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RE: Curator Cat Feels Grumpy: Steemit and the Human Greed "Gene"

in #steemit6 years ago

There is a lot of greed, but there is also a lot of people that are trying to help others on their steemit journey. Some new users find those groups, some new users are found by those groups. But there is one thing about most of those groups, and that is that for the most part they are all run by minnows for minnows and redfish. Yes there are a few dolphin level people that help and one or two whales, but for the most part they are self help level groups. And that is a natural thing.

Like your work analogy, look at it as a school thing, do the kids in sixth grade play with the first graders? Do high school seniors interact much with freshmen, we have a tendency to want to hang with the big kids, but it is our class mates we turn to when we need help with a lesson.


Definitely a good points!

I felt very welcomed and helped by some of the people behind newbie contests and various engagement challenges. I've been part of quite a few, and they are not only fun, but they help you build a following and some SP. My current goal is to get to a level where my upvotes are worth $0.03 or more so they don't vanish due to the "dust threshold."


You will get there, it does take time. One thing for you to think about if you have not seen it or thought about it is using a vote slider. When you get to 80SP you should look into them. using has one or so I a told, I have no idea how it works, and has a manual vote slider, it is easy to use and is a great addition to steemit.

At about 80SP your vote (depending on price of steem) reaches $0.020 by using a slider you can vote on the content of twice as many post as you could before a slider. This increase the chance of a curation reward, even if it is only $0.001, those do add up. Of course it is a waste to use on a comment, so keep the votes for content post. At 50% on the slider this will still give a person a $0.010 vote.

Thanks for the tips! I use Steemworld quite extensively to keep up with everything like new comments, mentions and so on; it's a very useful site. I figure I'll start looking into vote sliders when I get to about 100SP; until then it's just a game of participation, comments and being part of a few contests and challenges.

In spite of the grumbles of this post, I am really enjoying my time here, and challenge myself to stay in the pages on Asher's Curation Leagues.


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