Battle of Jankau: The Fight for Freedom of Belief

March 5 in Christian History

The Edict of Restitution of 1618 demanded that the protestant leaders return their lands to Roman Catholic rule. When Germany refused to give in to the Holy Roman Empire, they once again faced war. The 30 years war that ensued was one of the bloodiest in European history.


The Catholic Hapsburg’s began capturing protestant territories throughout Europe. Protestant cities were falling at every turn, and Germany began to lose hope of protecting their lands and their beliefs. It was then that Sweden intervened.

Sweden had largely accepted protestant Lutheranism, and was sympathetic to the plight of the Germans. When Sweden felt its own power threatened by the expanding empire, they chose to act. The beloved King and brilliant general, Gustavus Adolphus, led his army of outnumbered Swedes to victory after victory in Bohemia.

5 Adolphus.jpg

When the Imperial troops assumed that the fighting would break for the winter, the northern Swedes leveled a surprise attack that devastated their enemies. Unfortunately, Adolphus fell in the battle. Unshaken, his fighters continued to aid the protestant cause.

On March 5, 1644, the Swedish troops won a decisive victory at Jankau, present day Czech Republic. Emperor Ferdinand III was forced to give up his campaign. This battle led to the signing of the treaty of Westphalia, which guaranteed peace between the two sides after thirty years of fighting.


The Swedes intervened in the most hopeless time, defending Germany from Imperial invasion. The victory at Jankau protected the Lutheran lands and helped to cement the protestant faith.

Verse of the day: Proverbs 12:20
Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil, but those who promote peace have joy.


En el presente la iglesia de Jesucristo en Venezuela se encuentra librando una batalla espiritual en contra del reino de las tinieblas, similar a la de Jankau. Los últimos gobernantes de Venezuela han abandonado por completo el temor (respeto) a Dios, y a la Palabra. Algunos venezolanos han establecido relaciones de culto, con las deidades afrocubanas y caribeñas, originando una serie de calamidades y hambrunas como nunca antes se habían e xperimentado en el país. Solo un grupo pequeño de cristianos ha entendido , que el proceso que vivimos, más que político, social, o económico, es principalmente espiritual, es decir, cada venezolano debe asumir un genuino compromiso con Dios, ha través del arrepentimiento de nuestros pecados.
P.D. Si algun fragmento del texto le faltan palabras o frases es producto del mismo editor de la plataforma aquí en Steemit , me tomado la tarea de corregir varias veces el texto más persiste el error.

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