Dear Diary: My Way Of Eating Good For Dialysis

in #steemit6 years ago


I only had some hard biscuit crackers this morning because I do not want to be satiated before dialysis because I wanted to eat well during when I am hooked up. It is because during dialysis I only have a small window of opportunity to feel normal with a good appetite.

The dialysis makes me feel much at ease and it is hard to explain. It freshens up my breath similar to what I would likened to a chlorinated water from being ammonia-smelling breath. I had a profound ammonia breath during I was just a new dialysis patient and it went for years until I had used the high-flux dialyzer that I am using today and it makes a big difference in my well-being.

To put it simply, a high flux dialyzer cleans better and it gives me my appetite back, unlike a normal dialyzer would where I can't feel that I am hungry plus I also feel that my blood goes dirtier faster than if I would use the high flux type. This is my way of telling other patients that they needed a dialyzer that I use because it makes them well more days than if they would use a finer meshed dialyzer.

My appetite is the only thing that I enjoy in my condition currently so when it returns to me during dialysis I grab the opportunity to really eat because tomorrow it will not be like it anymore.

Maybe soon I will regain my appetite back like a normal person and I am hopeful that I would because if my parathyroid goes into its normal levels I will just maybe take a minimal dose of medicine or probably I will just have to control my phosphorus levels down so that it won't trigger my parathyroid to pump its bone-decaying hormones to my system anymore.

I have the grace of God like steemit to help me and I think my journey is easier with my friends here with their support for my goals, it gives me hope and a peace of mind despite it is awfully hard but I am determined to finish it all with a triumph.


Good food good health you know , so eating good food and get well soon .

Thanks for sharing @cryptopie
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Asi será @cryptopie con la ayuda de Dios saldrás adelante y te sentirás mucho mejor para que puedas comer lo que quieras. Saludos a toda la gran comunidad de Steemit en todo el mundo

Hopefully the dialysis you do will make you fresher so you can do the activity better. As you once wrote you do more nutritional consumption with a drink, so I hope to be able to eat in normal people so that you can share the pleasure of eating.
Kep struggle and have a nice day

It is a good food, which can be helpful for your health.take it timely

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