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RE: Monday Minnow Tip and contest - Get your SBI Shares!

I've discussed this one in the past several times but usually invovling things like cleaners and garbage collectors. Every discussion reached the same conclusions - the jobs that are considered dirty dangerous and low status would become the highest paying work that society had to offer.

BTW UBI wouldn't work unless curbs were placed on on the rentier economy. Landlords would always charge a minimum of 100% of the UBI simply because they could.


This is interesting point about rentiers, I have read and thought a lot about how to go to a society of abundance, and a 'resource' based economy vs a 'capital' economy is what is usually mentioned here.

That said, I have tons of ideas about sustainable housing, hopefully one day I have enough capital to put them into practice c;

There are also ideas like UBH, which would be universal basic housing, instead of money you have places to live, I think portland is trying something like that, probably not under that name...

I think there are lots of things you can do to make self sustaining economies. Conforming to ideas first brought up on Ishtar Lipit would be one. It's been sad to see ancient rights in many countries rescinded. In the UK challenging the Enclosure Acts which was essentially a massive land grab (helped populate the US and Canada as people were tipped off unowned land). Planting trees along the side of roads, re-coppicing, etc. Working with projects such as Powerledger.

It's my opinion that if all the basics are all there - shelter - healthcare - power, etc then you can run a mixture of economic systems and people will have the option to opt into one or another. the main problem I think will be the formation of oligarchies which always form.

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