Productivity combined in satisfaction through the work environment and its conditions.

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)
The generational progress of work (laboriously speaking) provides human beings with the means to satisfy most of their needs, among which are economic, social, professional and personal, because a person satisfied with their work translates into a driving element of organizational progress. Although today, there are organizations that do not take into account the needs of their employees, which causes the worker not to exploit their skills by not feeling motivated or satisfied with working conditions.

With this article, I do not intend to confuse the reader in relation to the aspects that a company requires to achieve the highest productivity in the organization, it is sometimes easy to assume as equal to motivation and job satisfaction. Although they have a close relationship, they are not considered the same, since an employee could be satisfied in his work environment to fulfill his activities, but not be motivated to overcome organizational objectives. Also, some authors give the same treatment to different terms such as what happens between satisfaction with work and employee morale.

Job satisfaction is associated with a set of attitudes towards work. It is considered a psychological disposition of the subject towards his work responsibilities (what he thinks of that), which supposes a group of attitudes and feelings. Then, the satisfaction or dissatisfaction with work depends on factors such as the physical environment where he works, the fact that the boss calls him by his name and treats him well, the sense of achievement or realization that the job provides, the possibility of applying their knowledge, that employment allows them to develop new knowledge and assume challenges, etc.

Interpersonal relationships in the work environment have experienced a boom in the terms and conceptualization regarding the management of its structure, management of material and financial resources, as well as in the orientation policies for the realization of its strategic planning. In this sense, within the new business vision, a series of systems have been implemented to control and direct the performance of personnel.

Interpersonal relationships in the work environment have experienced a boom in the terms and conceptualization regarding the management of its structure, management of material and financial resources, as well as in the orientation policies for the realization of its strategic planning. In this sense, within the new business vision, a series of systems have been implemented to control and direct the performance of personnel.

The existing relationships within the company are marked as a variable of the organizational climate to ensure not only the efficiency of the chosen person, but also their potential for identification and loyalty to the organization, as well as defining the compatibility of values, culture and ideas. It is proven that when there are strong discrepancies between the culture and organizational climate with the person, there may be a low performance in the worker or feel frustration both negative results, do not forget that compatibility between job and person is sought, as well as the fulfillment of personal goals of the employee and those of the organization.

An organization marches towards success, to the extent that the wellbeing and development of its workers is optimal, therefore the new business leadership is generating the conditions that allow the work to be executed in terms of communicational exchange, work motivation, relationships interpersonal, organizational and human framed in the achievement of a common good, respect for criteria and diversity of characters.

In this sense, the conceptualization referring to human relations, understood in 2014 by Borges, W., is defined as:
The set of actions that configure and condition an individual's way of acting with their peers, within a defined environment in which they can interrelate, in order to obtain compliance with common objectives. (p.71).
This new model seeks to define the aspects that influence the behavior of people in the face of common situations and in a shared environment or scenario.

Experimentation within this field has yielded positive results, since companies have managed to establish clear strategies within the work environment, in the simplification of the use of communication channels for example, they have noticed that workers improve in the aspect of relationships with superiors, in the streamlining of the search for solutions to common problems and in the attitude of these in front of their co-workers, increasing work performance, by making the process more fluid within the work environment.
On the other hand Mendoza, G. (1995) establishes that: Environment is a term that originates in the Latin ambĭens, which means, that surrounds. This notion refers to the environment that surrounds living beings, conditioning their vital circumstances. The environment, therefore, is made up of diverse conditions, both physical and social, cultural and economic (p.149).
Now, when talking about the work environment, one can describe the following notions associated with the conditions that are experienced within the work environment.
The work environment, on the other hand, is based on the space where the effort made by people is given. It is about the productive activity that a subject carries out and that is remunerated by means of a salary (which is the price of labor within the labor market). (Link)

Few topics have attracted as much interest from students of organizational behavior as the relationship between satisfaction and productivity in this aspect Robbins (1998) says:

Productivity is understood as the measure of how well the organization's operations or procedures system works. (p.72)

It is an indicator of the efficiency and competitiveness of the organization or part of it, these analyzes did not find a consistent relationship. However, it allows to analyze the contented worker's thesis based on superficial illusions, unlike the cases of the contented worker based on solid evidence.

Another point of interest for the topic of satisfaction-productivity is according to Robbins S. (1998), "the direction of causality" Most of the studies of the relationship were based on designs that could not demonstrate cause and effect. The studies that have controlled this possibility indicate that the most valid conclusion is that productivity leads to satisfaction and not vice versa.

If you do a good job, you will get an intrinsic sense of well-being. In addition, in the event that the organization rewards productivity, the person with high productivity will get more verbal recognition, as well as higher salary and probability of promotion. In turn, these rewards increase the degree of job satisfaction.

In contrast to the previous statements, Pinilla (1982) raises a very important relationship between job satisfaction and productivity, he says:
Satisfaction is understood as the general attitude we adopt towards our work, when we have been able to resolve our basic needs and we are aware of this, in this sense, workers need to be respected and treated with dignity. They need to earn enough to live decently, to feed themselves, to dress and have recreation, but not only the individual, but also their family. They need to be given healthy working conditions, to be provided with social benefits for the solution of problems that are presented to them in their homes (p.321).

Another important aspect that influences productivity in relation to satisfaction is the expectation. This is expressed by the psychologist Victor H. Vroom, in his theory of expectations, which states that a person tends to act in a certain way based on the expectation that after the fact, an attractive result for the individual will be presented.
This theory includes three elements or variables:
  1. Expectation: It is the link between effort and performance and refers to the probability perceived by the individual that his effort will allow him to reach a desired level of performance
  2. Strength: The link between performance and reward, the degree to which the individual believes that performing at a particular level, is the means to achieve the desired result.
  3. Valencia: It is how attractive the reward can be, the importance that the individual gives to the result or potential reward that can be achieved at work.
As I started this article, I mention the generational progress of work, speaking in terms of work of course. This advance demands ever more increasing responsibilities that employees must face, therefore they need to constantly learn to work better and exercise their skills. For this, fair and equitable treatment is necessary, avoiding circumstances such as favoritism, tricks in the determination of payments, salaries and compensations, it should be considered rewarding effort and merit.

All the above mentioned aspects will overflow the feelings of satisfaction and conscience, obtaining an employee with psychological freedom given to the fulfillment of the objectives of improvement in their own work.

However, the attitude of satisfaction achieved, is a necessary condition to truly achieve in the organization, the productivity required through the human effort of work. Since it is a fact, that an adequate work is not achieved while the employee has the constant concerns of; how to cover debts to meet their needs, mistreatment by the boss or lack of recognition. Otherwise, when the worker feels his needs are adequately addressed, he behaves calmly, works better and is more cooperative.

When the employee knows that things are going well at home and at work, that he is making progress and that his own efforts depend on his growth, he persists with determination and encouragement, improves the quantity and quality of his performance at work and Of course this leads to a better result of their work in the organization, which logically leads to a more comfortable fulfillment of the organizational goals

When at work, the group of people who share the tasks are understood, communicated, respected, work in harmony and cooperation, they are able to clearly perceive the benefit of these conditions, as the environment becomes pleasant and stimulating. A good working atmosphere is essential to achieve the maximum performance both individually and collectively of a human work group, it is there where the harmony that satisfies linked to productivity is focused.

Thanks to @steemiteducation for supporting educational content

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