Steemhomework for the week! / Special students: how to deal with them in the classroom?

Special students: how to deal with them in the classroom?

In this post, I will publish about the importance of the process of inclusion of students with special conditions and the work of some schools, on how to maximize the results when integrating these new students with the rest of the school and their teacher.



Are our schools ready to receive special students?

It is not the student that has to adapt to the school, it is the school that has to adapt to the student. That is the logic of inclusive education. In this perspective, new strategies must be created as an objective to promote the adaptability of the educational structure to cover a heterogeneous audience.


There are a variety of types of special needs, and each of them requires the assistance of specifically qualified professionals. For that reason, there is a greater need to implement schools with physical and human resources to respond to that demand.
In this way, it is necessary to build multimedia rooms and multifunctional resources, in addition to other adaptations, and physical spaces of the schools to meet some special needs of said students.
With regard to the practice of accurate contextual teaching, it is also necessary to involve multidisciplinary people in the educational team, such as the family and the whole school community, it does not make sense to promote everyone's awareness of the child to be included and the work of education is treated separately and not as a team, in that essential process.

How does the teacher manage to carry out these cases?

These are some recommendations that can be taken into account when it happens to you.

1. You get information about your student.

First of all, it is necessary to verify the medical reports of the children and to know if there is a professor of academic support to accompany them. In the case of having any visual and auditory deficiency, for example, the presence of a teacher and a mandatory interpreter.
Students with autism spectrum will always be two senses acuter than others. Therefore, they may show hypersensitivity to very strong visual stimuli, smells or loud, loud sounds.
Therefore, teacher, be careful with the information about that student. Have a conversation to get more information: this way you can avoid any crisis during a class.

2. Prepare activities where these students feel naturally included.

After knowing the characteristics of your student, with the help of the support teacher you can do Activities in the classroom where you include everyone and work in teams, so you will feel a little more in confidence, one another.


3. Approach the student

This student invariably requires special attention. Therefore, it is essential that you be close to your teacher so that you can be accompanied by him.


Also, talk to that student and try to know their interests and their advantages. The special student's welcome can come with an interesting stance and a sympathetic teacher. Autistic habits tend to be quite emphatic in their interests. That being the case, try to reconcile the comrades who worked in some way to get their attention.

4. Work on accepting the differences.

Propose in the classroom activities that address Issues such as Diversity and acceptance, and an effective weapon of Differences I fight against intolerance, and bullying and promote Socialization and Integration that make students with Special Needs, they feel more empathetic and in harmony with their classmates.


I can also invite some classmates who are more predisposed to help or with special needs to do so. This facilitates or processes the reception of that student, making his colleagues more sensitive and supportive.

5. Optimize communication with the special student.

Always use denotative the meaning of words when you want to communicate with your student. They like to understand everything or what is said with the literal meaning of words, therefore, always be objective ... and much!
For those with hearing impairments, it is also necessary to try to communicate. Although I do not master the language of signals.

6. Use of educational games and play activities



Autistic children like the feeling of play, respect and agree with their predefined rules and objectives. However, be careful not to fix the activity for a long time and lose focus on the classroom objective.

Propose activities so that they can socialize with colleagues, giving preference to the development of logical reasoning, working in the construction of effective bonds through the interaction of two or more activities.


Not only are the special children, but also the different learning rhythms that will be achieved in the classroom. It is necessary to deal with these specificities, taking them into account separately.

Sources of information

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