrity know that bid bots are problematic for a number of reasons. Foremost, is the ease of getting rewards and positive ROI on low quality user contributions which undermines the entire reward mechanism. Again, why should any of us bust our ass to produce exceptional content when bots enable non-exceptional content to receive exceptional rewards???

  • Rise of Narcissistic Personalities

          Let's face it. If you want to find a narcissist, all you need to do is check out trending. It's full of people that think their opinions are more important than the rest of us. The pretentiousness of some of the higher rep accounts is surely a turn off to many on the platform. This is compounded by the fact that the bid bots usually offer some sort of ROI, these type of users also get to grow faster than the more genuine users seeking organic support are generally going to struggle to keep up. If I am intent on not paying someone to vote on my work, should I even continue on this platform or am I playing a fool's game? I know what some of you may be thinking.

Why so negative???

Fun Fact: I'm actually O-Neg. Universal Donor. If you need some red juice, I got you fam.

It's difficult for me to be optimistic about this platform after hearing @ned's latest live stream.

          As many of you know, I put in a shit ton of time developing off-chain anti-abuse projects such as @steemflagrewards which is dependent on Steemit Incs API nodes. One of the things that was discussed was decommissioning those nodes and requiring dApp / bot owners to pay for RPC node access. For one, I've never taken profit from the bot. The compensation I receive are upvotes from you fine folks. You are the good people that keep me around this place. I'm not powering down just yet but the loss of public RPC nodes is really a big deal to me.

Being able to serve and entertain others with good botting is a big part of what I do and losing that would be a big hit to my confidence in the platform. I hear the argument of dApps needed to get off the tit so to speak especially those that make a profit but the future is uncertain for those of us whose bots are not designed for profit but for fun. I would be disappointed to see !popcorn or !rabbit to be no longer sustainable to operate.

With all this being said, it seems like dark clouds around the horizon.

What does it mean to me if Steem were to zero out and become a derelict blockchain?

  • About half my Steem had been purchased so obviously that would be taking a big 'L'
  • Countless hours contributing will be another big fat 'L'.

But there is ALWAYS a silver lining! What would I have gained from this experience?

  • Countless skills that I have picked up in the last couple years. Python, GitHub, Ubuntu and DIscord to name a few. Guess, if nothing else, I have a few more resume bullets.

  • I have made a lot of friends whose friendships I value deeply. Wouldn't trade that for some coin!

  • Hard lessons learned about investing. Been caught on the wrong side of a few too many dumps and I'm a hard learner...

It's not all doom and gloom but it is a situation in which I feel greatly humbled...

          Think it's important for folks to hear a critical voice in contrast to the almost cultist optimism that others seem to present. Often, these folks aren't really at a loss monetarily or otherwise have a business agenda biasing their presentation. I am not guided by any such agenda but rather trying to be realistic and honest with people. Take it for what you will.

For the record, I don't shill. I keep it real.


Pretty thoughtful post thanks.
I think there is a big divide between those who got easy free steem and us who have worked our asses off and spent our own capital to get ours.
The sad thing is capital wise we are the big losers. But in life they are the big losers.
Its a quandary, buts that's how things work in our world. I don't see it changing anytime soon.
See you on the other side.

Perhaps, not here but consider this staging if you will for something better. You know the LORD will provide. What they meant for evil, He meant for good. Right???

I will be very sad if steemit becomes a social media cesspool, the way myspace ended up. Another social media giant is always around the corner willing to gobble up users and provide promises of a more popular future with them. Today I just learned about hub.life which hopes to provide a free mouthpiece to livestreamers (particularly conservatives) who no longer are welcomed to speak freely on facebook.

The development technology is way beyond my head or interests, however the ramifications those play on our daily and future interactions are important to me and my values. Being an old-school database guy, I was really excited about hivemind when I heard about it. Isn't that supposed to offer all the data candy all the dapps could ever want and need, and lighten the load on the active blockchain? Maybe I misunderstood everything about it, and the positive potential it could bring here.

I am still less than thrilled about SMT's which I consider a threat to the success recipe for steemit that has already changed a few times. Already there are splinter communities from steem that I can no longer interact with directly like I used to, because I have to be accepted into their coven, buy their weed, and post 10 hail mary's a day to get them to notice me. So many people think they know what a community is, but I don't really think they have a clue. It has become a buzzword, so watered down, it no longer means the same thing. True community is about unity, welcomeness, and developing value from quality relationships. All the facebook refugees who originally came to steemit are now looking elsewhere if they cannot find the acceptance under one single group that will adopt them. How will SMT's unite us? By throwing sketchy tokens at them, with empty promises, they are all equally dependable replacements for the gold standard of Steem? Take a well organized system (okay, a disorganized system) and shake it up into a hundred separate pieces, and we end up with a broken mess, and thousands of angry ants fighting more ruthlessly than before for domain.

Interesting remarks about gnosticism. I think I told you a few months back my own fascination with studing such subjects. In this post I am having trouble drawing a clear thread relating all the pieces you covered though. Definitely many wide open philosophical subjects that people have many different opinions and beliefs about.

Thank you for the honest feedback and open discussion opportunity.

As always, your comment is laden with meaning and really appreciate it.

I am also somewhat skeptical about SMT and the countless micro-economies that they would spawn. Do I think SMTs could possess utility if deployed properly? Sure but my intuition tells me that like ERC-21 tokens that there will be individuals that use the SMT as a pitch for vaporware and scams. I do entertain the notion of starting an SMT for @steemflagrewards but I want to be sure that we have a viable product before we go about selling the idea.

We do have a discord bot and said bot encourages A LOT of flagging of the BS that the narcisists I mention constantly try to sell us so we do have something but that's a far cry from a full on application to empower Steem abuse fighting. I think a big hindrance to other investors is to see the type of activity being rewarded in this ecosystem as that is pretty much why I am reticient to put too much into this system.|

I believe once Steem's incentives are realigned to productive activities then we are on the road to success. Currently, this is not the case as users posting screencaps of horoscopes are more apt to receive rewards (using bots) than say a person like you or me. I am one that would doggedly let me work stand on its own versus using my liquid rewards to empower users that need not empowering. I guess you can call that a quirk of mine and I do not foresee it changing any time soon. In video game terms, I nerf myself so, when I experience any type of glory here, I will know that I have earned it.

As for my theological thoughts, I admit they were kind of discombobulated but hope there was something edifying in spite of it. ;)

Thanks again for the stellar comment.

Thanks for the delayed response. I think I had forgotten about my interaction here, so that was a pleasant surprise.

One of the first things that really spiked popularity, as I remember, was how simple it was to comment, meet people, and exchange some kindness without any pretense.

Something happened along the way, where more people agreed it was better to collect a paycheck, and skip the pleasantries. Have they been corrupted? I am not sure why so many people cannot overlook the money aspect, and appreciate the social networking and information sharing possibilities. I assume it is because other plaforms, not using steem, are starting to do a better job of this.

I hadn't touched programming since 2010 before I came to steem. It got me back into it. 😁

But at the end of the day no one knows where this is going, I have hope still. It would be sad if it fails. But I wouldn't let it get to me. 😊

Rip missionary dude xD

I was thinking "Too soon?" but was like nah. I feel bad for the dude but there must have been a thought in the back of his head that maybe that wasn't the best idea.

It's like me going to the hood where people getting shot for shoes, preaching the LORD, and somehow thinking that there is no way in hell I'm getting mugged. That's how you get got.

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