An Update On My Account And My Sincerest Thanks To My Audience -- Top Supporters Shout Out

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


What a lovely Saturday morning it is! In commemoration of such a fine day I thought I would spend a little time to evaluate my account and to thank those of you who have made my time here on Steemit so enjoyable.

There's a lot going on in my life, what with starting a new career in web development and having a new baby girl on the way, so there's plenty of stuff for me to do -- but still, I spend at least a couple of hours every day on Steemit, doing my best to create what I would consider "quality content", commenting on evocative and thought-provoking posts, curating the content of others in the community, and being an ambassador for Steemit across other social networks.

Steemit is my favorite social network / content sharing platform. The community is diverse in thought and more intelligent on average than places like Facebook, Twitter, or Reddit; there's an incentive to play nice, and I think that tends to bring out the better nature of people who might otherwise be nasty with their anonymity.

And besides the platform being subjectively amicable to my personal preferences, There is the additional bonus of Steemit providing a substantial financial incentive. So I'd like to take some time to evaluate how my account has changed and to recognize those of you who have come with me on this Steemit journey so far.

You were there for me in my time of need


I haven't spoken about this, but I'm going through an incredibly challenging time in my life right now. It has to do with my baby that's on the way. Without saying too much, I'll say that it's a day-by-day challenge, and each day that we get through is that much more chance that our baby will turn out ok.

A few weeks ago I started looking for part-time work to supplement my web development job. You see, I graduated from a coding bootcamp last year, which I took out of desperation because our financial situation was dire: what I was doing was not working; our expenses were increasingly greater than our income. It was paycheck paycheck, and every week money was tighter and tighter.

It was a road to disaster. So I went to school to move into a new career. My Steemit account was essential in paying for this. I powered down most of my funds while I went to school in Seattle for a few months. I had to support myself in Seattle living in a group home while my wife stayed in South Eastern Washington, so I was paying double rent ON TOP OF paying for school.

The only reason I was able to get through this was because of Steemit and Steem, so I have all the respect and appreciate in the world for the platform and the cryptocurrency that forms its foundation.

After school I was able to find a job in the field within a month. This was great news because we were absolutely at the end of our expenses and I didn't have any income. That desperation caused me to take a lower starting wage than I probably should have, but I couldn't risk NOT getting the job. It's an entry-level fullstack developer position at a small web development and design firm. It's a good job in that I like who I work with and the work itself is challenging and I grow by leaps and bounds every single week, but the income simply isn't substantial enough.

It felt like I went through all of that hardship to land right back where I was when I started.

So I began looking for a part-time job. I was looking for some remote contract web development work at first, but as time wore on I started opening up to anything, including delivering pizzas and flipping burgers. By this time my wife was pregnant and I simply could NOT tolerate being in such a poor financial position. I had to get ahead of the bills and build up some savings, and I had to do that by getting another job -- any job.

Then, along came Steemit.

I began posting on Steemit again. Firstly, it was a great outlet for my creativity: I'm the kind of person who thinks about things a lot -- my mind is always tooling around different ideas in my head -- and having an outlet for that creativity is helpful on a psychological level. But secondly, I was hoping I could somehow make a part-time level wage from it.

Taking my Steemit account more seriously, I told myself I would post a well-sourced research article or an in-depth treatise or op-ed every morning. I would try to treat Steemit as a part-time job and maybe it would become one. Because, when I thought about it, that's what I really wanted to do -- I didn't want to deliver pizzas or flip burgers, I wanted to create content that I was proud of and felt contributed to the world in some way.

And then I noticed my posts doing better and better. And before I knew it I was making more income posting on Steemit than I was at my new job. My account started growing in every way, and suddenly it seemed like a turning-point in my life: hope was possible now.

For that, I must thank all of you here who follow my account and support me on Steemit. Honestly, you have no idea how grateful I am for every one of you.

I love you guys!

Areas of growth


Using the SteemWorld app by @steemchiller makes it easy to evaluate your account and see how you're growing.

I'm going to look at the Stats section of the Feed tab and see how things are going.

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Steem Power

When I started posting again after school, my SP had dropped from 10,000 all the way down to 500. Over the last month I've been able to increase that to 800. This is great growth considering I have never bought Steem, only ever earned it.

Voting Value

It's nice to see that the value of my vote is actually worth something! At one point, I remember, my vote was worth around $5 at 100%. This was just after the big halving last summer and, as I said before, I had around 10,000 SP, so it was nice to share that around. But even though I don't have as much as I used to, My account when fully charged and at 100% is worth about $0.20. It's nice to see that number go up because it means that I can show others in the community how much I care.

VP ~> 100%

It's almost impossible to keep myself from voting long enough to be back up to 100% lol

I just love curating this community too much.


Follower count is a good way of judging the growth of your account. If people are following you then you must be doing something right... right?

I have been gaining about 10 followers per day, sometimes more if I have a post that happens to trend. And I'm looking forward to the day that I get to 3000.

That'll be fun!

I've also been making a point of following more people myself. It keeps my feed interesting so I always have new types of content to curate. It also helps me to keep my finger on the pulse of the community, which can aid in what sort of content I decide to make myself.


This is one that's been going up FAST.

I know that the higher your reputation is, the harder it gets to grow it.

Just three days ago I Zapped about finally making it to a rep of 68, and just since that time it's gone up by almost 100 points already.

Reaching 70 will be another very exciting milestone.

Voting CSI

I don't really care much about post count or vote count, but the CSI is an important number, I think.

Looking at that can show how involved you are with the rest of the community, and as you can see, even though I upvote almost all of my own posts (not comments), I'm only upvoting myself bout 10% of my total votes.

My self-vote number used to be lower but I've been trying to get my vote power past 50%, so it's been a struggle lol


By looking at the awesome donut graph for incoming votes, I can easily see who are the people that are supporting my work most often, so I wanted to take a moment to recognize the top 10 of you here.

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The top 4 of you are sharing the number 1 spot, which means you're all upvoting all of my stuff -- THANKS!


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You are a solid dude who is also very active in commenting on my posts. I appreciate your opinion and your support!


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You don't seem to have been active in posting or commenting for about a month, but you always manage to support my posts. Thanks! Maybe we will hear from you some day.


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I don't know what to say about this account. Possibly part of a bot network? I don't know. There's 0 content whatsoever, and even though they regularly curate my posts, they don't follow anyone.

A mystery.


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Another account that's gone dark for a few months. You still seem to be active in curating, though. Thanks for the support :D


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One of the first people I met on Steemit, @fulltimegeek has become a close friend and confidant. We met almost 2 years ago and I think we've followed each other's work with interest throughout that whole time.

His avatar and profile pics are drawings I did for him years ago when I was doing commissions accepting Steem and SBD as payment.

He was one of my first supporters and to this day I owe him so much for continuing that support. Blessings to you, my friend.


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A semi-active poster. Seems interested in geopolitics and culture. Thanks for your support!


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Agent of truth and exposer of lies. I'm always excited when I see @fulltimeangel in my Steemify notifications! I'm so glad to have you around :D


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Another one of my long-time friends here on Steemit. Mr. Frank is a prolific content creator and resteemer. Also leaves some of the dopest old-time memes in the comments. Steem on, my friend!


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Another one of those accounts that used to post but hasn't for a few months. Maybe we can inspire him to share his thoughts once again? It looks like his content was of the individual liberty / self improvement dint. Thanks for your support!


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Meistro of memes and resteemer of content that I also follow. You seem to have found a suitable hobby in Steemit. Glad to have you around!



Not just my most active followers, but anyone who comes to my blog or even participates in the Steemit platform or the Steem blockchain.

You are the foundation of a brand new type of technology that can change not only the way we communicate on the internet, and not just the way we transact with money, but the way that we form an economy.

Steemit is showing us that user-generated tokens are capable of facilitating a whole new type of economy where value is generated by human focus and attention in the most pure sense. And people will be able to become self-sufficient based off of the degree to which they have skin in the game.

You all have skin in the game, and for that you will be rewarded.

Follow me @shayne


You are worth it all :)

A lovely, authentic and well written blog. Thank you for sharing your journey and giving us an insight into your life. I hope your daughter gets better soon.

I like the shout out you have all your top followers. Steemit is all about community. Those who understand that will do well here.

Best of luck

Hey, thanks a lot 🤗

@shayne, so happy to see you still hear crankin away and making things happen. We are def. going to have an interesting next few years! glad to be on this ride with you.

Where are we riding to?


First things first - Praying that baby and the parents both have a good and healthy future.
I am so glad to know that steemit was able to support you in a financially meaningful way. I haven't ever withdrawn anything from my account but neither have I deposited anything as well. Yet I have seen my account wallet grow in past couple of months. So many people have helped. Most recently @goldmatters have, and I have come to appreciate their help a lot.

In the past weeks that I have followed you, I have seen some great stuff posted by you and I am so glad that it has been appreciated by folks. I certainly appreciate it but as my voting power even at 100% is $0.01, I can only make meaningful comments as my show of appreciation.

I really do hope that you keep up the good work. Thanks!

Thanks so much for your prayers! I believe they have had an effect.

I feel you on the voting power thing lol

Highly rEsteemed!

This is a fantastic comeback post.
I always thought you were "Full Time" on Steem,
all this time you were getting Zapped by the OLD monetary parasite game.
I'll get you out of THAT SYSTEM right away Bruv. Your talents are far too valuable to be left to exploitation in the Parasite's game. Come help CO-develop MY little Game System. You're perfect for it ; )

Bacon Pretty Frank.GIF


Tell me more.

What an incredibly inspiring post!
Sometimes when we are behind a computer screen we don't know or see another person's troubles; and some rarely share their personal tribulations. It's great to see how steemit helped you in your financial time of need.

Wishing you and your wife; and future family health, happiness and success.

Thank you so much!

Steemit has saved my ass on at least 4 occasions in a major way. There's no way that I can be more thankful.

Just a random question I have been wondering about... Is your blue avatar inspired by Star Wars by any chance, and the one you made for @fulltimegeek ?

Just reminded me of the Chiss alien race :)

It was not. At the time I was drawing commissions for Steemit users and to stand out I was making them bright and colorful. The one that @fulltimegeek uses as an avatar, I believe, was originally red.

Thanks for asking 🤗

@shayne - Thank you for sharing your story. I can relate to your situation, an almost desperation to find a solution. The fact that you found it through Steemit gives me hope, and encouragement to focus on quality posts and curation of others.

Good luck, and best wishes for you and your family, and your new daughter.

Thanks so much!

One thing to keep in mind is that any success you see me having here is the product of friendship and - I hope - reciprocity.

My advice would be to observe existing networks and try to provide value to the ones that resonate with you. Find influential people within that network and learn from them. Be a spunge and experiment a lot until things start working.

It's by no means a sure thing, not for you, me, or anyone else, but hard work and smart networking can help immensely.

I've been on Steemit for almost two years now, and it's been a roller coaster across that time. I wish you luck! 👌🏼

Thank you for the advice, am giving it a shot!

Many support you, I can congratulate you and you are always happy. Hopefully I can be like you in the future

Just wanted to say congrats on the baby girl on the way, and I hope whatever situation you're dealing with continues to go smoothly and okay. Also, congrats on all the success you've found on here, sounds like you've been killing it, dude! Keep it up and I hope you continue to flourish on here, man.

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