Greetings friends of steemit, Today I will comment on the family as a fundamental basis for the development of the values of men / women in society.


The family is the true forming nucleus of man in contemporary society. It is there where the values or the anti values that will prevail in the person in their adult life are assimilated, and this learning is acquired in different ways, being more formative the same example as the word issued. It is the way of being of adults, especially that of their parents or guardians, which teaches behaviors, attitudes and behaviors.


Family life continues to be a fundamental value, it is something that identifies us and marks us towards a future, so it is not correct to assume the responsibility of being parents, without being clear about the scope that our decisions and actions may have in the future. children.

Therefore, it is fundamental to clarify that being good parents is not being compliant with obligations, which today have become the priority of family responsibility, being a wrong position: "My son does not lack anything", " It has everything that I did not have. "

This denotes confusion about what it is to be a good father and what they really need and should give them.

It is clear to every father, at least in his speech, that they expect their children to be good people in the future, but it is worth asking: ¿What do parents understand as being good people?

We are immersed in a new society full of banalities, confused and impregnated with ambiguous terms that fill but leave gaps in the human being.

I once read a phrase that read: "Today there are more orphaned children of living parents than of dead parents." It sounds hard, but it has a great depth. If we look around we see many children surrounded by many things: amenities, the best school, privileged conditions, branded clothes and more, with a very great deprivation of time and affection, and although some psychologists have dared to affirm that important is not the amount of time but the quality in the short time granted is better, and difficult to contradict, because if you give more quantity of good quality, it adds and it will never be harmful.


Moreover many of these working parents, some by absolute necessity, and others by a simple social competence of interdependence as a couple, of non-submission, of following social standards and more, the time not given to their children, they compensate with material things , in a few words, with money. The time not granted and being at the time the children need them, they pay for it.

It is common to find children who have a lot in terms of things, but little affection, or possibly a lot of affection since it is difficult to quantify the amount of affection, but if little parental time, little time to share, to play, to caress , to contemplate or simply to make him feel good when he has a pain, when he is afraid or when he feels something is not right.

One of the main aspects where children are affected is self-esteem, in some the aggressiveness and in others even a strange mutism.


Many children of highly occupied parents spend more time with their "Nanas" or "Nanny", and possibly they are very affectionate, some, as cases have seen that some nannies provide some medicines to children to have them asleep, others hit them , others keep them scared, among others, but well, not all do that, besides that is not the point. These children who spend more time with their Nanas are receiving the training principles from them, that is, the culture of the Nanny or Nanny is the one that prevails in the formation of the child, more than that of their own parents as they share little time with them. From their parents they receive what they see: giving is more important than time; a distancing from father and son that easily leads them to detachment; inclusively, acts that indicate to them that there are more priority things than a kiss, a caress or accompanying a loved one, such as: A business appointment, a business trip, a meeting with neighbors, a night job; and in general the attitudes, the absent behavior of the parents, their unbalanced and untimely responses, and many other actions and words, become for them principles that shape their values.

Now, ¿what do the parents understand by making our children good people? ¿What do we expect our children to be in a morning?

Every father wants the best for his children, but ¿what is the best?

In order to guide the children to be the best, it is the father who has to be the best, because they learn by example, they copy what their parents are.

If the parents are framed in those false understandings of modern exitology, which indicate that a successful person is the one who has a lot of money, lives comfortable, has power, has a good position and has a number of social symbols that differentiate him from the popular classes, are poorly focused, and that many parents do, without saying that it is not important, but there are things that should prevail in being as: Be decent, honest, honest, cheerful, supportive, kind, straight, fair and have a series of values that make that person tomorrow behave well, not involved in criminal, immoral, disloyal, corrupt and that other series of anti values that some applaud and manifest, such phrases as that is I live, that to adopt them is to be realistic, it is to know how to live, among others.

Some parents who mourn their children and ask themselves: Where did you come from with these tricks? It is unfortunate that he would not have thought about it at the time he taught them, believing that it was not important: When the boy comes home beaten, he says "Do not let anyone else", instead of telling him not to follow the game. lawsuit; When he receives a greater change than he should be and says "I did not steal from him, he made a mistake, he should be careful next time", instead of saying I can not take advantage of one mistake of the other; or when they asked for a commission or a bribe to make a business and manifested in front of their children "This is the life of business", instead of saying, ethics is not negotiated; and like those, many others.


The family is the true formative nucleus, the family is responsible for what the children will be before the world of tomorrow, and within the family the righteous men will be educated who will serve their fellow human beings, the Fatherland and God, or those who will be doing the future damage, and the fault is of the parents.

To say that friends are the easiest way out, because if a child has solid values, due to negative opportunities that arise in life, he will decide the right thing, if the formation in values was weak, confusing, and even more oriented to the anti-values, the negative influence will easily seduce you.

Alcoholism, delinquency and other social behaviors that lead people to get sick or to deteriorate themselves or their peers may have a focus on the lack of basic family attention, a lack of values formation, an absence of good examples, accompanied by rules and discipline.

Many men are being condemned, without anyone judging those who were their formators and why not, guilty, those parents who omitted the responsibility to do what a father who was raised with ethics and values should do.


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