My son watches a lot of television

The child spends more and more time of the day of the television, it becomes hours, and it is so comfortable that it is calm and silent ... But, will it be bad? Can it have harmful effects? Although television seems to be an ideal distraction, parents hesitate and begin to worry about the reason.


Within the life of children, television occupies a large part of their free time, from 3 to 5 hours. A preschooler can spend a third of the time awake before him, watching any type of program (whether appropriate or not) and late into the night. And during all that time the child remains motionless, passive and silent, does not do more than look, does not talk and does not move, does not imagine, does not believe, does not read, does not play, is not related .. It is enough that you notice your child and you realize this reality.

Television is a unidirectional medium, which sends messages without the possibility of replication, has a decisive effect on viewers or couch potatoes, and being more susceptible to these messages is the child, because it has a lower capacity for criticism and takes it for granted. Well, how much is on television (as long as he understands it fairly), is eager to know and often easily incorporates into his personality everything he sees or is told.

This decisive effect of television will depend on how the child sees it, if by his side is his father or mother who explains everything he does not understand with logic and clarity, he will learn to reason and value what he has seen; it has been shown that, of the children who saw the famous "Sesame Street", those who knew the numbers were those who had seen the program with their parents or with some older person.


Another harmful effect of television is the deterioration of family communication. "Shut up, I do not hear anything", "There is no longer a word" ... they are almost permanent phrases as soon as the movie or any other program begins. The family dialogue has been replaced by television and there are relatives who do not know each other.

A child is no smarter or more foolish to watch much or less television, but this influences the development of his intellectual capacity. The effects on the language of the child "couch potato" are clear: there is less fluency in verbal expression and is delayed in reading and writing. Television takes everything for granted, the sequences happen quickly, without the spectator participating, the child does not have to invent or imagine anything, he also plays less, so his fantasies and creativity are almost nil. Even his ability to reason and make value judgments in the world around him is altered, the child is "too lazy to think", loses the agility and ease to do so and the most normal thing is to avoid it.

From the outset and from what we have seen, television is presented as harmful to the child's intellectual and emotional development. However, it is there and can not be avoided. It has been shown that children who do not have a television in their home feel like they are displaced from their classmates (and really are); everyone watches television, comments on it and incorporates it into their lives; he is a stranger in that world that everyone else shares. So the solution is not to eliminate the television from home, but to select what and how the television looks and this is an indisputable task of the parents. No one imposes watching television, everyone freely choosing what to do with it, the ideal would be:


  • Do not send the child to watch television to get rid of him, so that he is quiet, calm and without bothering.
  • Help you select the programs, those that are more in accordance with your age. Make the time you spend not excessive.
  • Watch television with him and explain everything he does not understand.
  • Although you watch television, you have to promote other activities, such as reading, playing, talking ... what is clear is that if parents spend hours in front of the television, they can not expect their children to not do it.



Very good publication, suggestion for parents, that allow their children to watch television, simply because they are silent and do not bother them, and do not see the damage they cause, when they spend many hours watching something that does not teach anything. Thanks for sharing

Everything that is applied in excess and without control is not good. Therefore, for some beings that begin their learning in life, television should be controlled, that is why parents should control the programs observed by their children, they should also constantly guide them.
Good post!

Not to mention screen time on tablets and mobile phones! While I cannot deny that my son has learnt a lot from TV, I still think playing outdoors has so much more to offer.

I think your publication is very good, and I agree with you that it is not good for children to watch a lot of television, especially in these times when so much violence and sex is exposed through it. Always and thought that as parents we have to be aware and as you say to explain to the children what they see. We can not let a child choose only what he wants to see, it is essential to supervise parents in television programs. Thanks for posting your tips, they helped me reflect and analyze this. regards!!

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