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RE: WikiTribune - Jimmy Wales’ New Wiki Vertical Which Should Be on Steem

in #steemhunt6 years ago

That's exactly why I hunted WikiTribune. While Steem has its issues, this platform is perfect for such concept.

Make a tag called SteemTrustorium. What else is needed?

Steemhunt has a character limit for the Hunt's description. This hunt could easily have turned an anti-Jimbo methods rant otherwise. ;)

Methods? I like to refer to it as criminality. When you hold such a respectable place and operate with this lack of integrity spreading falsehood and sowing FUD it's hardly excusable and I'd like to hear why you think otherwise. Succinctly it would say: Redeem yourself while you still can, Jimmy.

Posted using Partiko Android


I didn't state I think otherwise. But despite Jimbo not being perfect, I don't share the seeming vendetta either.

I respect your views but they are extreme beyond my position. Please don't twist my words as you did in your previous comment. I didn't say anything about thinking otherwise

Which words did I twist and why and how? After all, being accused of such things warrants an explanation.

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh frak.

Werent you the one who wanted to know why I thought otherwise?

Apologies if you misread the context of otherwise.

Seems you are very sensitive and quick to exaggerate in style. Not my type nor the kind I spend much time on. Hence I will just mute you on the blockchain.

Accusations, LMFAO.

So asking why you think otherwise of criminality is "twisting" your words and when confronted as to why and how I did so you haven't anything to say besides to speak on my character, or that I'm very sensitive and quick to exaggerate.

Posted using Partiko Android

You're apologizing though for "my misreading the context of otherwise" though. That's hilarious.

Posted using Partiko Android

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