Today we are doing a little more explanation about algebra.

I have found that children get mixed up when it comes to decimal numbers and commas.

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I have a wonderful video in here that explain the difference very well and that is something they have to understand as it is not a whole number like in decimal number if it is in front of the comma.

We are doing graphing and that is where the difference comes in.

It is very important to understand which are negative and which positive numbers are.

In this video you will see it very clearly and this will help you a lot when we get to more difficult algebra.

It is like a window into the abstract world of maths. Graphing just explain this to us a bit better. It will not just be a lot of numbers that we do not know what to do with.

We are calling this the coordinate plane and it will help a lot.

To start off we have start with a number line where the positive numbers go to the right and the negative numbers to the left.

This is extremely important so that we do not get mixed up.

We use to number lines and turn the one to the middle of the other one so that it is perpendicular to the zero point.

We do have a number plane now but the second number line will make it much more useful. 

You can now put point onto the coordinate plane as there will be two numbers. You can put them anywhere but that will make it easier for you to understand.

We are now working on the number lines and we call them the axis.

The one is vertical and the other horizontal.

I am not going to tell you much more because these are the basics that you must understand and remember.

From here you can follow it on the video as it is very well but it was very important for you to understand why they are different negative and positive lines. 

courtesy of you tube

In order to find the point where they should come we need to draw a line and where those two cross that is the only place we can put that point according to the number given to us.

The coordinate plane is divided into 4 different blocks and is normally numbered in roman numerals when we draw a circle in the middle of this they are also drawn into 4 quadrants and we get a unit circle.

image source

This will make algebra a lot easier for you as you understand the negative and positive because we explained it in the beginning.

I really hope you understand and will make sure you do as you never will come right if you do not understand the why the negative and positive look different.

Have a wonderful day from me here at the Wild Coast.


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You video is right. It's easy to understand.

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