in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


Well that's my goal anyway...

I wanted to share with you my first 48 days on Steemit. What I think of this platform, why I am planning of invested $2000 USD into STEEM and why I decided to convert that into SteemPower shortly after that.
First of all, I'm here for the long haul (and if you're smart you will be too, I'll explain why in a bit.)
Let me start off by introducing myself...

My name is fredrick.

I've lived on the beautiful land of Nigeria all through my life or so all thanks to paying attention to emerging trends on the internet like Steemit.

And to be honest with you I'm more excited about things like Cryptocurrency and the Blockchain than any other subject I have been in my entire life. I've even tried so many times in investing in so many kind of cryptocurrency. I've invested on etherum, bitconnect coin, red coin, dogecoin and ripplescoin. AND out of all the things in the Blockchain/Crypto space I'm MOST excited about Steemit.


Well, for the first time in our lifetime we as a species have given birth to the technology that has the power to set us all free from the limiting systems we were all born into.

I don't know about you but I'm not a big fan of things like Big Government, Central Banks, and Authority figures in general.

Am a business student .

I couldn't sit still in school, and being forced to go to church as child was like a prison sentence for my soul.It's also the reason why I choose to live in a jungle shack on the most remote chain of Nigeria in the world.

But honestly the internet has always felt like home to me and Steemit Is Officially My New Home On The Internet!


The biggest benefit being discussed about Steemit is the Money.

We've all seen or been pitched by some network marketing junkie on some new social network where we can get paid for what we post, but NOTHING like this before...

I threw up a few posts within my first few hours of being here and earned $14 USD.and I think is something very encouraging and worth spending all my time on.


This a step to follow for those who want to join me in purchasing steem and also converting it to seem power, this how to go about it.

It's pretty easy...If you've ever done a Bitcoin transaction before everything will be familiar to you.

  1. Just click on the little picture of yourself in the top right corner.

  2. Click Wallets.

  3. Click Buy or Deposit Steem.
    Then choose your amount and either buy or make your deposit.


Before now I've been trading on some currency on Bittrex until I watched this video by the creators of Steemit
@Ned & @Dan on @Blocktalk 's latest post. If you haven't watched it, it would be a good idea to watch it now.

After watching this video I was officially "All-In" with the Steemit vision, business model, and income potential. This platform is going to make lots of people who wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity incredibly wealthy.

I've this advice to all the ladies on steemit or not on steemit, the post of a lady has always be trending. If you have been watching the most trending post you will see the ones of a lady.

I've been paying attention to the Popular posts everyday and I noticed a girl named tara posted a short intro of herself, was about 3 paragraphs long and she's already #3 on the most popular Steemit posts list.


So ladies, God has made you people special in all thing, here on steemit a women is always successful.all you need to do is just to bring it on and see your result.

steemit not a platform of the rich, poor, Steemit is for all.


Steemit is a community based platform with upvoting & downvoting much like Reddit, so you can't fake it. Spammers, marketers, and desperate MLM promoters need not apply. (well you can, but you're going to have to change your ways in order to thrive here!)because is a platform made for everyone on the planet earth.

Unlike Facebook or Instagram, Steemit's not about your opinion or pictures of your kids & pets, or your breakfast or a platform where you just post nonsense is not allowed.


Steemit is a collective platform created by smart people that attracts smart people. People who want to learn, grow, evolve, connect, and get paid for their knowledge, wisdom, and life experiences are the kind of people that are welcomed here.

It's really the perfect place to be if you want to discuss cutting edge topics like Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, photography, yoga, humor, life, whatever floats your boat there is an audience out there waiting for you.

And if you're already a well-known content creator, a blogger, a youtuber, bring them here duh! Might as well get paid for all your hard work :).



I joined Steemit a month weeks after my friend @okoro invited me to a meet-up at delta mall and just quick disclaimer I advertise on Facebook for a living and make a lot of money doing it. I'm perfectly fine there, I could stay there and continue to do well.

Anyways enough ranting so my friend Rok caught my attention by showing his stats of earning around $150 USD during his first few weeks on Steemit.

Then I said wow, that's a really good package and main watching the way Nigerians suffer in terms of unemployment in the country, I think it's a very nice and wonderful place to be.

so if you have been reading with me then,what are you waiting for??

Put your Bitcoin where your mouth is and get ALL-IN with Steemit today because who know's where it's headed or how far it will go?

I believe the social component combined with the payout structure will cause Steemit to spread faster and go more viral than any other application on the Blockchain so far..

You'll be glad you did!



If you read this far, thank you very much. I hope you got some value from this post. If you have any questions about my experience with Steemit so far feel free to ask below.


I feel good about Steem and Steemit too. I can't afford an expensive mining rig and the electricity thats required to mine most coins. I can get involved with Steemit without having to buy anything else and it isn't going to make my electricity bill go up. Wish I was here earlier but I'm pleased I found it when I did.

Very impressive articles you have here. I'm impressed. Keep up the good work!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.25
TRX 0.11
JST 0.029
BTC 69414.15
ETH 3691.32
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.39