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RE: How to Fund Development of the Steem Blockchain

in #steem5 years ago

The nice thing about taxes is that we can use the tax to pay for things that the entire community benefits from. Let's say roads and water treatment plants. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

The bad thing about taxes is that someone is in charge of the money and they will funnel it back into their own pockets if given the chance. Let's say the prison state and infinite warfare via politicians.

And so, we have cultivated a bunch of ignorant self-righteous citizens who think they are funding roads and foodstamps when they are really paying for legalized slavery and death

And so, until I am shown a decentralized proposal to fund development where no one is in charge and the rules are difficult to game and not worth the risk... I must assume all ideas put forth are inherently fatally flawed.

There seems to be quite an urgency to get the ball rolling all of a sudden. Did people just now start caring about blockchain development, or do they smell blood and desperation in these bearish waters and want to use that fear as leverage for more power?


I very much agree with you. One thing that has alarmed me about this present circumstance is the sudden discussion about taxing rewards, before any decisions regarding how to allocate those funds have been undertaken. I see this as shaping the debate, and precluding discussion of alternative funding sources.

It is for this reason that I made this post: to broaden the debate, and include what I think is equitable, for all the reasons I stated.


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