Abraham Maslows theory of human needs and the social media that fulfills them (The position of Steemit at fulfilling virtually all the human needs)

in #steemit6 years ago

Abraham Maslows theory of human needs and the social media that fulfills them

  • This post seeks to explain why human beings act, what informs behavior

  • Basic human character and how humans make decisions in everyday life from our choice of coffee down to our lives on social media .

What controls us?

We should submit at the outset that Every person you see or will ever meet in life is lost within himself, within his desires and his needs.

Over 90% of the time, we are thinking about ourselves, our lives, our possession our aspirations, our families! This points to the fact that we each have basic needs and it is these needs That take eminence in our life and thoughts.

Who is Abraham Maslow?


Abraham Harold Maslow (1907-1970) was an American psychologist known as one of the founders and exponents of humanistic psychology, a psychological current that advocates the existence of a basic human tendency towards mental health which would manifest as a series of ongoing processes of self actualization and self realization.

What are the basic human needs and which social media fulfills them?

We will now look at the basic human needs in a hierachichal form (ascending order) as posited by Maslow with a view to discover the different social media that fulfills them.


1. Physiological needs

At the base of the hierarchy of needs, we have the physiological needs which include breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, excretion etc.

The physiological needs points towards bodily and carnal gratification and is the lowest in the hierarchy of needs. A good example of a social media that fulfills this need is the various online dating and match making platforms.

On the blockchian, an example of social media that satisfies this need is vice.org

2. Security Needs

This need pressuposes we each have something of value in life to protect and we wouldn't feel safe until those phenomena are safe.

Such securities include security of :

  • Of body
  • of employment
  • of resources
  • of family
  • of property.

One good example of social media that fulfills needs hereunder is LinkedIn.


LinkedIn is a social media that allows you to interact with people from both your profession and various other professions. You can put up your achievements and certifications so that prospective employers can see you. You may also get job vacancies through the medium.

3. Need to belong

We all long to be part of something especially part of something that makes us feel safe. We each desire companionship and closeness and we fulfill this need through our :

  • Family
  • Friendship
  • Sexual intimacy.

A notable social media that fulfills this need is
facebook. There, we make lots and lots of friends, we interact with people from different walks of life and we follow pages that catch our interest.

A variant of Facebook is utopian.io which is a more valuable alternatives since you get actual rewards for your presence there.

A further example is instagram where you share photos of yourself and get followers to like them. Another example is snapchat.

4. Need for esteem / achievement

Deep down every human being, there is the deep craving to do something that would truly create a difference and long lasting impression. This is the desire for achievement which may boost our ego and fill us with a sense of pride. Such feelings include that of :

  • self esteem
  • Respect
  • Confidence
  • respect for self and others.

A notable social media that fulfills this need is twitter. On twitter you get it share your views on any topic at all with a word limit of 140(?) . If you're lucky you may likes and retweets but the most important thing is your voice is being heard.

LinkedIn may fulfil this need too. Another notable social media under this heading is Coursera where you get it take actual courses online and also be tested and awarded certificates. This may also fill us with a sense of accomplishment.

More so, a number of media platforms existing on the Steem blockchain which might satisfy such needs include : @busy.org, @dmania, @steepshot, @dtube,
@chainbb, @esteem @chainbb @zappl @dsound @steemgigs

5. Need of Self-actualization

This is as the highest of the hierarchy of human needs. Needs here revolve round our ideals and beliefs of the world as a whole and they include
Need for :

  • Morality
  • Creativity
  • Spontainity
  • Problem solving
  • Lack of prejudice.

This point of needs is at the apex of human desires. Our worldview can be found here. It is the clear picture of our realities. All other needs flow from here.

A social media that satisfied this need is Word press where we get to blog about virtually everything and anything

The place of Steemit as in the hierarchy of needs.

Steemit is also a social media and thus satisfies some basic human needs. But looking at the hierarchy of needs, we submit at this point that Steemit can fulfill needs prevalent in all the hierarchy.


Starting with the least which is physiological, there are a lot of science bloggers on Steemit who give important tips about health and other related matters.

There are also others who blog about sex and relationship issues. This goes a long way to indirectly satisfies our physiological needs.

Steemit also satisfies our security needs. It can combine the features of LinkedIn In such a way that one can market himself properly and find a potential employer on the platform.

Steemit also satisfies our need to belong. Here, we find good friends and partners who we constantly talk to and share ideas. A couple of friends I have here are : @gunneresq, @ehiboss, @Ogochukwu, @greenrun, @maxdevalue, @edumurphy, @nevies, @camzy, @mimy, @surpassinggoogle, @ogoowinner to mention all few.


This is a rare photo o little @surpassinggoogle I pulled from his twitter

Steemit also satisfies our need for self actualization and achievement. On Steemit we can share our ideas, opinions, beliefs, systems without the fear of being judged or condemned.

It is thus submittable that Steemit combines the features of almost all social media currently existing. You may want to edit my list of social media that satisfies people's needs of you like.

Thanks for reading. If you loved the work why don't you upvote and resteem .

I can still remember being taught this in AERD class in 300 level

That's amazing, I'm glad you related perfectly to the work!

Nice presentation here! I think you got Abraham Harold Maslow psychology using various social media as analogy

Thank you for reading through and taking the time to comment.


This is very good I like how you split the various social media using Abraham Maslow's pyramid. Glad to have you back. Steem hard.

Always on the lookout.

Keep running!

I do run. I try to stop. Can't stop now.

Good analysis of Steemit in Maslow's hierarchy. I never considered the role of social media in Maslow's framework. Your blog makes me want to go look into it again. Thanks for the refresher. Blessings.

Dear @gatorlynne

I'm glad you took out time to read the work and I think you benefitted from it too.

Thanks for passing by.

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