Wtf is going on? Steem minus 25 % and 15 % up again

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Waking up to a massacre! Steem lost 25 % in an hour, what or who is behind this?

That is definitely a whale trick to buy in lower... Or am I missing something here?

Look at the volume during the dive and the rise back up! Someone is accumulating big here...





Oh very alarming to hear about the embezzlement in crypto world

Is something tricky happening with the whole crypto we expected prices to keep on going up.

This is definitely a rich man's trick!

Upbit, a big Korean exchange, is under police investigation for fraud...

Three exchanges in total got the raid apparently. None had been named when i read the news. Any idea as too the other two?

More and more are going to find themselves in hot water. Fools. As if they werent creaming in enough money.

That is just mankind, there will always be people trying to push the boundries. For me this news is not that bad, it is actually a good thing that exchanges need to be aware of what they do.


In any case, it is trading on upbit that has driven the STEEM price crash. The other two, whatever they are called, don't even register in STEEM markey volume...

Ok, but still the volume during the crash, and the sudden rise of 15 % with an immense volume says someone has been accumulating pretty big. That is a sign something is up for the future, and I think pretty huge!

Yeah, I've seen a lot of people say this weekend is basically 'a sale' on cryptos, and a good time to buy in.

You bet it is!

I haven't seen any names other than Upbit so far, but you are right that there are reports mentioning three raided in total.

Apparently some exchange staff have embezzled crypto from customer accounts and invested them in crypto on other exchanges.

Wild West 2.0... :)

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