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RE: Minnow #541,753—Monthly Report: September

in #steemit6 years ago

Nice, considering the issues going on at home and with the fork. I think you are going to feel blessed in the coming year or two being able to invest as you did. Congrats on the curie trail, I don't believe they have ever found me worthy, lol.


Hey, @practicalthought.

Yeah, I suppose it was, all things considered. I keep finding myself in consolation mode, though. Oh, well, that happened, so I should feel fortunate that I made what I did, kind of thing. Not trying to be ungrateful, but it would be nice to start stringing together some 100 SP months at least. :)

I'm really hoping that things start showing up soon. Two to three years is very much a possibility, even though sometimes it takes much longer. I just don't seem to have the ability to convince my wife of that. My powers of logic, good sense and measured persuasion don't work on her. Neither does yelling and flying into temper tantrums. You know, in case you wondered.

You seem to be getting into the infowars/family protection posts quite a bit, which isn't necessarily curie's territory, but it still has a decent following, and dolphin/orca backing at least. And in that case, it can hit at any time. Curie tends to hit no more than twice a month, regardless of what you do. It's not something to rely on at all, and considering many people don't get one, that experience (not getting a curie) is very much in the majority.

You seem to be getting into the infowars/family protection posts quite a bit

Yeah, both of those groups are a natural fit for me.

I'm really hoping that things start showing up soon.

I believe that we will see another rise as we close out the year so they can get maximum tax revenue. I also hear that there is interest from some of the Ethereum apps in the SMT when it rolls out so thinking next spring will see excellent growth as well.

Oh, yeah. Maximum tax revenue. That's why we have cryptos. :) I've been wondering. Seriously. Not joking.

I've heard that somewhere to, that the Ethereum based tokens weren't happy with what was going on. It seems like we're always in a hurry up and wait mode. First the hard fork, now SMTs, and maybe communities? More dapps? Something else?

Supposedly institutional money is making it's way into the crypto space and that's supposed to do something.

I hope so. I need for it to do much more than what it's currently doing, swimming sideways, and occasionally bobbing up and down.

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