@reseller Director of Social Media

The Director of Social Media is responsible for maintaining and expanding the Official Steem Monsters brand off-chain through traditional sites like Twitter, Instagram and other Social Media hot spots. Reaching out and building awareness through Contests, Support and Daily Community outreach to bring more players and collectors into the fold.

Chris (@reseller) has over 10+ years of Virtual Trading Card Social Media Community experience has worked with SOE (Sony Online Entertainment) on such games as Eye of Judgment (2007) and Free Realms (2009). Also a collector of trading cards since 1986, has played such games as Magic the Gathering, Star Wars TCG and dozens more. He brings a wealth of Collector, Game Meta and Economic experience to the job title of Direct of Social Media.

The Steem Monsters team is very excited to grow by this great addition and we’re looking forward to growing this community with Chris’s professional experience and boundless hussle! Congratulations and looking forward to bringing more players into the game and more users into the Steem ecosystem!


¡Excelente! Estoy a la espera de nuevas actualizaciones, sin duda tu adición pinta muy bien @reseller. Bienvenido.

Hello and Thank you!

Excellent.... I am on Twitter with 10,000 followers.... will share all my @Steemmonsters posts there also.

woah. Tha'ts awesome! Send me some pics of that in DMs on Discord and I'll toss you some packs.

Posted in Discord Group. .... how do I DM you there ? I posted in #showcase-your-cards on Discord

Tweeted to my 9,900 Followers.... http://www.Twitter.com/offgrid


A tweeted a few....


I created a Steemmonsters Group on Facebook.... for collectors to join and chat. We can get some old media people from there....


That is very kind of you, I'd take @steemmonsters up on their offer!

I did..... ... how do they send me packs. Chris what is your Twitter username. I will Follow you there an Retweet.

What in the what, awesome job man! Congrats on this position! Well earned. Get SteemMonsters on OpenBazaar now ;)

Excellent choice! I'm extremely confident in his abilities. I'm all over social media and wherever I turn, there he is! Yup, that's you're guy!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Congrats @reseller

You are too kind, I appreciate the shout out!

Thanks NEO! WOOT! Great to see you here.

Logged into Matrix ;-)

Congrats @reseller! Can't think of a better guy for the job! You're the man!

(( HUGS )) I thank you for the kind words my man! I'll see you on the battle field!

Perfect guy for the job :)

You're too kind #onelove !!!

Experience is great!!

Its been a long journey, glad I can dust off those boots!

Congrats friend those are the things that one deserves!!!

Can't wait to work on some stuff down the road! Thank you for the comment!

I'm already addicted and it's the first card game I've ever taken interest in. Perhaps because it is on the steem blockchain. I'm glad someone with the experience like @reseller is working on this. I'd love to see it grow!!!

Hey Thank you for the kind words! Im super excited to be here!

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