Tomorrow will be worse (day 69)


By the time you read these words
Someone dies
And his last wish is
That someone finds him
And buries his body.

By the time I write these lines
I'm estimating hundreds of deaths,
Just today,
Somewhere else in the world,
Where the killers celebrate —
While the killers celebrate.

And by the time we feel this pain,
agree that this is insane,
And wish we could make it stop,
It gets even worse,
Where others are forced to leave
And then suffer racism
In their exile.

Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan said on Monday that the death toll in the Gaza protests "doesn't indicate anything – just as the number of Nazis who died in the world war doesn't make Nazism something you can explain or understand. There is one truth." He said Israel doesn’t seek bloodshed and placed the blame on Hamas leadership and its "cynical and malicious use of bloodshed."( Jonathan Lis )

From Jerusalem Embassy and Gaza Protests: 55 Palestinians Killed by Israeli Gunfire at Border
Please read Haaretz's article if you have time for real world.

Did this note have to be here? Yes because it came here first.


@hazem91 it's so horrible that people kill each other in war. I will NEVER understand it. I think God looks down on us and just shakes is head in disgust.

Thanks for sharing my man

And yet it's the most profitable business ever :(

It's a great and meaningful poem! Thanks for writing about this subject! It's something we should all concentrate on but the rabbithole, it's so deep..

Thank you once again!

I agree, there are too many angles to see it from and one can't form an opinion without going throught them. At leas if he wants to be fair. But in many cases, your opinion in this subject is part of your personality, it defines you (in my country for example).

hopefully end with peace

Thank you for being brave enough to write this. 😎

Somebody's gotta do it 😉

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