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RE: What is it like meeting a Steemit friend in the physical world?

in #steemitmeetup6 years ago

Was there ever any doubt that the meeting of two beings on similar frequencies would amount to anything less than a spectacular explosion of awesomeness ? lolz

Yes we were time pressed but managed to stretch a 15-20 minute window into an hour of amazing constant flowing conversation spanning the many wonders of the universe. from philosophical and psychological constructs to life experiences from the cradle to present, no holds bared conversation ensued in an epic melding of woke minds :)

Actual footage of our mind melding taking place, jks

Yes will definitely have to have more sessions and discussions with the influence of the infinite universe and gods to guide our journeys.

It was definitely a great experience meeting up with you mate and it was just how these thing are supposed to go.... genuine, authentic, congruent interaction with like minded people from your spiritual tribe.

Thank you for even considering to suggest we meet up with your life being as busy as it has been with your move happening. It is much appreciated and a great experience to have you be the very 1st steemian I got to meet in real life. Hopefully my phone wont be crapping out next time of i can get some pics too. Oh and definitely worth recording our dive into the depths of our minds as well, maybe even a jam session as well ;)

Much love @nathankaye and sending all the positive vibes of the universe in your direction.


Haha! Alex Grey’s art has been my favourite since 1998! Perfect that you chose that as the mind meeging pic!
True. There was no doubt at all, which is why it was a no brainer for me to throw a line to you to connect amidst this moving madness. Super glad I did.
Chats and jams a must next time bruthaman!
Blessings and love-light vibes to ya!

Yah, Alex Grey is da shiznit. Done, chats and jamz on da roster, lolz. much love mang :)

I have a great story (wel, several actually) about a particular Alex grey painting that kept physically coming into my life.
There’s really nothing quite like seeing a painting of his in the real world right in front of you (especially when on shrooms surrounded by beautiful beings).
Maybe I will make a specific post about it.
Yeah, it would be way too long of a comment.
Big love bro

Sounds like you could do a series of stories about it, when it comes to these synchronicities its all in the details :) I would say it is hauntingly beautiful when you are able to see what inspires the paintings and make that connection across the universe, would be even more incredible to have it before you physically too :) Yeah i have a documentary on Alex Grey i have seen numerous times, may have to have another screening soon.

I've met, chatted with, photographed and filmed Alex Grey many times. True Story.

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