Again the devil to Jesus up on a high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, "All these things I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me. Then Jesus said to him, "Away with you, Satan! For it is written, you shall worship the Lord your God and Him only you shall serve" (Matthew 4: 8 -10)


What you worship matters, because it carries with it physical, spiritual and eternal consequences! Mankind's question has never been whether they would want to worship or not. It has never been whether they are worshippers or not worshippers, for man is born a worshipper, he or she intrinsically, and notoriously worships something! The question they face is what they worship, whom they want to give their worship to! For through out mankind's history, the artefacts, archaeological remains, monuments, customs and traditions of their culture have proved beyond doubt what mankind, the nations and kingdoms of this world, past, present and future have worshipped something and still worship something!
Scriptures of the Bible reveals to us what people worship as God, what the nations worship as their God knowingly or unknowingly.
It's on record that Satan showed to Jesus when tempting Him, the kingdoms and nations and peoples of this world and told Him that if He would fall down before him and worship him, he Satan, would hand them over to Jesus. The revelation here is that the nations of this world, the kingdoms of this world and the peoples of this world worship Satan, that fallen angel, a creature of the Most High God. Jesus referred to him as the Prince or the Ruler (the President) of this world (John 14: 30, John 12: 31). Apostle Paul called him the god of this world (2 Cor 4: 3 -4). Apostle John in a revelation, saw that behind the man of sin, and all lawlessness and evil people do is the spirit of the Dragon, who gives his ppwer to people to do those wicked and evil acts (Rev 13: 4).
Another problem mankind has is that they worship demons spirits or evil spirits but they don't know it (Acts 17: 23, John 4: 22). Because behind every altar, temple and sacrifice of the nations and people are demon spirits (1 Cor 10: 20, Rev 9: 20).
So my question to you is: "Do you know what you worship? Is it the Most High God or the God of this world? Is it the Spirit of God or the spirit of this world? It doesn't matter whether you go to church or not? Whether you are a Christian or not, the truth is you worship something and it's about time you know it.


In Athens, Paul's spirit was provoked to anger because the whole city was given to idol worship, and behind idols were demons (Acts 17: 16, 1 Cor 10: 19 -20). He even saw an altar dedicated to an unknown god (Acts 17: 23). A spirit they donot know but worship. Don't worry about that, because satan and his demons want your worship. If you would do it knowingly or unknowingly does not matter to them, what matter to them is you belong to them and you give your worship to them (1 Cor 2: 11, 1 John 5: 19)
Knowing this problem, Joshua, the leader of Israel, when he was about to die confronted the people of Israel in his days to choose what or whom they would want to worship as their God, and the options on the table before them was the Most High God, who is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who has redeemed them from Egypt or the gods of the land they have come to dwell, who were the demonic spirits of this world. Equally, you and I are also confronted with the same choice in our days, whom we would want to worship, the Most High God, who saves us through the sacrifice of His dear Son on the cross of Calvary or Satan, who is called the evil one, who sway the kingdoms and the nations with its peoples under his evil dominion. The choice is yours. I will advice you to choose well, by choosing Jesus, the Lord.
So as you go through the year and live life, don't be like the Samaritans, who worship what they do not know (John 4: 22), but like Joshua, who chose to worship the Living and the True God (Joshua 24: 15b). Because your worship matters, and you are supposed to give it the Lord God Most High, your creator as Jesus pointed. Remember, Satan is a deceiver, don't let him deceive you to worship him. For there is no salvation in him, but destruction and damnation.
May the blessing of true worship follow you this year in Jesus name. Amen
Shalom, life and grace to you
Moving people onto God's purposes

@johnsonkoranteng @sirknight @sc-g



God alone deserves our worship. The Creator of the universe and everything that have life alone deserves our worship. Worship must be done with a sincere heart and must by the leading of the Holy Spirit for it to please God. Thanks John for the word.

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