Just a little daily motivation(positive thoughts=positive life)

in #steemit6 years ago


I wanted to talk about how important is to think positive in everyday life .Even when we have bad days we can turn the things that happened in that particular day and turn it into a lesson (positive thing)

Without any further ado,let me start....


It is never a pleasant experience to be lied or manipulated. But, and it is a big but and don't laugh!

You can actually see the bad thing that happened to you and think logically, as a human being, "how this shit did happen to you?" I promise, out of that situation you will most definitely realize 2 things: it was your fault letting the bad thing get you no matter how bad it was and... it is always in your power to feel bad or to feel glad.

You could have felt bad in that situation and cried about it or you could have felt angry to an utmost level of letting go your inner demon and tried to go for revenge and payback, and this would have been the part that was about to give you happiness and inner peace...

But you have chosen to forgive, for your own well being and in order to learn from that situation so it will never happen again while understanding the lesson life has brought to you. And so you became a better you and you feel fucking great no matter what was the outcome of the bad situation.

That is truly being in control of your life and its situations, in my opinion, that is truly being brave.

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