Sometimes, You Just Have Lemons

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

It's after 9 pm, my time, and I've spent the day, a lot of it, anyway, staring at the new post page, trying to getting something typed.


I intended this morning when I got up to write something about why I stay on STEEM, since I had seen someone else's post earlier, which was motivated by yet another post.

But, as I got to thinking about it, I've written a similar post more than once, probably, and really, there's not a whole lot to elaborate on. There are reasons, none of which fire me up with passion enough to write them again, though.


In essence, I stay on STEEM because I want to, dang it.

How's that for passion?

I did finally start something that was basically talking about the mood I was in, and have been in since Thursday afternoon, probably. It may have started earlier with work, but family issues is where I felt it manifesting the most. I got rid of that potential post after several paragraphs, but here I am going back to it, so I'm sticking with it this time, for better or worse. Most likely, most won't see this, and I can get it out of my system. My luck, it will be the only post future generations will be able to find of mine.

Okay. My mood.

Yesterday, it continued, mostly because of work, in spite of it being a relatively easy day. I have one place I go to frequently where no matter what I do, it never seems to be enough for a certain manager. What's frustrating most of all is, the person isn't my boss. I'm not sure why they feel like they need to tell me to do things, but they do. I'm not the only one they do it to, so it's not personal. I'm just the new guy, and old enough to recognize the type and try to take it in stride. I've found myself being caught off guard by it, though, and I'm not sure why.

I think mostly, I don't like being told what to do. By anyone.

Then, I got a phone call later in the afternoon after I'd been home from the route a while from a co-worker wondering if I knew anything about leaving a machine open at some movie theater somewhere. Someone else, not him, had been told by the officer manager, who in turn had been told by the owner to tell the other person to do it, to go and hunt down the machine. Unfortunately, this other co-worker wasn't told specifically who had called, only that it was a theater somewhere. So, he spent a few hours driving around, I guess, without any luck.

Unfortunately, by the time the other co-worker came back, and I got the call from someone else, the office manager and the owner were gone for the day.

So, I've been spending the rest of the weekend so far wondering if I did manage to leave something open somewhere, or if it may not have involved me at all, and what it might mean if I did. I don't like the feeling of potentially doing something when I don't know if I did, or what the ramifications might be.

I suppose if that was all that was irking me, that would be enough. But wait, there's more.

I wrote about my oldest grandson's trip to the hospital and subsequent surgery. He's recuperating quite well, thankfully, but his intestinal problem kept us from taking our younger son out to dinner for his birthday. I was hoping to rectify that today, since everyone was going to be over for dinner anyway, by bringing home what people wanted to eat from Olive Garden. In other words, a last minute bit of improvising, or an audible, if you will.

I asked my youngest son if he still wanted Olive Garden, and he definitely does. But when he mentioned it to his wife, she pretty much shut it down. And she said it was because of my wife. Apparently, all my wife could talk about all week was the ribs she had bought that I was supposed to grill. Funny, thing, though. I didn't hear any of this from her. Now, I'm sure my wife probably said something about having ribs today, but truth to tell, my daughter-in-law isn't keen on Olive Garden, likes ribs much better, and was looking forward to them herself. So, in my mind, anyway, it was a little disingenuous.

Okay, so there's always this coming Saturday, right? Well, there is an annual event I like to go to called the Scandinavian Festival. There's been talk about going to it, too, but my wife isn't keen on going there and Olive Garden, because we'll end up spending money in both places on food. You can't really properly do the Scandinavian Festival without eating something, well, Scandinavian, even though there's plenty of things that don't fit the bill—like hamburgers, German sausage, and noodles.

It's one of those kinds of deals where if you've been there a couple of times, you've probably don't need to go back the next year. It still manages to draw a crowd every time, and there's lines for every Scandinavian related food booth.

So, the daughter-in-law, who pooh-poohed the Olive Garden idea, just had surgery herself on Thursday, and is walking around pretty tenderly still. I don't know how she's going to be in a week's time, but I doubt her or the grandkids are going to do well being outside for the festival and then heading off to Olive Garden later.

Even if my wife wanted to do it, which she doesn't.

So, here I am typing away on this, wondering where I'm really hoping to go with it all, and getting annoyed with the fact that there will be someone out there to say that this was a waste of space on the precious blockchain.

I don't know that we always have to be at our best. I'm not sure I enjoy reading about someone's bad day or weekend per se, but at least it's part of life. We're going to have irritations.

Like wanting to buy SNAX, but realizing that a) I can't buy it on the one exchange it's offered on—Chainrift—because the state I live in—Oregon—is on the no-buy list. I can't find out why, other than they may consider SNAX to be a security for some reason. Maybe because it's based on EOS, which I can't apparently buy, either, because I'm a U.S. citizen and don't want to get around it by using a VPN. I shouldn't have to sneak around, and I shouldn't have a governmental body telling me how I can spend my money.

This idea to buy was precipitated by the fact that SNAX has decided to go from daily rounds to every other day, which means less SNAX for me. Yes, it means less for everyone else, too.

So, anyway. Here I am, kind of fed up with it. Not really feeling like I need to be cheered up, or for someone to solve my problems, which, I know, compared to others are pretty insignificant. I just don't like the hoops, or all the other considerations. I'm getting to the age where life is supposed to get simpler, and frankly, it's not getting simpler. Either it was a lie from the beginning, or the world's changed. My guess is, there's a little bit of both.

I'm probably also chafing against the fact that I don't have a whole lot of time on STEEM, and when I do, like today, I waste it coming up with something to write about. And then, I won't necessarily get any SNAX for my troubles.

I know, this is STEEM. I should be more concerned with that. But isn't earning multiple tokens for the same amount of work the deal now? There's PAL and CCC potentially in the works for me, too, plus fractional LEO I don't know why I'm getting. SNAX is just more generous, probably because it's value is worth just over a hundredth of a cent in EOS, or whatever $0.00001001 is supposed to be.

If I was accumulating STEEM at the rate I've been stacking SNAX, I'd still be excited about it. Right now, it's a grind, and after the hard fork, it will most likely be more of a grind.

Okay. I better stop, or I won't ever end this roaming whatever it is.

I'm hoping by Monday, I'll get back to my normal, less irritated self. For all our sakes.

Image source—Pixabay


One of those weekend days that the work week caught up on you, the family caught up on you, and no one except you and your one son like Olive Garden. The two of you are just going to have to make like teenagers on Wednesday and sneak off to the Garden.

Yeah there are those why am I irritated days. i used to get them a lot more frequently, but being retired now, not so much. In fact I can't remember when I last had one, that is a good thing I guess. I am irritated that I really want a pizza, and I still have to wait two more months before deciding if it is pizza time.

I hope you have a less irritated Sunday, and I hope all family members get well soon.

Hey, @bashadow.

re: wait two more months

Okay, so I've got to hear how this works. You've got to wait two months in order to decide if it's pizza time? I don't even know why and it's already driving me crazy. :)

As fun as sneaking off would be, and thank you for even suggesting it, short of tranquilizing his family, and then me pulling a Men In Black flashy memory thingy on him, there's not really any sneaking off. At least none without repercussions. And I guess you weren't covering for that. :)

Yesterday was a little less irritating until the end, so that was good. It appears I still have a job, so that's good. I guess I'll know more in the next half hour or so what I may or may not be doing about an open machine. The person I report directly to is back, and may know about the week's happenings by 9 am.

I know I have a full week this week. Lots of collections. So, we'll see how it goes. Your sentiment is appreciated on all levels, though. :)

Two months, next diabetes blood level check, last one was a bit high, so limited on refined carbohydrate intake.

So you still really do not even know if it was a machine that you left open. At least by the time you read this you should have found out. I hope all the stress was for nothing.

re: diabetes check

Oh, okay. Guess I should have figured it would be some kind of health reason. I'm glad I asked, though. :)

re: still don't know

Actually, I have no idea yet. Apparently, though, it's not a big deal one way or the other because I just got a text that I will be handling some ATM money during my trip to the coast. I've never done this before, let alone on my own, and have only seen it happen once. I do have some instructions, but I think my boss will either want me to call when I'm there, or will somehow walk me through it.

So, I'm hoping it is a good sign, one way or the other, and that the stress is for nothing. I'd just rather not have the stress. Funny how I had much less during the years I wasn't working. :)

I think employers and co-workers sometimes get off on causing each other stress. Glad it was no big deal, and that reason is because the person that called is either a known complainer about nothing, or it was someone else. Safe travels tomorrow.

The two of you are just going to have to make like teenagers on Wednesday and sneak off to the Garden.

I like @bashdow's idea. It is your son's birthday afterall.

there will be someone out there to say that this was a waste of space on the precious blockchain.

Yep. And two fingers to them. They can mind their own business. (although I think it's one finger in your neck of the woods) 😂

Hope you're feeling better soon. It will pass of course. We just have to ride this stuff out I think.

Sending love and hugs! 💙

Hey, @gillianpearce.

Yeah, I agree. Sometimes, you just have to gut it out. Burning bridges won't help, and ignoring things won't help, so grin and bare it. :)

Bashadow's idea was pretty cool. Unfortunately, I have a better chance of sneaking out on my own than he does.

I am feeling better after a relatively uncomplicated day. And the love and hugs helped, too. Thank you. :)

Ah! Not one of your better weeks. Anyhow, the week is going to be over soon. Moods are funny things. Sometimes, it tangles you up and bothers you more than other days. Just take it easy. Let it go, let it pass. Don't think too much. Next week will be better. 😊

Well, I'm already in a somewhat better mood. I guess we'll see how today and the week progresses. If it did me any good to be in this type of mood, I might try to foster it, but generally, it doesn't get me anywhere so might as well be happy rather than heading towards miserable. :)

That's it. Being miserable will not solve anything, so you might as well be happy. 😊

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