Algebra Shortcut Trick - how to solve equations instantly

Some children get the fright of their lives when they see a maths problem like this.

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It does look difficult but there is a simple trick that can make it very easy.

courtesy of you tube

We are going to write down exactly what we have to do.

When we have that we rewrite it in a straight line and then reverse the sum by starting from the answer to the x.

Where we see a + sign we change it to a – and do the same with all the other signs as we change them as well.

In the end when we have done it enough times we will be able to do this in our heads and will not need to write out the bottom one.

This video explain this very well, and once you know this you will never get a fright again when you see a difficult sum like that.

There are two math problems that we do in this video the second one is with a square root but please do not worry as it works exactly the same way.

It is just very important when you write at the bottom what you want to do to remember to change all the signs to the other sign.

If you do not do that your sum will not work out at all.

It is so easy that they really will make your life easier and you can then check your answer as well to make sure that it is the right answer.

 So if you are a little scared please do not be as this is so easy that anyone can do this.

I am sure this will make children very happy, and love maths so please let them watch this video.

image source

I really hope you enjoyed this as much as I did and have a wonderful day from me here at the Wild Coast. 


great mathematics! thanks for sharing

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