A developer's point of view about how Steem can save the life of humans in the near future

in #steemit7 years ago

Hello everyone, it's beautiful to start writing here again. For those of you who know me (very few I believe), I'm a developer at Busy project which is a different app for Steem blockchain. I'm working on this project for nine months now and I believe I have an acceptable understanding about the technology behind Steem and it's potential. I also like to understand why humans do what they do. So first here is a situation we have right now with people in power:

Pardon me if you felt the negativity but I am very positive about how things may turn out. The very idea of humans getting paid for their little contribution is not just a fancy idea for social networks and similar websites. It's more like a concept for the survival of humans and how things are supposed to be. Give me a minute to explain myself.

I dislike driving, so I've been really happy with the invention of taxi rental apps like Uber, Lyft and Grab (In South-east Asia). I use these services everyday and nothing excites me more than finding a friendly driver to engage in a conversation during the trip (in south-east Asia, it happens most of the times). Yes I'm a geek but I still prefer human interactions over going deep through my phone in social environments.

No matter how much I find these conversations interesting and these people full of life, it breaks my heart to see their career is going down the road with the invention of autonomous cars (AKA driver-less cars). These companies are making money with the efforts of these people, making an industry bigger which invites more young souls to join this for a temporarily profitable job and then make them jobless in a matter of years. They will lose their jobs in their early thirties right in a period in life which you need progress in your career and respect from family. They are killing these not well informed humans with the name of progress in technology.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all in for progress in the field of science and tech. I've always been an early adopter for anything with a real value and I love to see humans are progressing in technology to a new era. What I don't understand is how we are simply sacrificing our own species for a materialistic version of science. Something that is more guided to make profit for the corporates and wealthy class rather than bringing value to masses.

First understanding: Science is directed by market

We need to know that science is not directed by creative humans who are working for their own endeavor in life. There are some exceptions, but the majority of growth in science and tech are directed by corporates and educational institutes that are following the money trail. Universities are proud of having highly employable graduates and most of the scientist are hired with great salaries for the purpose of making more money. Science is growing but not necessarily in a natural direction.

Second understanding: Wealthy people are getting much and much wealthier

These days if you have a little money you can notice that it's much easier for you to make money compared to someone who doesn't have access to any funds. I don't have any problem with capitalism but it's getting out of control and need regulations to benefit the commoners from the growth of humans wealth much more than how it used to be before.

Third understanding: Technology is not the problem!

Yet again, the problem is not the technology itself but it is the people. Technology is making our day to day life like a blast compared to 100 years ago. Even though, these days it is actually making it harder since we should work longer hours and be much more educated in order to have food on our table. Nothing can describe the problem better than this comic:

The problem with technology

Solution 1: Universal basic income?

Elon musk thinks universal basic income the the solution. It could be if the only problem with the growth of technology is that people would starve to death but as he noted later, it will kill the enthusiasm in people. We get our identity by our contribution in society and our careers define the meaning of life for many of us. How can we live with the idea of robots taking over all the jobs and we are living our lives as a burden to the whole world and universe. Rich people are already rich and they are free to pass the money to their children, but it would be impossible for others who lose the race to become rich again. Robots are already better and smartest and they are only providing value to their creators (corporates, governments etc). You may argue that humans becoming cyborgs and combining with technology is the solution, but I doubt it. It's still much cheaper to run a new robot compared to making a normal human functions like a robot. Why would they do that?

Solution 2: Maybe Steem can help?

It's a long way and it's not going to happen over night. However, combining the idea of incentivizing people based on their little contribution with decentralized, government-less technology of blockchain can bring new hopes to humans to feel valuable in the future crisis. We understand that regulation for corporates are not going to happen from governments since they are looking for short-term profits so the only solution would be to take over the economy from the corporate world and move it in the direction of blockchains. In this world, people can use smart contracts and incentivizing platforms to change the direction of technology growth in a way that is most profitable for humans. Corporates wouldn't disappear, however humans can control their own resources and use the technology in a way that keep the benefits to the masses.

This post is just written as a way to start the conversation. I understand that my ideas are raw and not well researched. However, it can be the way of keeping the world in peace and harmony in my opinion and I would love to hear yours.

With love and respect :-)


this is a nice read! i like how u put the first, 2nd and 3rd understandings, simple but good explanations!

Thank you feel free to follow me for more :-)

Well done.. like your ideas. don't totally agree with everything you're saying but I really like UBI as a concept and agree 'blocktech' is going to revolutionise the world we live in, whether 'they' like it or not.. It's evolution in process !! Just like TV still exists, post internet.. the banks will too and governments won't just disappear. but STEEM and others like it will ensure that a different route is taken by the people, bypassing the established 'system'

Thank you! Yes I always believe in incremental changes rather than revolutions. Governments are good if they do only the execution rather than controlling all the resources.

Good stuff bro! Following...

upvote and RS for u

Thank you very much! appreciate it.

Thank you for sharing your perspective! I also think block chain technology has so much potential to restore our freedom.

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"Incentivizing people based on their little contribution with decentralized, government-less technology of blockchain" -I think there's only few of us yet who have imagined how big of an deal this is. We can reward every little small act that benefits us all, the whole humankind.

We can all become shareholders in humanity this way and everyone can find their own little way to contribute and be rewarded. The good will be rewarded and the bad punished, to somewhat opposite to what it is currently.

We can all become shareholders in corporation called humanity.

This is where Steem can help, giving humanity and individuals incentivize.

Simplified examples for those that are new:

Which would you support?

  • A green energy project or coal plant?
  • Helping elders or profiting of them?
  • Making people smile or making them sad?
  • Giving the best possible education for kids or taking away resources from education?

Yet we are seeing resources being taken away from education, our elders are taken advantage of, people are stealing from others and Trump doesn't believe in climate warming.

This is the world we currently live in but we can change that.

In true democracy people would participate in all small decisions rather than letting politicians with their own special interests do that for everyone.

But considering how much people work currently, how much effort do they have to research issues being decided on? Some kind of liquid democracy might be needed or just way more transparency to current political system, which blockchain could give.

Current western lifestyle cultures are designed to keep people busy about small day to day life so they wouldn't want to think about big issues. Even so, if the platform exist, those who can invest time for it can participate and those who don't wouldn't do that. That's totally okay.

Nice Eliot reference!
My feelings on the topics above are congruent with the author.
UBI is going to be needed and already in place in several pilot projects which I think are doing positive things.
And Steemit is certainly helping those who know about it!
I look for ward to more words from @p0o
Peace love and happiness through technology @hatchi

I think you're on the right track in a lot of ways. I differ in some of the "doom and gloom" fears or concers (that I understand the like of Musk also share). I think projects like STEEM and Spells of Genesis (a blockchain-based game with provably-rare game assets) allows for a future where 8 year old kids get their first part-time job playing cryptobased games for tokens that they can exchange for real local fiat in their national currency. That could evolve to design skills, programming skills, or just being an artist. I think that automation will lead to a flourishing of art and paid consumers / interactors with art. Might sound far-fetched, but I just wanted to share an opposing, perhaps more optimistic view. I do share your enthusiasm with STEEM though!

Thank you. I'm not sure if I get your point but do you mean that since art is hard for computers automation will lead into a new era with more artists and jobs for art?

Yeah, you said it pretty well. I know it might sound far-fetched but automation will become like air, I'd predict. Once AI is further along, it will be bid down in the market until it's ubiquitous. Then, those who are most right-brained and creative will be the most well-off and successful. Entertainers and educators will be the wealthy while the leeches of society will need to find a way to add value.

Well what you say is basically correct and right brained jobs are the latest target of AI. Even so, it's still very feasible for a category of AI which is called machine learning to get into artistic works and becomes creative. There are already many algorithms that create beautiful artworks and some researches are also in progress like this: https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2017/02/27/augmenting-art-could-ibms-machine-learning-bring-back-gaudi-and-davinci/#ed8170644ec4

I'll look into it, but I maintain hope at least that humans have a potencial for deeper creativity and emotion than any sharp algorithm.

Humans have but the problem is machine learning algorithms use the previous artworks of humans to learn how to do it and steal it pretty fast.

I suppse we all shall see. Either robots bring forth utopia... or dystopia....

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