
in #steemit5 years ago (edited)


Steem seems to be sleeping the dreams of the just (this is a literal translation of a saying we have here in Honduras, maybe all Spanish speaking countries "Esta durmiendo el sueño de los justos") better said it isn't going or doing anything. According to supporters of the hard fork things were going to get so much better including price because behavior patterns were holding it back, but they haven't, in fact I don't know if I am being biased but I seem to see less posts and of a lower quality than before, I have to look more to find something relatively interesting.

I do read people congratulating themselves because of the success of downvotes, but is this really so? Bid bots are probably seeing less action because people are not buying as many votes because of fear of being downvoted not because of a positive change of behavior and fear is not positive. Have you seen the quality of the trending page? It is even worse than before, at least before it was varied now it is just a collection of shit posts mostly related to Steemit upvoted by the same people who are downvoting other people who don't agree with them, which I actually thought would happen. By the way there still are bid bot voted trending posts, so they aren't even close to being dead but the new mind control deal is that now they are "Good" bid bots.

People are being bombarded with posts dictating whom to downvote. Isn't this really against decentralization? If I were to decide to downvote something shouldn't my decision be predicated on my thinking the post should be downvoted for some reason and not because somebody tells me what to downvote? This is worse than the political campaigns in this country and probably just as dangerous.

Now as for the other two wonderful ideas, 50/50 and the convergent reward curve, both suck, I can bet because I can perceive that at least 90%, probably way more of Steemit users, are receiving way less than they were receiving before, this has to have a negative effect. This is exacerbated by the usual bunch of low value butt kissers who will say anything to receive some consolation prize from the big accounts. As an example yesterday I saw a comment from some guy saying that he is feeling great about the changes and his curation rewards are so great now. Well I checked this guy, he has about 5,000 SP so his vote is worth about $0.04, this means he went up from making $0.12 to now getting $0.20 a day if he does vote at full capacity and if the reward curve hasn't screwed him, you can make your own conclusions. Perhaps he is talking about the future with $100.00 Steem and him getting $120.00 a day but I don't see that coming.

I guess Steem could shoot up in price if SMT's do make their appearance, because Steem-engine has shown it can get more involvement from users and I guess something that has been so advertised as SMT's would add great value, but let's be honest about this, Stinc says that they are just around the corner as they have been saying for the last two years but their record is not that good, I mean they did say that thanks to the ads Steemit Inc would no longer need to sell Steem to fund itself that didn't turn out to be so, in fact it was Fake News.

So in the end just as I thought the changes brought upon us by the hard fork have been negative for most except the group of people who are in some kind of circle jerk and are the ones who are on the downvote sprees and upvoting each others posts. I would really think they weren't kidding about wanting to see Steemit improve, as is their primary propaganda, if they weren't the only ones reaping the benefits.


I was concerned about the hardfork, and was not for it, but once the argument was lost, I thought it was in the best interest of Steem to try it.

  1. The price hasn't changed... um, it's beeen a week.
  2. Downvote lists, are absolutely a suggestion not a order. People make curation posts all of the time. I've never seen anyone get upset about that.. How is it different?
  3. I am still concerned about smaller accounts being able to earn
  4. The trending page, yeah, I was worried about that too.
  5. The bidbots are seeing very little action check it yourself on

I've seen more than one small account saying they are getting curated more and I hope it lasts.

I'm not saying it is a smashing success what I am saying is usage and traffic have remained steady so far, the price has remained steady... I'm missing where this is a big problem besides what people fear.

Nor am I saying it's a smashing success, it's too soon.

Personally I am not worried, my posts never have attracted much so even though I am making much less per post what I lose is pennies so it really is nothing. But when you add thousands of users making less and less, example for my posts I always use once a day, before the hard fork after the busy vote I had $0.30 now I have $0.12 that is 60% less, now just think of the majority of users being hit this way some of them actually depending on Steemit for some of their income and those guys are going to get worried (OK so they shouldn't depend on Steemit but the fact is they do) and some of them if not most will leave. That is worrying, but most of the bigger guys are focusing on downvoting, and the best they can manage to use as a reason is that it brings back rewards to the reward pool. If this is so, how come my rewards are down so much?
Like I said in the article I have the perception that there are less posts and the quality is lower, so I do think this hard fork is hitting Steemit negatively.

Time will tell. I am also concerned with the smaller users and trying to keep an eye out for those who are actually trying to create reasonable content

The bidbots are totally filled with complete shit, that been my downvote focus.

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I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 3 SBD worth and should receive 170 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Compadre @gduran, te acompaño en tu aguda apreciación y sentimientos. :)

Yeah! maybe as @whatsup is saying, it's still too soon to bury the corpse without 'velarlo antes' for at least an extra month of prayers and whining. Remember, there is a tiny possibility the corpse is not dead dead yet. But only going thru a short episode of catalepsy.

Hahaha, ok, perhaps within this post, you could find a couple of extra arguments which support your discerning perceptions. };)


El problema que veo es que los mas pequeños son los que mas van a sufrir con estas nuevas modalidades, especialmente en el caso de la gente para quien lo que se gana con Steemit en verdad sirve para paliar un poco la crisis que estan afrontando, especificamente en Venezuela y varios paises de Africa.

Así es hermano. Los desechables, como muchos de los grandes optan por denominar y calificar a los más pequeños.

Bajo la perspectiva de sus abultadas billeteras, esto al parecer les impide percibir el porque la gente de Venezuela y varios otros paises de Africa y Asia de hecho necesitan convertir sus humildes y raquíticos ingresos en la plataforma a su moneda local para no solo paliar un poco la crítica situación por la que están pasando y afrontando actualmente. Sino que es una simple cuestión de supervivencia día trás día.

En Venezuela en particular, aparte de las múltiples calamidades económicas y financieras que se viven en todo el mundo, en virtud de las sanciones a las que inexplicablemente está sometido el grueso de nuestra inocente población, la hiperinflación nos tiene realmente azotados y flagelados sin compasión. De hecho, no hay forma ni manera de obtener ingresos medianamente decentes que alcancen para siquiera poder alimentarse aunque sea una sola vez al día. Y eso solo los ligeramente afortunados con algo de conocimientos, las herramientas adecuadas y necesarias y una muy precaria conexión a internet para intentar trabajar a distancia fuera de sus fronteras y generar unos pocos centavos desde el refugio esperanzador de su propio hogar.

Curiosamente, muchos de esos mismos grandes con billeteras abultadas suelen señalar y acusar sin ninguna sindéresis ni ecuanimidad alguna a los más pequeños del colapso en el valor del steem debido 'yque' a su constante actividad de extracción/conversión a sus monedas locales. Pero lo que parecen siempre olvidar y que definitivamente pasa siempre desapercibido por su defectuoso radar. Es el hecho de que harían falta como mínimo al menos más de un millón de estas pequeñas 'sanguijuelas' para extraer al menos una mínima fracción de lo que extrae una de estas opulentas ballenas de un solo coñazo.

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