Walking Through The Golden D Garden: Beauty Galore

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago (edited)

Yesterday evening after fussing in the grow room, setting up a new grow light, oscillating fan and a having a chat with my ladies, I decided to take a walk around the garden outside. We actually had a reprieve from the heat and humidity for the last two days and walking outdoors just needed to be done. The fresh air... the beauty of all things growing... and the moment at dusk when you feel content, relaxed and a certain amount of serenity seeping into you.

So come along and see how a few garden plants, flowers and herbs have blossomed this past week.


Comfrey flowers are blossoming and look amazing

I already have some comfrey leaves infused into an oil; which I will be using to make a comfrey salve later this summer. The comfrey salve can be used for minor cuts and abrasions, as an anti-inflammatory, insect bites and burns or skin irritations. I'll post how i make my salve in the upcoming weeks, so keep an eye out for it.


Herb dill is flowering up and I absolutely love the smell of dill and this flower close-up is so beautiful!


My Hungarian peppers are starting to pop now that the weather has warmed up so much this past few weeks.


My Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans are flourishing and of the four plants I have, each plant has a few dozen already! Can't wait to eat these little guys!


Over the last few years I have just had NO luck with growing cucumbers for some unknown reason. BUT.. this year is looking promising. I have five cucumber plants (three Gherkins and two slicing) and ALL have some signs of production and growth!

I'll be getting outside this morning early, as the rest of the weather forecast is predicting temperatures heading back into the mid to upper 80s and low 90s for the next 15 days. Time to make sure everyone in the garden and greenhouses are properly watered and tended to. HAVE A GREAT SUNDAY!


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howdy there @goldendawne! you "had a chat with my ladies" meaning that you talk to your plants, I've always heard that they respond to that and also to classical music!
also, you are growing Comfrey and smithlabs just wrote a couple days ago that he successfully treated a Brown Recluse double bite on his leg with a Comfrey solution or tincture or salve.
thriving plants you have and great photos!

lol- yeah.. I talk to ALL my plants.. the herbs and the flowers. I suppose as long as Mr Golden D and the dog don't get too jealous, I'm OK.

OH WOW! I missed @smithlabs' post about the bite! How awful.. but happy he was able to treat himself. AMAZING that a home remedy was all it took.

yes I was thrilled that he used it to cure himself, it's a great demonstration of the power of herbals!

Yes, hasn't this much more pleasant warm weather been lovely??

Comfrey is also known as bone knit, good for bone repair. Loved the close ups, especially of the dill! Never realized it looked like a tiny daisy....

Oh yes it has been a NICE reprieve!
It felt so good to walk outside without that heavy air feeling all around.

I never realized dill flowers could look so beautiful either.

Peppers n Cucumbers - They're all looking pretty healthy... Ive never seen Comfrey flowers before!
Thanks for sharing
Good Luck

This is my first year with comfrey, so every little detail of its beauty and uses are new to me. I am enjoying all the learning though

Ive read a lot about Comfrey, it used to be used in ancient times (not sure when (Medievel probably)).
Apparently it helps with fractures and bruises when made into an ointment, but how that mechanism works i don't know.

Nice pics!
It indeed looks like you’re going to be able to enjoy eating cucumber this year.
We always have plenty - it’s our favorite giveaway veggie, next to zucchini (one can only freeze so many boxes with zucchini/cucumber soup, right?!)

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