
Social conflict is an interesting social phenomenon studied and researched. This led to various conflict theories. The number of conflict theories requires mapping to facilitate us in recognizing and understanding the various theories of conflict that exist. Simply can be grouped into 2 things that is classic and modern. The figures of classical sociological conflict theory are as follows Polybus, Ibn Khaldun, Nicolo Machiavelli, Jean Bodin, Thomas Hobbes. The modern sociologists who argue about the theory of conflict are Karl Marx, Lewis A. Coser, Ralf Dahrendorf. Classical conflict theory tends to view the conflict in terms of human nature that tends to override and control each other, especially in terms of power. The modern conflict theory is more complex and emerges as a critique of the theory of structural functionalism.

Conflict theory is the theory that social change does not occur through the process of adjustment of values ​​that bring change, but occurs due to the conflict that produces compromises that are different from the original condition.1 This theory is based on the ownership of production advice as the main element of class separation in society. Conflict theory emerges as a reaction to the emergence of functional structural theory The most influential or basic thought of this conflict theory is the thought of Kalr Marx In the 1950s and 1960s, conflict theory began to spread. Conflict theory provides an alternative to functional structural theory.2 At that time Marx proposed a fundamental conception of class society and its struggle. Marx does not define the class at length but he shows that in society, in the 19th century in Europe where he lived, consisted of the capitalist (bourgeois) and poor working class classes as the ploretar class.

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