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RE: Weiss Ratings Cryptocurrency Briefing Video - Steem in Top 3

in #steem6 years ago

I heard about this from a guy I follow who does pay the $3,500 per year or whatever the fee is. It's cool that Steem is getting more mainstream exposure. I'm really curious to see the effects on the platform when all these people start showing up. It could be a madhouse!


Some of us might call it a madhouse already. :)

Hopefully, though, there will be something in the next few months from the dev groups that will help ease the assimilation of the hordes coming in. Or maybe we'll all suddenly figure out a solution together!

I'd like to see a more formalized introduction to Steemit. I think having a set of pages that explain how specific things work would be highly useful for newbies. Then they wouldn't have to search out authors who had actually written on the topics. As it is, you can have two groups of people writing about the exact same things, but have no idea the other group even exists.

I know this might upset some people, but I think we need to get some centralization in here to help better coordinate. You can't run a business effectively with everyone having the same title and authority. Someone has to be running the thing. Even if you have a board that votes and gives consensus, someone has to be leading the thing.
Yes, they say the developers are working on it, but the general feeling that I have and that basically everyone gives off is that the developers don't care about Steemit. They've moved on. Even that video that came out this past week with Ned and two other devs in Austin, they all looked bored and like they didn't know what was going on. They didn't look like professionals running a multi-million dollar business. That was pretty discouraging to me. I'm still excited for Steemit, and I'm not rage-quitting, but I also haven't started drinking the Kool-aid.

I watched the video, too. I didn't necessarily get the sense they were bored, but I didn't feel a sense of earnestness or urgency, either. Too much joking around, not very hard hitting or thought provoking questions, and too little direct answers.

I also got a sense of them all being very young. They look like they could be anywhere between upper 20s to lower-30s. Maybe they have families and know what living for someone else entails, but I didn't get that vibe, either.

I guess I'm getting too old to be instilled with much confidence when someone 20 years younger than I am who hasn't really had a chance to experience life yet is running the show. Welcome to the age of the tech entrepreneur!

re: centralizing introductory content

Do you mean beyond what they've already collected? There's already a couple of pages where they talk about what things are and how to properly maneuver around Steemit.

re: Drinking the Kool-Aid

Yeah. There's way too much cleanup and modernization that needs to take place. No drinking the Kool-Aid. Ever. :)

There's something about having lived enough years that you've gone through hard things and have overcome them. It gives you perspective and allows you to empathize with people. If you made a discovery or invention at young age and never had to work through the ranks of a company that didn't appreciate you or allow you to express yourself creatively, you won't be able to relate to a majority of the workforce.

They did seem a little out of touch. It would have been nice to see them more organized and with more of a vision and plan for moving forward.

Welcome to the age of the tech entrepreneur!


They have a small collection, but groups like MSP-PAL have better materials. If it takes you a while to find them, you're behind from the get-go.

Modernization is a good word for what needs to happen here. A lot of the stuff is like Web 2.0. Shouldn't we be to Web 3.6 or something by now?

The video was at a social meetup and done by somebody there who was capitalizing on their presence. It was not formal at all or produced by Steemit Inc as far as I know. The drinking was not helpful. I think that type of video may do more harm than good.

That being said it seems Steemit Inc is organizing a little better and putting out better updates lately. Hope to see more of that going forward.

I was referring to a video I saw of them in Austin, TX. They just seemed out of their element. You're right, there have been a few updates recently. I think it would help public perception if they would create a notification for when updates take place. Then people will see that they're actually working on it. If you aren't paying attention, you can miss them completely.

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