
yeah, at least I can have beers with my buddies and chat about that I too was involved and suckered in a pyamid scheme. All in life’s learning

Its really a deep learning curve - steemit. You seem to continue learning to get to anywhere.

Steemit is not a pyramid scheme... It's far from perfect, but it's also far from a pyramid scheme. Now, the power down length has its reasons. We can argue over the merits, but....

You should count yourself lucky that we are in this brave New world of 13 weeks as opposed to the original timeline which was much much longer (2 years).

I mean no disrespect but even 13 weeks is still not appropriate. Two days, maybe.

The idea of an extended time period to cash out was to encourage commitment and interaction on the platform. It worked for a little while. It's actually pretty interesting how quickly the community aspect fell apart once the power down period changed to 13 weeks from 2 years.

I am a little intrigued by so many people powering down though...

yeah, I’m kinda intrigued by the rumor of steemit 2.0, launching sometime in the near future. where would that leave this one?! So, I’m heading out before I’ll find out.

what does that mean? Steemit 2.0 would still be built on Steem? Therefore, all of the power that you have here would be directly transferable to the new one.. if it's a new platform and new underlying currency, then yes, your existing value here would become "worthless"

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