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in #steem5 years ago

Dear Steemians,

When I first heard about Steem I was attracted because I saw it as an attempt to fairly rewarding content creators and curators. It is understandable that people fell for Facebook and Google as they were seemingly giving away very good software for free. But now in 2019, it makes no sense to me that so many people continue to work for these companies without getting paid.

In Steem I see the possibility to find great content while at the same time supporting the creators and the platform.

However, I am still trying to find out how to best support people and projects on this platform.

The easiest way I saw was to buy a bunch of Steem, power up, and curate. But I soon started to realize that I was curating without a strategy, sometimes even without knowing my own goals. As a result, some of my upvotes are inconsistent and some contradict each other.

I'd like to give you an example of a conflict: One of my goals is to see the quality of posts to increase to the point where great authors on other platforms switch to Steem (why are they posting on Medium?). Another of my goals is to support new people and people working under challenging conditions.

It is for the second goal that I sometimes upvote posts that I know will adversely affect the first goal.

If you are a manual curator I would love to hear how you are handling your curation. Here are some questions:

  • Should I base my upvotes solely on the quality of the posts and thereby support people who already know how to produce?

  • Should I assign some of the upvotes to people to encourage them to become great authors?

  • How much should I direct towards diversification? For example, to make the place more interesting by upvoting authors from many countries (that may follow ethical rules that would be called unethical elsewhere)?

(Note: My engagement is not primarily of a charitable nature. I don't mind making money with my investment. However, I take no interest in becoming smart in draining the reward pool. I will consider this investment a success only if the Steem price significantly increases and I profit along with everybody else.)


First of all I would like to thank you for being who you are. You are an example for many steemians out there. As a person who has been benefited from your upvotes from time to time, I am glad that you enjoy(?) my content.

As for your curation goals, even though you didn't have to ask anyone for"instructions" you wanted to know what the community thinks over that matter...and I think it's great.

I can only speak for myself. I manually curate posts on the "new" category regardless of the subject. Different people have different tastes so what for me might be a great post for you might happen to be the biggest shitpost ever made. So quality is kinda subjective...I also have some proven authors whose content is great for me, in auto pilot You are one of the very big stake holders of the platform so your vote, even though steem's price has dived as never before, can still make a huge difference. Even a small% of it. For me, the trick is a) to keep supporting those who are consistent and have a relatively good quality, b)support some newcomers which are going to struggle for sure.

You are already doing a great job so hats off to you anyways!

I think your three questions cover most of the bases and they are in combination what I do. I also delegate to Dsound because I am a musician and they manually curate for me!


Hello, this is the second publication of yours that I read, and you seem to me to be very nice. Many people say that they vote for good content, but that is something difficult to define, because what is good for me, for you may not be good.
I think the idea of ​​supporting people who are still small and have a pleasant content seems good.

My vote it does not have much value at the moment, but I vote for the people who publish topics that I like.

and if you want, you can see my content. to see if you like it, and if you like art you can visit my husband @theonlyway's blog.

Thanks in advance. :)

Hi @blessed-girl,

Well said.

".... something difficult to define, because what is good for me, for you may not be good."

Obviously true.

Posted using Partiko Android

Marius, I can only speak for the @dsound community, but your patronage has incentivized a ton of great music content that had all but evaporated in the wake of Steemit Inc. pulling their delegation. I'm sure you can provide a similar lift to other creative pools on here that just need a little upvote power to begin galvanizing a core community.

Personally I've been giving the upvote methodology a ton of thought lately (thus why i asked about steemauto) ... as I round 10k SP I'm definitely looking to get out of the cycle of dropping 100 percent upvotes on 30 or 40 musicians at once and sitting on my hands while my steem power recharges. I'm going to do a curated list and just flat 10 percent upvote every name I recognize from the year and a half I've been manually curating music on here and go from there.

I have noticed that I often stay in the familiar circle with my votes, although I would like to support new or rather unknown users. (For this purpose, I find this tool quite useful.) Also accounts like @driveforkids, @nosdos or @steemchiller who works tirelessly on - are great.

So I think a mixture of quality, encouragement, promotion of certain projects and of course personal preferences would be good.

Thanks @michelangelo3. Wow so many new tools and accounts to read about. I know what I’ll do tomorrow.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Wow, thank you so much for all your great support @mariusfebruary! You are proving the point that there are still a few creative, empathic and at the same time deep-thinking investors left in our world, who want to take part in healing the planet. Those are the real heroes of the new world.

As I see, my day starts with a big surprise:

That's a wonderful feeling and it motivates me to continue my path in 'working on a better world'. If you should miss anything in my tools or need a custom feature at some point in future, I'm your man ;)

Have a sunny day and keep your creative energy flowing.

LG, Chiller

Yes, definitely 100% upvotes for @steemchiller!

What a refreshing change, a whale who sees further than his own back pocket. If only there were more like you :)

May I suggest trailing @c-cubed who vote 10 times each day on the best content retrieved by over 400 curators working for @c-squared. @c-squared are also a witness and a good bunch of people.

Thank you for being here and doing what you can to help Steem grow.

Thank you @abh12345 (it must have looked cool back when your reputation was 67). I am voting for c-squared and will look into c-cubed.

Ha! Yes I do remember noting the 1 through to 7 at that point in time. That's about as cool as it got for my spammy looking username :)

c-squared vote on a lot of posts, c-cubed vote on the cream of the submissions and output a daily post highlighted them too.

Have a nice weekend :)

What you're doing right now definitely helps people. I'm more or less doing the same thing, albeit I'm just upvoting posts that I like. If I think it's a good post, I upvote it. If it's really good, I'll resteem it. I guess the biggest thing here is being positive through the whole thing, you know?

@mariusfebruary You have received a 100% upvote from @botreporter because this post did not use any bidbots and you have not used bidbots in the last 30 days!

Upvoting this comment will help keep this service running.

Greetings dear friend.

I do not belong to that elite of powerful curators, as my voting power is only $0.0013, however I have seen how some friends such as @xpilar or @electrodo have created organized contests or topics to discuss where users are supported according to the contribution or content they have.

On the other hand, I would like to answer the questions according to my way of being to see if you are interested in implementing such a strategy:

Should I base my upvotes solely on the quality of the posts and thereby support people who already know how to produce?

If the quality is good, "YES", since everyone should have the right to be rated when it shows high quality content, I have seen users with a repute of almost 70 while their publications only contain 3 lines of text or less than 20 words.

Should I assign some of the upvotes to people to encourage them to become great authors?

Votes are the main motivation for us Steemit writers no matter what the value. But, without a doubt whoever receives a good vote will be able to increase their performance and power as long as acceptable content is presented for the benefit of the platform, if most of us send the support received a large chain of support could be formed.

How much should I direct towards diversification? For example, to make the place more interesting by upvoting authors from many countries (that may follow ethical rules that would be called unethical elsewhere)?

All those who are loyal to the rules deserve support, here in Venezuela we live in strong times and sometimes I find it difficult to publish a post either because there is no internet, computer or simply because there is no electrical service.

I will always be grateful to those who seek to support others in a disinterested way and with all good will, God bless.

Thank you for the detailed answers @jadnven.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hello friend @mariusfebruary , before I begin, I apologize for my bad English, it really helped me a lot with Google.

Since I started in steemit one of my goals was to invest and be able to support more users the idea is to add people to the platform very difficult task but I have tried to do I have held events culture competitions customs and folklore with a team of qualified people to be as objective as possible.

But sometimes I have seen people with high SP with very low values of ethics that create monopolies and do not seek to help anyone, other people write very well but they are not constant and maybe a month later they say goodbye to steemit, there are those who ask only because it is the easiest way and there are those who do it because they really need or hunger if you do not help is wrong before the law of God and if you do it knowing that your publication does not meet even the minimum to be supported is not ethical.

So my friend is a difficult subject to handle and it will depend on the angle that is seen and the criterion or objectivity of the curator. A pleasure to visit your Blog.


Thank you @jadnven for mentioning the work is being done and I see that it is coming to the community I feel very happy to be your reference.


Gracias a ti amigo @electrodo, conozco su buen trabajo y a pesar de no ser un usuario que haya recibido sus votos siempre estaré agradecido por el apoyo que brindas a otros, y es como tu dices, muchos se aprovechan de la buena fé y no corresponden con etíca. es un honor hacer referencia de su buena labor.

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