STEEMCHURCH: To be strong you must recognize your weakness.

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Blessed is he who has in you his strength, who only thinks of walking your paths. When it passes through the valley of tears it becomes a region of springs. Psalm 83: 5-6


After Joshua humbly acknowledged that he did not have enough to continue the work of the great patriarch Moses, he received a confirmation from God: "During all the days of your life, no one will be able to confront you" (Josh. 1: 5). With that promise, the new leader took heart and put his trust in God.

"The Lord looks at the humble, but knows the proud from afar." (Ps 138, 6).

"God resists the proud and grants his favors to the humble"(Prov 3, 34).

Pride is the result of thinking that we have everything and that we do not need anything or anyone, because we are self-sufficient. Pride gives us a false sense of personal aggrandizement, and leads us to feel that we are superior to others. That was the same sin that led Satan to suppose that he did not need his Creator. However, Joshua did not act with pride, but was humble and learned to depend on God at all times.

What is arrogance?
It is the character of one who, with a swollen estimation of his own strengths or merits, despises others and even treats them with insolence and contempt.

Humility makes us recognize that everything valuable in our lives comes from the hand of our Creator, and therefore we must depend on it for everything, because nothing is the result of our own merits or efforts. Humility is the virtue that leads us to consider others as valuable people and to understand that we need them. At the same time it gives us a realistic sense of what we ourselves are worth, and it helps us to put our feet on the ground.

"By the grace that has been given to me, I say to all of you: No one should have a higher self-concept than he should have, but rather think of himself with moderation, according to the measure of faith that God has given him. . "(Romans 12: 3)

Being humble means being realistic with the perception that you have about yourself. It implies recognizing your strengths, but your weaknesses too; know your talents, but also your limitations. Everything that is above or below this objective perception of yourself is pride.

In Luke 14: 8-11, Jesus gave an excellent example on the matter:

When someone invites you to a wedding party, do not sit in the place of honor, lest there be a guest more distinguished than you. If so, the one who invited them both will come and tell you: "Give your seat to this man." Then, embarrassed, you will have to occupy the last seat. Rather, when they invite you, sit in the last place, so that when the one who invited you comes, he says: "Friend, go on to a better place later." Thus you will receive honor in the presence of all the other guests. Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.

"A prudent man conceals his knowledge, but the heart of fools proclaims his folly" (Proverbs 12:23)

Interestingly, pride is also true for the person who has a LOWEST concept of himself than he should have. People who think they are not worthy of recognition or who allow themselves to be humiliated also seek attention - but in a different way: through pity.

When something happens and they are not recognized, they ALWAYS give the complaint to someone. They constantly act depressed and / or disappointed - often for the purpose of having someone ask them about it. For example, there are people who say "I am very fat" or "I am very thin" just by listening to someone tell them they look good. They are not being realistic or objective about their bodies (or skills or knowledge, etc.) and look for cheerleaders (emotional cheerleaders) that turn them into the center of attention.


Being humble is being honest about who you are.

We can build on our weaknesses a solid strength with the help of God and others: "He who is wise has great power, and he who is learned increases his strength" (Proverbs 24: 5). When we accept our need of God and seek it, we will be women of power and we will be ready to face the challenges.

I would also like to remind you that, when you have problems, the joy of the children will help you to have a good time during bad times, and that the experience of the elderly represents a valuable resource that will provide you with endless solutions. Likewise, the vision of young people will help you to renew your perspectives and objectives on a daily basis.

When you "can not", look around you and you will realize that there are many willing hands to help. Above all, he seeks to hear at each step the voice of God who tells you: "Be strong and courageous" (Joshua 1: 6).

Think of Jesus. When He claimed to be God, it was because He was asked or mentioned and He did not deny it. Do you remember when he said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me "(John 14: 6)? The reason why Jesus said that is because Thomas asked him (John 14: 5). It is always so.

Therefore, humility is shown when you answer honestly about yourself when they ask you. In general, it is not necessary to advertise your talents with your lips, since the way you live does a better job.

My heart is not proud nor my eyes haughty: I am not looking for greatness or things that come to me wide; no, I am very calm and very quiet as a child in his mother's lap; my wishes are similar to that child. (Ps 131, 1-2).




The Lord needs my weakness. Paradoxically, the Lord needs more of our weakness than of our power. For what reason? Because our power could become rather its rival. Those who consider themselves self-sufficient simply tell God they do not need your help. But how different it is to think that my own weaknesses constitute true servants of him. When we do this, we depend on their resources and manifest their glory. Throughout history it has been discovered that man's need is God's opportunity. But on the other hand, the security of man himself is the opportunity for Satan. The way God works is not to put the believer out of the trials, but, in any case, to give him a special power to withstand the trials. Someone has said that "God often takes good from the bad so that the reproaches of our enemies protect us from pride". Weaknesses will prevent us from exalting ourselves excessively. God used the weakness of men to reveal his greatness. Turn your weakness into an instrument of blessing!


Blessed is he who has his strength in God, in the midst of his affliction he renews his strength.Thanks for sharing!

Thank you very much for commenting.

You weakness will always determined how hard you need to work.
The lord has given you power to conquer all your problems all you need to do is to give him all your heart and your Thanksgiving. Never allow the devil to take over your heart and what God has planned for you.
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Recognizing our weaknesses helps us to strengthen ourselves, we do that with the help of God.

I believe that there will be areas in your life that you just will not be good in and that’s okay. So use your strengths and overcompensate in those areas so the weaknesses you have will not seem so prevalent.

sometimes modesty is the key to acknowledge your weaknesses, many Christans nowadays are too proud to admit they have weaknesses and that's why theyre stagnant and never moving forward, we are not an Island of knowledge and that is why we must be willing to admit our weakness if we are ever going to discover our strength.

We must show that we are good Christians, modest.

A humble person separates himself or herself from their accomplishments. When their accomplishments receive criticism, they don’t take it personally, but constructively. Prideful leaders, on the other hand, lash out due to fear, anger, or self-entitlement. This often comes from a need to hide their weaknesses and believe themselves better than others, whereas humble leaders admit their weakness, invite growth opportunities, and listen to the wisdom of the people around them.

This is inspirational
The more we recognize our weakness and submits it to God knowing that we cannot do anything without Him,the more He strengthen us and give us ability to do things even more than our expectations.

He Is our strength when we are weak.

Humility is a great character, even Heaven respects those who humble their selves and to be submissive as lowering yourself to God is to give control to God to be in charge of everything.

Growth begins when we begin to accept our weaknesses.

Though humility is often viewed as a weakness in our loud, proud, take-no-prisoners culture today, it’s actually an incredible gesture of strength. First, it’s a choice. That’s the difference between being humiliated and being humbled. When you’re humiliated – a negative experience – it’s usually at the hands of someone else. But when you choose to be humble, you are choosing not to think less of yourself, but to think of yourself less and others more. The choice makes all the differnce.

A humble heart received from God and he that lift himself high is treading on the path that leads to destruction.

The more we humble ourselves to God and know that all what we have is from Him,the more God will be committed to give us more and lift us up for His glory.

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