Steemit Politics for a beginner. steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit6 years ago


When I first joined Steemit I didn’t have a clue. About what to post, about how upvotes worked, about how your voting power decreased. Nothing. That was me in the photo above. Smiling but confused. Until I was lucky enough for another Steemian to show me the ropes . First he worked me through getting Ginabot for discord which is your own personal Steemit PA . Then he told me to signup dustsweeper to that brings upvotes over the .02 payout threshold. Therefore dust from steemians with very little SP pays out. Great idea.


On my earlier posts the upvote yourself was at the on position which meant I upvoted all my own posts. I didn’t really agree with it but I just went along with it. It was only until a few days later than I found it was frowned upon by some. If you upvote yourself within the first 15 minutes then all the curation goes to yourself which leaves your upvoters with nothing. That’s a bit controversial. Imagine clapping myself after singing a song . I decided from then on I will bring my everyday morals into Steemit and never upvote myself again . I know for noobs you need ever cent you can get but in saying that, my parents were never rich but they weren’t tight with money either. I think new steemians should start with good habits as a means to go on. I’m getting to a point now where I check if someone upvotes themselves before I upvote because all my upvotes are sacred and I want to give them to the guys and gals who won’t peel an orange in their pocket. I don’t like tight people by principal.


A good friend of mine was tight with their money. Myself himself and a few friends went to a 40th party in a house near where we lived. We were in college so we weren’t cash rich let’s say. We all bought 6 cans of the cheapest drink you can buy each . Dutch gold it’s called ( you get used to the taste ) . When we got to the door the father of my friend , the birthday boy , answered. He took our cans off us and gave us back good quality drink instead. We had around 8 cans of heinekein and then decided to go back up town. It was a good mile away. When we reached the pub one of the lads went “shit I forgot something” . About 45 minutes later he came back with the 6 cans of Dutch gold” . He was a disgrace. We destroyed him with grief and no one of the lads sat him down for a serious chat about his actionable . I was talking to the birthday boy about this a day later and he said that he couldn’t believe when he answered the door and your man asking for his cans back. It was no problem but he definitely was a tight f#%ker. This story went around the town where I lived and my friend still lives with that reputation today . It’s hard to lose. So in summary don’t upvote yourself. There we are. All sorted .
But there’s lots of politics that I still learning about.
I found out the other day that some steemians frown upon crypto traded steem. That proof of brain and writing posts should be the only way to grow. I myself started out with a few hundred steem from Bittrex . It was resting there, why not just send it to steem and have a go at blogging. Having a zero cent upvote for 6 months wasn’t going to help me or any of my fellow steemians grow if I had liquid steem somewhere else. So I’m one of those guys . But how did whales get to where they were and who is giving out about them ? It must of been crypto traded or bought at ico ,with wait for it , crypto. If some person wants to go off and pay 10k and buy 15000 steem then good luck to them . I shall pray that steemian is a friend of mine and that they upvote me.
Bidbots are another grey area. I couldn’t see how some trending posts were actually trending with the poor content so I looked into their trails. Lots of paying bidbots the equivalent of 200 steem at a time giving them back 250 steem of upvotes . Sounds abit like cheating to me and not in the spirit of Steemit. Profiteering mainly which leaves the trending section look like who paid the most money.
I used a few of these upvote bots at the start but you are paying for nothing really. These bots are not loyal , they don’t upvote you ever again. It’s a bit like paying a prostitute. You get a temporary fix with no passion and if you want to do it again you will need to pay the same amount the next time. And the answer to your next question is No I have never contracted gonorrhea off a bidbot! .
I did try resteem bots also to get a post more traction. Same old story. Waste of money in my opinion. Now that I know it’s fake advertising I frown upon the pay for upvote bots.

A lot of whales are apparently delegating to bid bots which is causing controversy on the platform. What’s worse upvoting yourself everytime or delegating to a bidbot to gain maximum profit from their SP. who would blame them but the bidbots are bad for Steemit as a platform so there aren’t a lot of objections to this l won’t get into this on this post as I am still only getting to know the platform Andy I am not qualified to speak about something that happened before I arrived shall we say! I have heard lots about flag wars which is not something I would like to get into with anyone touch wood. Better not kmowing for now .

Hope some of the beginners may read some of this post and get a few botanical and pieces from this post. Any questions just Leave a comment.

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Navigating the Steemit waters sure does have its ins and outs. After ginabot and dustsweeper things get a bit murky. I am kind of like ginnyannette I just take it all in and have fun doing my thing.

That's the right way to be !

It is the most happy way to be that is for sure. 😼

ha! good excuse.

Wow he even has comments to waste. Or did you just forget to add the other 38 characters it takes to make this one count?

haha! shoot I don't worry about that stuff! what do you do, sit there and count out the characters? lol.

Nice post but I don't agree with the self vote part.

If you upvote yourself within the first 15 minutes then all the curation goes to yourself which leaves your upvoters with nothing.

I have tried both ways.

  • If I don't vote my post on the first few minutes, it's as if my post has the plague or something, cause no one notices it...

  • When I vote my post, at least a few people take an interest in it... And my posts do get somewhere.

There is a reason for this. After your post is published the optimum time for someone to upvote you is after 30 minutes so don't panic . Must upvoters with high steem power check to see if you upvote yourself . When they see that you have they say there is no point voting you so it's a vicious circle. In the curation and engagement weekly contest you get docked points for upvoting yourself. It's a massive no no with a lot of people. But its entirely your choice

I don't get that logic. So, you're telling me that someone with 5000 SP won't vote on a newbie's post, because he's going to lose the curation rewards from a vote worth $0.01, $0.03 or even $0.05? They are skipping voting... because they will not receive 0.001 SP to 0.005 SP in curation !?

This seems too strange... and illogical. What am I not understanding?

You are not understanding the principal. It’s not them that you are denying. It’s everyone , it’s the community, the other 10 SPs who upvoted your post. They find that you are not growing the platform and only growing yourself.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oh. If that's the issue, I won't even bother myself about it. My stats speak for themselves:

Voting CSI: 12.9 ( 11.13 % self, 321 upvotes, 142 accounts, last 7d )

Hi @blanchy. We had someone tight and sorted him out good and proper. We went out to a restaurant and had a slap up meal and one by one went to the toilet and left. We were waiting for him outside hoping he had enough to cover the bill. He saw the funny side though which is what mates do.

😂😂😂😂. Taught him a valuable lesson

Lol you're a funny guy Blanchy. Welcome again to the crazy steemverse

Controversy and politics, Ughh! Great post @blanchy. I agree with your stance on self voting and never thought to check for self upvotes prior to upvoting posts. Nice tip.

What's frowned upon today might be praised tomorrow. Who knows !

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks very much for the post.
Never knew it is not nice to upvote my own posts

@hamg96 it’s not murder or anything . It’s just some of the 60 reps and 70 reps will not upvote if no curation for them. Worth a thought

I really appreciate the enlightenment

I've been active on here since March, and have still managed to glean only bits and pieces of politics. That part just does not interest me at all. I guess all of us fall into some kind of category. Your category on politics seems middle of the road; I'm in the happy-go-lucky category of people that just write things and read things and move right along :)

That's the best way to be!

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like you would know.

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Thanks guys! 😍😍😍

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the easiest way to make money on steemit is to keep writing about how steemit is getting better or whats wrong with it. for some strange reason, these are the posts that are always held in high regard. I personally dont feel that such writing is useful.

genuinely interesting articles however abound and we have to dig them out. sort of like mining!

You have a good point @adarshh . Never really thought of that! 😀😀

It's Great hearing the various aspects of upvoting etc, I too am new to this and have been following the "moral high ground" but some of it may just be that I have not worked out what bid bots are all about!

@scarletpimpernel any questions you want feel free to look me up on discord and I will help with any questions. I am under the same name. An invote bot basically invites your content for a price . You may get 400 upvotes off some of these bots but little monetary return. This will increase your rep but will do little else.

Posted using Partiko Android

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